View Full Version : My mom's car; Update Post 11, :(

06-11-2007, 11:21 AM
So we went looking at this used car dealership yesterday and saw several things we liked. My mom had already been pre-approved here back in March. Today we went in and they called banks and all of that stuff, but we had to leave early before they found anything out.

My mom just called the Car place and all they need is a copy of our utility bill and a check stub, so..


We looked at several things, but my mom and I both had a favorite that we both surprisingly agreed on.. Hopefully it's on our list of choices.

It's a Silver 2005 Pontiac Vibe. It was amazing and I was hugging it :p.

Wish us luck, we'll be officially getting a car tomorrow! No idea what though!

06-11-2007, 12:01 PM
ooo a vibe! Those cars are very nice:) I hope that you guys can get it, I know you'd probably love it alot:D Keep us updated on what car you get!

06-11-2007, 12:53 PM
thanks! I'll post pics of whatever we get but I really want the Vibe. My mom loves it, I love it. And it's the perfect size for us. Hopefully it's in our budget range.

06-11-2007, 01:31 PM
Awe that's awesome Bri! That's great you two are getting a new car!

06-11-2007, 02:13 PM
Vibes are awsome cars. I hope you can get it! I LOVE my new Cobalt. It's my new toy with 1731 miles!

06-11-2007, 02:16 PM
congrats. Vibes are fantastic. We have a blue one and we love it. It is such a useful vehicle. We can get both the dogs in there easily and they have room.... all hubby's goalie gear and a cooler full of beer fits in ther and there is still room. it's just awesome.

06-11-2007, 06:37 PM
That's great b/c now your mom won't have an excuse that she can't take your animals to the vet/clinic that PT people are helping you out with!!!!

06-11-2007, 07:08 PM
Aw thats great Bri! Congrats!!

06-12-2007, 09:14 AM
Any news??!!

I really hope your mom can get that car :D

06-12-2007, 09:44 AM
I'm trying to convince my hubby to buy one of those. Especially since all he has is a Sunfire. (not very practical with a little one on the way.) They are really nice cars and handle really nice.

06-12-2007, 11:17 AM

We found a car, it's a Toyota Matrix, we love it, but there's some financial problems and problems with the bank.. so..

We might not be getting a car after all.


06-12-2007, 11:27 AM

We found a car, it's a Toyota Matrix, we love it, but there's some financial problems and problems with the bank.. so..

We might not be getting a car after all.


Oh no! Keeping my fingers crossed!!

06-12-2007, 11:38 AM
Oh no...would your granpa help??? Could he at least drive Gizzie to the clinic?

And this is awful, your mom is losing time at work.


06-12-2007, 11:54 AM
I guess I forgot to mention my mom is using my grandpa's car for now, so we have transportation.

My grandpa even offered to write a $500 check for the car down payment but my mom said no because it would leave my grandpa short.

So, she just called the car place. They're working with this other place to try and get us into this car. They're doing pretty much everything possible in their power, so maybe there's still a little bit of hope!

06-12-2007, 12:00 PM
They sound like really good people at the dealership! Great to know there are good people out there!

Did you get Logan's PM just now?

Prayers going your way!

06-12-2007, 12:04 PM
You guys need a break, Bri. I'm sorry there is so much going on right now. We have an extra car sitting in our driveway, but of course, it doesn't help you and your mom.

Please keep in touch with me by PM so I'll know when to call Northridge.


06-12-2007, 12:06 PM
Yup, got Logan's PM.

And thanks :).

I really hope we get this car. The dealership is really trying. I'll find a picture on google..


like that, except it's red :).

06-12-2007, 12:27 PM
Awww I'm sorry you couldn't get the vibe Bri. I know how much you wanted it. Prayers are on the way that you can get the new one. It looks really pretty!

06-12-2007, 01:00 PM
I know State Farm is also in the USA. I did my financing for my car through State Farm. I bought a 6500.00 car (that was the total cost after taxes & stuff).. I pay 169.00/month to pay them back.. its a 4 year plan.

Get your mom to call them & see if its in the usa too

06-12-2007, 01:04 PM
I know State Farm is also in the USA. I did my financing for my car through State Farm. I bought a 6500.00 car (that was the total cost after taxes & stuff).. I pay 169.00/month to pay them back.. its a 4 year plan.

