View Full Version : The heat is unbearable!!

06-10-2007, 04:06 PM
An hour ago (10PM) is was 28 degrees Celcius in my bedroom, it's now down to 27. :rolleyes: I can't risk having the lower windows open (just a little bit on the hook), you never know what Fister might find interesting in the street during night. :eek: So I have all the top windows open and hope it'll be enough to cool my flat down a bit - but if you see me here all night, you know why.

Could you all please turn to the North East and BLOW to get the wind going! ;)

I put a wet cloth on Fister, he even kept it on for some time.

06-10-2007, 04:12 PM
I know how you feel! It's currently 94F (34C?) - 77% humidity. Not a breeze in sight. I just took a cold shower and it doesn't even feel like it after stepping outside for 10 minutes with the dogs.

Thank goodness we have air conditioning.

06-10-2007, 04:17 PM
Good grief, 34!! THAT is unbearable, especially because of the humidity. I remember how humid it was in Dominican Republic, and you're not that far from there. AC is a must - wish I had one!

06-10-2007, 04:20 PM
I would have both of your guys weather any day! Over here it is 103F (40C) but wait, this is NOTHING for our arizona weather here in phoenix. We get MUCH hotter.

06-10-2007, 04:23 PM
Over here in Gerogia it is currently 92*F. Thank goodness for the almighty Air Conditioner!

06-10-2007, 04:45 PM
We have the heat/humidity thing here in Indiana too. It would seem
unbearable to me also. Are you using electic fans at all? An AC unit would
be better. They are pretty cheap in the US.

The heat does not seem to bother the cats, but it does bother the dogs and
one of them is always laying on the air vent. :D

06-10-2007, 04:47 PM
Yup. Been unbearably hot here too. It seems each year gets hotter and hotter than the year before. We've also noticed a distinct increase in POWERFUL storms. Global warming?

I hate summer!!!

06-10-2007, 04:49 PM
I LOVE Spring! In spring, the tempreature and humidity are in complete balence, but the pollen...
Yes, an ac unit around here is pretty cheap, about $100 for a good one around here.

06-10-2007, 04:55 PM
The real good AC's you have over there, are quite expensive here, and I suppose they'd have to be installed in the whole building.

John bought a huge monstrum a few years ago, but it's in the cellar and I can't lift it on my own. It's one these that has a drawer in the bottom and you can put icewater in it and it will blow cool air out. I can also heat, has different settings.

Well, it's down to 26,5 now, with open windows, so I'm off to bed. :)

This temperature should only last a few more days.

06-10-2007, 05:03 PM
I would have both of your guys weather any day! Over here it is 103F (40C) but wait, this is NOTHING for our arizona weather here in phoenix. We get MUCH hotter.

Yeah, it may be 103 but you have like 5%-0% humidity. I'd be fine in these tempatures, but the humidity is horrible!

06-10-2007, 05:10 PM
I know it's a shocker !!!! My mate in Norway has had 30 degree temperatures the last couple of days. Here in Aust, it was 5 degrees this morning....lol

06-10-2007, 05:11 PM
Man you are sooo lucky! I think 28 degrees is such a perfect temperature! I would love to have that warmth here, for me its still only at the teens like 10 and 12 degrees.

06-10-2007, 05:34 PM
Yeah, it may be 103 but you have like 5%-0% humidity. I'd be fine in these tempatures, but the humidity is horrible!

That's also true, i hate the humidity, like especially when i was in Cali and so much humidity because of the beach as well. So that's a plus.

06-10-2007, 05:59 PM
Randi, I feel for you. So far we have had a fairly good summer and I haven't had to crank the AC on yet. I always try to hold out because when I was growing up we didn't have AC and it never bothered me, but age has a way of making that change. The first really hot day comes and I will cave.

06-10-2007, 07:22 PM
Today we had a high of 96* (35.5 C) with a heat index of 106! Plus around 70% humidity. Thank doG for Air Conditioning!

