View Full Version : Sheena's 6th Week of pregnancy ( pics added)

06-12-2007, 08:48 AM
Well Sheena is starting week sick today. The time sure is flying. Wish my pregnancy went as fast as this. lol. Here is what is said happens this week:


Week Six (Days 36-42)
Development of skin pigment
Fetuses should weigh around 6 grams and be 45 mm long
Fetal heartbeats can be heard with stethoscope

Nipples darken and enlarge
Abdomen continues to enlarge

Add cottage cheese or hard boiled egg to food daily
Increase the amount of food in the extra meal
Bitch should start sleeping in whelping box

Assemble whelping box
By this time you should be fairly sure that the bitch is pregnant. Notify the people on your puppy list. Let them know when you expect delivery.

The past week Sheena has been doing wonderfully. She is now much bigger. Her sides sway as she walks or attemps to jog. lol She is eating more and drinking more. She is Very cuddly. She also loves her whelping box already and will go in there to eat, drink, sleep and chew on toys and so on. Sheena will be starting to have a lunch today now. So basically she is now on 3 meals.

The whelping box is almost done. We just have to add the door, pig rails and lino to it. We are putting lino down on the floor and part way up the sides to make it easier to clean. Luca has already been trained to stay out of it. He likes to stand beside it resting his chin on it as he gazes at Sheena doing what ever she is doing. The cats are also learning to stay out of it as well.

That is it for now. I will be taking pics of her later this morning in front of the whelping box so you can see how much bigger she has gotten. So far all is going great and we are counting the days till the x-ray.
Nicole & Sheena (moms to be)

06-12-2007, 11:24 AM
OK here are the picks. Just so you can recall here is Sheena last week on Tuesday:


She still had a bit of a waist and a tuck up at that point. Here she is today. Just took them 5 minutes ago:


Her waist is officially gone. But she still has her smile. :D

Here are the pics of her almost completed whelping box. We still have the divider to add, the door, pig rails and the lino. But that won't take long to do.





I had to add that last one. LOL she looks embarassed to be photographed without a bath first. lol That is why her coat looks like it has a cream has too it instead of her usually white coat.

As you can see the box is HUGE. She has tons of room. So what do you all think?
Nicole & Sheena (moms to be)

critter crazy
06-12-2007, 11:29 AM
I think Sheena and the Whelping box look fabulous!!!! this is just so exciting!!:D

06-12-2007, 11:31 AM
She looks wonderful!The whelping box is fabulous! I look forward to seeing her pups! :)
Just out of curiousity,do you have any pictures of the father of her pups?

06-12-2007, 11:38 AM
Critter Crazy - Thanks so much.

Sammy101 - Yup. Here is a link to a picture of him;


If you click the link under his picture you will see the page I made up for him.
Nicole & Sheena (moms to be)

06-12-2007, 12:24 PM
He's gorgeous! I'm sure they will have beautiful pups :)

06-12-2007, 01:54 PM
Can I have one of the puppies? :p Kidding, of course.

Sheena is beautiful.

06-12-2007, 02:36 PM
Can I have one of the puppies? :p Kidding, of course.

Sheena is beautiful.

then youŽll have to add and extra white one ainŽt you?? ;)........what are two more?? :p

06-12-2007, 02:55 PM
That is a very nice whelping box! Sheena is gorgeous, she reminds me so much of Mandy.

06-12-2007, 02:59 PM
I haven't been around much so excuse me for not knowing that Sheena is pregnant:o
That is a wonderful whelping box you've made for her.
She is a beautiful dog and I'm looking forward to seeing her puppies:)

06-12-2007, 03:37 PM
That's a nice box for her. Can't wait to see the puppies. :D

06-12-2007, 03:37 PM
Sheena is gorgeous as always! :D And that box is really amazing! :eek: You did such a great job. :D

06-12-2007, 03:49 PM
Ryder is a movie star! How neat is that! Nicole - will the pups be white, since their dad and mom are both white? One thing I know for sure and certain - I'll have fun seeing photos of them! I like the third picture from the top where she is looking at us over the wall. (Hi, Sheena! I see you!) And I like the very last photo where she has the tip of her nose slipped underneath her paw, like "I'm not going to look at you just now." She definitely has not lost her smile. Have a smooth pregnancy, Sheena -- and I will be happy to look at puppy pictures whenever the occasion arises. *pet* for mom-to-be Sheena

06-12-2007, 05:53 PM
Thanks so much everyone.

cassiesmom - Yup Ryder has been in a movie. And yes all the pups will be white since both parents are white.
Nicole & Sheena (moms to be)