Get your mom to call them & see if its in the usa too
we have STATE FARM but its an insurance company - I don't think they finance cars, but I could be wrong - I really don't know. I just set up my car/house insurance with them.

06-12-2007, 01:13 PM
Our car is a lot more than $6,500 though, lol. We tried applying for a loan, didn't work. Doubt it'll work at other places too. They're working with Eastman credit union, so maybe they can do something.

06-12-2007, 01:19 PM
The Vibe and the Matrix are pretty much the same car, just a slightly different look to the body.

The Vibe is by Pontiac, but has a Toyota engine.

06-12-2007, 01:29 PM
DO they have a Corolla? They are good on gas. There is one that used to be called the Echo - new name this year - it has a hatch like the Matrix, but is smaller.

06-12-2007, 01:29 PM
we have STATE FARM but its an insurance company - I don't think they finance cars, but I could be wrong - I really don't know. I just set up my car/house insurance with them.

Our state farm is an insurance company too... I think it was something new they were getting into. I have car & life insurance with them.

I'm going through a bankruptcy (I get to sign this sat, finally!!) & most finance companies will repo the car from you right away. or just after the bankruptcy & screw you, as you cannot claim anything after you sign.. only for things that happened before your signing.

So my bankruptcy Trustee (very nice guy, everyone in the company is calm & friendly) called State Farm to tell them what was going on & what their policy was for someone who went bankrupt, but still wants the car & wants to make payments. State Farm said we'll give her till this date to get caught up & she can keep her car, as long as she doesn't miss any payments. I kept my end of the deal & I still have the car :D *hugs her car*

Thats why I thought State Farm would be a good company for them to go with.

Bri, with the average finance company I would have to pay nearly 400.00/month for my car & I'm paying 169.00/month.

I know what your mother & your family are going through, as I'm in the same kind of boat. Its really rough... I wish you & your mother the best... *hugs*

06-12-2007, 01:37 PM
Our car that just died was a Corolla, I don't think my mom would want one.. and no, they did not have any :).

Ah, so the Vibe and Pontiac are like twins?! Neat! :D

06-12-2007, 02:43 PM
Why don't you look for a less expensive car then, if you can't obtain financing on that one?

06-12-2007, 02:48 PM
Why don't you look for a less expensive car then, if you can't obtain financing on that one?
Because this is the only one that the car dealership has that is available to us.

06-12-2007, 02:53 PM
Have you guys tried other dealerships? I'm sure there is more than one. If they can't obtain financing there, there might be another place who can. I have seen places here who do their own financing themselves and claim to finance anyone, maybe you can find a place like that. I know they have them all over the country.

06-12-2007, 03:05 PM
Have you guys tried other dealerships? I'm sure there is more than one. If they can't obtain financing there, there might be another place who can. I have seen places here who do their own financing themselves and claim to finance anyone, maybe you can find a place like that. I know they have them all over the country.
Yeah, we've tried like 2 other car dealerships and both of them didn't even approve us. Soo.. we're sticking with this one. They're working really hard to get us this car.

06-12-2007, 03:09 PM
Well good luck with that. If they can't do it call around and try to find a place that does their own financing, rather than trying to go through a bank. Might have more luck there. Or find one that says "will finance anyone". they are usually less stringent there than at banks.

06-12-2007, 05:21 PM
Ah, so the Vibe and Pontiac are like twins?! Neat! :D
The Pontiac Vibe and Toyota Matrix are sorta like twins, I guess. *laughs*

06-12-2007, 05:48 PM
I'm so sorry Bri, it seems all you have lately are troubles:( Someday it will get better though. The Matrix is very very nice and they make great cars! I will pray that you and your mom will be able to finance this car, because it is needed so badly and you guys need a clean break from bad luck.

06-13-2007, 11:46 AM
Because this is the only one that the car dealership has that is available to us.

Can you please explain this. You go to a car dealership and they are only willing to offer you one car that is out of your price range? You should be able to apply for any car you want especially one that is less expensive. Or is the problem that you don't want to try out any other cars. When i went car shopping a few months ago I really wanted a Matrix but I knew it was out of my price range so instead I went for the Toyota Yaris. It's less expensive and it still has a hatchback and the rear seats fold down to make lots of room.

