View Full Version : Hates baths but loves water?

06-12-2007, 02:09 PM
I have a Border Collie mix. When we got out on walks, if there is anything resembling something she can swim in, she's there! Why is it then that when it's bathtime, she looks like she is going to her execution! Head down, tail down, ooohhh sooo reluctantly comes into the bathroom. Looks completely sorrowful the whole time even though she's getting a great all-over body scratch. After I towel dry her off and I tell her how pretty she looks, THEN she's all smiles and looking, "well of course I am. I just had a bath!"

It's pretty funny. Do a lot of dogs do this? I'm a first time dog owner. I included a couple pictures of my sweetie. The squirrels drive her crazy!

Mickey's mom - Nancy

06-12-2007, 03:44 PM

did you have a look at the temperature? Maybe that is a reason.
Or you could let her swim in the tub? Or you could play some games with her in the bathroom. Make having a bath fun for her, give her something she likes.

Wish you all the best for your swimming venus :)


06-12-2007, 05:30 PM
A lot of my dogs that I use to have would love swimming in a pool or a creek, but they didn't like for me to just directly spray them with the water hose or give them a bath, they just rathered to it themselves...I think lots of dogs are pretty much like that!

06-12-2007, 05:37 PM
Max is the complete opposite! He loves his baths but hates swimming etc! Maybe the water is too cold, Max resents anything below luke-warm (yes, he is a pre-madonna!) Just make the bath-times fun and food-filled (lol, thats how we go max to stay the first time!)

06-12-2007, 07:51 PM
Thanks for the input. I keep the temp just slightly above luke warm. And it might be something with the sprayer now that it was mentioned. She hates anything has water coming out of it like the hose or a spray bottle. I try not to get water in her eyes or ears and keep the sprayer close to her body so it's not all over the place, but who knows. She's always get a treat afterwards too. I may try a game of some kinds too.

Also, has anybody had cataracts moved from their dogs eyes? Mickey is starting to get them. The vet said she wouldn't be able to focus but she could see better. Anyone have experience with this?


06-12-2007, 07:56 PM
a lot of dogs don't care for baths but LOVE playing in the water but once they get used you to bathing them and you do it in a positive manner, the more they make like being bathed. :) btw your pup is gorgeous! :D

06-12-2007, 08:02 PM
Zoee is the same way. She loves to swim but hates baths. But after a bath she runs around the house like a crazy dog!! :D
But the morning she got skunked she jumped into the bathtub all by herself, I think she knew I was going to help her get the smell off. (of course the smell didn't come right off, but she knew I was doing what was best for her)

As for the cataracts, sorry, I do not have experience with this.
Mickey is beautiful, how old is she?

06-12-2007, 09:11 PM
I'll post in Dog Health about the cataracts.

And Mickey is 10 or 11. I got her from a wonderful place here in Washington close to where I live called Old Dog Haven. They try to find homes for older dogs. Mick's previous owner wasn't sure if she was 8 or 9 when I got her.

Old Dog Haven is run by this couple who have been doing this for a number or years. They've been written up in the newspaper and have been on the news which is great. I knew I didn't want a puppy, as wonderful as they are, when I wanted to get a dog and this place was perfect answer. I have two cats as well and they all get along just fine.

Mick may be older but she is as full of energy as a 3 year old. Other than the cataracts and a bit or arthritis in her right front leg now and then, she's as frisky as a pup.

06-12-2007, 09:43 PM
he is that old? he sure doesn't look it! :D

06-12-2007, 10:47 PM
No, she doesn't look that old at all. That's why I was asking her age. I thought she was awful young to have cataracts.
I just love her color. :D

06-13-2007, 01:43 PM
Yeah, she looks great. One thing though, the description I got of her from her previous owner said she was a golden retriever/husky/something else mix and weighed 70 to 80 lbs.

When I went to pick her up, I realized he was a bit off on her heritage and weight. He may have not been exact on her age too. Didn't matter of course, because I was in love w/her before I even saw her.

06-13-2007, 04:26 PM
Mickey looks like a cutie. :) I have never been lucky enough to have
a dog who loved getting a bath. I think most dogs are like that. :)

06-13-2007, 05:35 PM
my dog Lad dose the same thing lol i guess its beacuse its not a really lake pond or what ever dogs like to swim in lol

06-13-2007, 06:35 PM
My dogs are the same way!!. My Lab doesn't care so much about weather or not shes bathed.. But my Husky absolutly HATES to be bathed, she Screams bloody murder everytime. (hence why I rarely bathe her, she puts up such a fuss). My Pittbull loves to play in the lake, but acts terrified when I put her in the tub.. I think its because of the location. I'm pretty sure Daisy is only affriad of sitting in the tub, and not so much of the water.

06-13-2007, 06:36 PM
Or maybe its because she thinks she is getting punished.. Do you guys ever spray her with the hose, or a squirt bottle if she is being bad? Barking or whatever??

06-14-2007, 02:05 PM
I've never sprayed her with the hose or spray bottle or anything like that. She also hates the hair dryer but will come out and bark at the mower or weed whacker. I'm going to try giving her treats before and during the bath process as she always gets one after. What's kind of funny about it, is once she's out of the tub and been towel dried, she's bouncing and smiling like we're going to the park.

Go figure. ;)

06-15-2007, 08:48 AM
Both of my dogs (a golden retriever and an english cocker spaniel) do this (though the cocker may be copying the golden as she does with most things). Temperature doesn't really matter--they rush into the ocean (northwest, very cold), lakes, streams, but HATE getting their bath. The golden will break through the ice on lakes or streams and lay in the water...

Of course, the cocker also, although she WILL BE IN any body of water, large or small, in the vicinity, hates to go outside to potty if it is even sprinkling (which is a bit of a problem as it rains alot here...).

I think part of it is they don't like getting water in their faces. Or, they just like being in control...

Jake's mom

06-15-2007, 03:29 PM
I think that is one of the funniest thiongs i've read on here. O and by the way my dog does it all the time always has and always will. :p

09-22-2007, 08:19 PM
My dogs have to be dragged to the tub, but they love the kiddy pool outback so I moved it to the closet post filled it up and attached the lead.. they run to it and enjoy every minute of a bath :).
My sisters dog live in the stand up shower, everytime she goes to the restroom their laying inside.. bath time is real ez for her.