My brother and I went to a couple stores to get out of the house and we broke a sweat just walking to the doors of the places! It is so hot out there! We'd be gone for 30 minutes and the car was scorching!

Scooter's Mom
06-10-2007, 07:30 PM
I would have both of your guys weather any day! Over here it is 103F (40C) but wait, this is NOTHING for our arizona weather here in phoenix. We get MUCH hotter.

No kidding. My first summer here I was warned about the 120F heat, but until I experienced it the first time I had no idea. 120F is SO freaking hot! So I guess I'll be happy it's only 103F for right now.

I'm wishing some cooler weather your way and hoping your windows help!


06-10-2007, 08:16 PM
If your windows are in direct sun, doing the tin-foil-shiny-side-out in the window would help deflect some of the heat!

Laura's Babies
06-10-2007, 08:34 PM
It is going to be a long HOT summer! It was 102 here the other day!

06-10-2007, 09:35 PM
The real good AC's you have over there, are quite expensive here, and I suppose they'd have to be installed in the whole building.

John bought a huge monstrum a few years ago, but it's in the cellar and I can't lift it on my own. It's one these that has a drawer in the bottom and you can put icewater in it and it will blow cool air out. I can also heat, has different settings.

Well, it's down to 26,5 now, with open windows, so I'm off to bed. :)

This temperature should only last a few more days.

No, the $100 air conditioner goes into the window.

06-10-2007, 09:44 PM
We have not had much very hot weather yet, not more than a day or two at a time. If I could, I'd send some of our weather your way, Randi, though Paul LIKES really hot weather. It's 17.2% C here right now, and the high is supposed to be 21-22 C tomorrow. Just right, as far as I am concerned!

06-11-2007, 06:44 AM
Thank you, all! :) Kalei, I doubt you'd think 28C (82F) is a good temperature inside. ;) Right now, it's 29,4 in my bedroom. :eek:

I live on a corner and have 7 windows facing the street, my bedroom has 3 windows facing Southwest. I have all the blinds down, plus the curtains in the bedroom drawn. Sometimes, I think it may be better to just close all the windows.

I'll go and cool down in a big supermarket now. :D

06-11-2007, 06:50 AM
Right now it is 23°c in my bedroom and that is with the air conditioner going. Hubby decided that Vixen needed one. He said she is a canadian cat and is not used to the hot weather here in Italy. You think he is a cat guy? I was begging him last summer to buy one and no way. But he decided after we had a early hot spell that Vixen should not suffer this year so out he went and spent €1000 on an air conditioning system for our cat. The humans aren't important but the cats need to be comfy. :p

Maya & Inka's mommy
06-11-2007, 07:01 AM
Thank you, all! :) Kalei, I doubt you'd think 28C (82F) is a good temperature inside. ;) Right now, it's 29,4 in my bedroom. :eek:

You are right, that is far to hot for sleeping in.... :eek: . Cannot you have a fan installed on the ceiling of your bedroom? We did that, and it is much more comfortable now :)

06-11-2007, 12:13 PM
We've already hit 38 C over here and it's only getting hotter! I've been spending lots of time at the pool and thankfully we have air condition. However the upstairs bedroom where my computer is gets hot it's usally around 28 C in here so Alexa and I fight over what temperature to set the a/c at! When we have guests sleep over we have to freeze the downstairs so that are guests are comfortable sleeping in the upstairs bedroom.

06-11-2007, 06:17 PM
[QUOTE=kittycats_delight]Right now it is 23°c in my bedroom and that is with the air conditioner going. Hubby decided that Vixen needed one. He said she is a canadian cat and is not used to the hot weather here in Italy
keep this man. :)

06-11-2007, 06:18 PM
I've been spending lots of time at the pool.

Same here, Laura! Kiara is loving the fact that I've been swimming everyday. It's really the only way I can stand being outside!