06-13-2007, 11:47 AM
Can you please explain this. You go to a car dealership and they are only willing to offer you one car that is out of your price range? You should be able to apply for any car you want especially one that is less expensive. Or is the problem that you don't want to try out any other cars. When i went car shopping a few months ago I really wanted a Matrix but I knew it was out of my price range so instead I went for the Toyota Yaris. It's less expensive and it still has a hatchback and the rear seats fold down to make lots of room.
I don't really know how to explain this. It's something about the car dealership losing money since we don't have a down payment. As I said, I'm still confused o n the whole thing, it was kind of technical and complicated.

06-13-2007, 11:59 AM
And that's exactly why a 14 year old shouldn't be making decisions like buying a car- I'm confused as to why all your posts say "WE" when your mom is the adult - it's her say. If she isn't capable of making decisions like that - then you need an intervention more than just with your pets. Which brings up a burning question that I know bunches of us have wondered but I'm not going there.
Good Luck - I really do hope you find a car - altho it might not be the car YOU want.

06-13-2007, 12:00 PM
It's not my decision? My mom just asks my opinion but in the end it doesn't even matter because it's her final choice.

06-13-2007, 12:00 PM
I don't really know how to explain this. It's something about the car dealership losing money since we don't have a down payment. As I said, I'm still confused o n the whole thing, it was kind of technical and complicated.

Just wanted to let you know, if that is indeed what they told you, it's a load of crap. They wouldn't lose any money on ANY car in the lot, period, or they wouldn't sell it. Car dealers and dealerships are known for saying whatever sounds good to get the result they want. I do not beleive for one minute that they are only allowing you to try to buy that one car on their lot because otherwise they lose money. That's a crock. IF that's what they said, they are lying to you. I just bought two cars so I know a lot about how they work and they play a lot of games. One place outright lied to us and we walked, didn't buy from them. The price of the car is the price of the car, they aren't giving you money off because you don't have a downpayment. Go to another dealership and try to buy a cheaper car. Those people want the sale, they will say and do whatever they can to get it. They don't care about you and your mom, it's their job to sell you a car.

We bought one car at an Enterprise Sales Lot, and then went to another lot to buy a different car a few weeks later, after calling to see if Enterprise had a car we wanted and we mentioned the car we were looking at elsewhere. The first place called us on the phone while we were in the middle of paperwork and said don't buy that car, we will buy it from them and sell it to you for cheaper..../boggle. We didn't do that, we bought it from the place that was selling it, but it just goes to show how much they can or will manipulate if needed.

Don't give up and if this place doesn't work out find a different one. Maybe you can do some research online for your mom about car places around there. I know there are places who will sell to anyone, even those with not perfect credit, the interest rates are high but any of them will be if they are leery about loaning the money from the bank. I bet your mom would appreciate the help in finding a place that might make it easier for her to find a car, if this one doesn't work out. Try for a little less expensive car and I think it will be easier. Heck I drove a 13 year old jeep for a long time and it still runs great for it's new owner. Doesn't need to be new or close to new to still be nice.

06-13-2007, 12:01 PM
Can you please explain this. You go to a car dealership and they are only willing to offer you one car that is out of your price range? You should be able to apply for any car you want especially one that is less expensive. Or is the problem that you don't want to try out any other cars. When i went car shopping a few months ago I really wanted a Matrix but I knew it was out of my price range so instead I went for the Toyota Yaris. It's less expensive and it still has a hatchback and the rear seats fold down to make lots of room.

This probably won't make any more sense and probably doesn't pertain to them but a few years ago one of my coworkers declared bankruptcy and they got their van repossessed. When they went to get another car they weren't elgible to get an older model but they were able to get a NEW car??
I am not implying that Bri and her mom have declared bankruptcy b/c I don't know and don't care and it doesn't matter at all....
This just came to my mind when she is more elgible for a NEWer car than on older model.

06-13-2007, 12:14 PM
Actually my mom did file for Bankruptcy.. and she has some major credit issues thanks to the past six months..

The car place called and said she may be eligible for a newer car, especially for the price she was going to pay on the Toyota Matrix.

