View Full Version : Peach

06-12-2007, 01:19 PM
Peach will be gone two weeks tomorrow - I'm still hoping he comes back though. Last night I went out again looking for him, but no luck.. There are several stray cats in my neighborhood, so maybe he is out wandering around with one of them. Last week when I was out looking the one night, I seen a big orange & white cat that was one I had never seen before - so I thought maybe Peach & him or her had became friends.
Thanks for all the replies. I posted him on Tabby Tracker and am thinking about offering a reward. I'm surprised that no one seems to have seen him though - as I said though, there are so many stray cats that no one seems to really notice them or pay attention to color, etc. Last night, my next door neighbor said that maybe someone has him and has decided to make him theirs. That is so mean, but I'm sure it happens.
I gave away one more of the kittens yesterday - my niece took the last orange one. Her kids love it & I'm sure it's going to have an excellent home (and she will be spoiled).

06-12-2007, 01:26 PM
You called the vets and shelters, right?

Still praying for Peach!

If Peach is friendly, maybe he did get adopted...the storms may have scared him and he ran onto someone else's porch.


06-12-2007, 01:32 PM
I haven't called the vets - will do that though. Thanks.

06-12-2007, 01:35 PM
AND the Humane Society, and Animal Control at the town office.

06-12-2007, 05:36 PM
The Pet Angel Search And Rescue Squads On The Job And Hopes That They Can Find Peach Where Ever He Is And Send Him Home.
I Know The Feeling , Its The Worst Feeling In The World When You Dont Know Where Your Companion Is Whether Hes Safe Or In A Bad Situation.
We Pray That Peach Comes Home Soon.

06-12-2007, 06:00 PM
Oh my, still sending out prayers for Peach to find his way back home.

06-12-2007, 07:31 PM
I forgot to mention in your earlier thread that you can also post lost pets on Petfinder.com.

Here are prayers that Peach comes home safely.