Lady's Human
06-13-2007, 12:15 PM
Dealerships will frequently lease cars to people who have declared bankruptcy, as a leased vehicle is not an asset, it's essentially a long term lease.

06-13-2007, 12:16 PM
Actually my mom did file for Bankruptcy.. and she has some major credit issues thanks to the past six months..

The car place called and said she may be eligible for a newer car, especially for the price she was going to pay on the Toyota Matrix.
Please don't think I was implying that - or trying to get you to admit it - I truly wasn't.
I was just thinking of the case of my coworker.

06-13-2007, 12:24 PM
Well maybe that will work out better in the end then, whatever can get you into a car for the least amount of money for the long term. Hope it works out.

06-13-2007, 12:27 PM
This is why help was requested for smaller but vital things...like pets.

I'll leave it at that.

Good luck with the car, Bri and Rhonda. :)

06-13-2007, 01:23 PM
This probably won't make any more sense and probably doesn't pertain to them but a few years ago one of my coworkers declared bankruptcy and they got their van repossessed. When they went to get another car they weren't elgible to get an older model but they were able to get a NEW car??
I am not implying that Bri and her mom have declared bankruptcy b/c I don't know and don't care and it doesn't matter at all....
This just came to my mind when she is more elgible for a NEWer car than on older model.


With State Farm, you cannot buy a car over 6yrs old... So in 2006 I had to buy a 1999 as the oldest... luckly I found a 1999 on my last day of car shopping, before my cheque expired. So it really depends on the rules of the company

06-13-2007, 01:29 PM
I think often one qualifies for a loan to cover the costs of a new car over a used car for collateral reasons.

06-13-2007, 07:51 PM
My son has a blue Toyota and he loves it.
Yup, got Logan's PM.

And thanks :).

I really hope we get this car. The dealership is really trying. I'll find a picture on google..


like that, except it's red :).

06-15-2007, 07:37 PM

2005 Pontiac Sunfire.

I'm still not too crazy about it.. oh well. My mom let me drive it around the driveway :D.

06-15-2007, 07:40 PM
I looove Sunfire's. Congrats. :)

06-15-2007, 07:42 PM

I spent an evening driving that car around a parking lot a couple months back.. It was a manual, so I wasn't doing too well hehehe Its a nice car :) Awesome on gas :)

06-15-2007, 07:53 PM
Congrats on the car! The Pontiac Sunfire is the same as the Chevy Cavalier and I had a Cavalier for 8 years. I loved it! It's a nice little car. :D

06-15-2007, 08:13 PM
Aw, Bri - it looks to be in great shape. If your mom can just keep up on the oil changes, that will help it a lot! (They check your tires and stuff when they do the oil change - or they SHOULD :) ).

Now you just need for your dozy post-surgery kitty to wake up and come wandering out! She will soon! ;)

06-15-2007, 08:33 PM
Wow, great car Bri! I own a Sunfire GT right now and I have always loved it! It's 8 years old and has never given on any major problems at all and always pulls through, I dont' think it is ever gonna die lol.

It may not be the best thing in the world, but it sure works for years:) I"m glad you guys got a way of transportation again.

06-15-2007, 08:56 PM
Thank youu! I think the car's starting to grow on me.. it runs so silently my mom thought it had died! =x

And driving it was fun.. but it was just around the driveway.

Oh, and she has a name.

Gold Pearl


06-15-2007, 09:07 PM
Based on my conversation with your mom, it was time for something newer and more reliable. I think this car is cute! Maybe it will be yours, one day, Bri! My daughter drives my Jeep Grand Cherokee and she loves to call it "her" car. I correct her on that quite frequently, although I will admit that she drives it more than I do. I might drive it once a month at th most! I always tell her that the only reason I haven't given it to her is that I need the freedom to say I need the car when it is time to take the dogs somewhere! It is a perfect dog hauling vehicle. I try to drive my work care as much as I can. Better to put the miles on their car instead of mine!

Hope you and your mom have fun with the new wheels!


06-15-2007, 09:11 PM
Thanks :D.

I've been trying to convince my mom to make a trip to NC, so maybe I can convince her I need to have my first Pet Talk meeting with you ;).