Anyone wanna come take a dip? :p ;)

06-12-2007, 03:29 AM
I probably live in a very special part of France, it is only 16 C while it's hot and humid everywhere else! Even Lille which is less than 50 km from here is between 25 and 30 C! In the rest of France there are big rains and thunders almost everyday.
I hate humid wheather too! Poor you and Fister :(

Edwina's Secretary
06-12-2007, 09:47 AM
Yesterday, here in sunny southern California, the high was 66F or 19C. And of course, no humidity (we are having a drought....)

I had a long-sleeved blouse on!

P.s....it wasn't very sunny either.... :(

06-12-2007, 10:18 AM
Yesterday, here in sunny southern California, the high was 66F or 19C. And of course, no humidity (we are having a drought....)

I had a long-sleeved blouse on!

P.s....it wasn't very sunny either.... :(

I *love* the summer we are having. Nice and cool... :D

06-12-2007, 10:35 AM
It never rains in California, girl don't they warn you......

06-12-2007, 10:35 AM
We've also noticed a distinct increase in POWERFUL storms. Global warming?

I hate summer!!!

I hate summer too! It's so hot and SO humid here- yuck, just going outside for a minute leaves you feeling sticky and gross.

This year is supposed to be a bad year of hurricanes. The worst heat I've ever felt was the days following a hurricane- it's very hot, extremely humid, and very still- no breeze at all. To top it off it's sometimes several days without power. With one hurricane we went a week without power and then our AC was broken, it was another week until that was fixed. We now have a generator and a window AC unit that we can run if that happens. The window unit will only be able to cool one room, but we can all live out of one room for that period of time.

06-12-2007, 06:44 PM
In Pittsburgh, the temperature is in the high 80s with high humidity. I can usually take the heat, but with the kind of job I have I get worn out very quickly. I cut grass on a golf course.

06-12-2007, 07:04 PM
It was a little bit cooler today but still humid. Our swimming pool is getting GREAT use. My mom, Kiara, Mufasa, and I all took a dip today.

06-13-2007, 02:51 PM
randi where do ya live? i live in the midlands and it is quiote hot the cats love it though! they ly in the sun! the ferrets enjoy it sometimes but hat it other times like when we went to a ferret show we had to do ferret raving in tubes they didnt mind it but would rather not! we are constantly spraying then but thank god we are having some rain at the mo!

06-13-2007, 03:01 PM
Its in the 90's F in WI right now, whatever that is in C. No humidity, no wind, no clouds. We've started our rainless days of summer. At least you aren't working in a warehouse in this heat. Sorry Arizona, you can't pipe our great lakes to water your golf courses, we need that to grow our crops. You do like your cabbage don't you?

06-13-2007, 03:03 PM
Randi, I'm with you!!! I hate the heat too, and I also cannot open the windows wide because that wouldn't be safe for the girls. Outside, it has cooled off a bit here now, but I just cannot get this humidity out of my flat, and it's still 24°C. I absolutely hate it, and it makes me sick!! The worst part is that I have to close my bedroom door for Luna and Lily during the night, because I just HAVE to open the windows. I feel so bad about it, and I miss my girls!

I hope cooler weather will be coming your way!


06-13-2007, 03:14 PM
We had a nice rain last night so it cooled it down a bit. It's currently 84F & 62% humidity.

I'm still going outside to go swimming right now. ;)

06-13-2007, 03:23 PM
Well, today has been bearable, although it's still quite warm. At least we get a bit of wind. :) Clouds are coming in, so hopefully we'll get some rain too.

Fister has come back to lay under his own little sun (my desk lamp), so it must be getting better. :D

Catty1, my blinds do have that tin-foil effect. ;)

Boris91, I live in Denmark.

David, I hope you wear a hat out there - and sunscreen!

Kirsten, it's just awful that you have to lock the girls out during the night, but of course, you can't risk them jumping out of the window. I'm lucky that I can open all my top windows, Fister won't jump up there - and I have blinds to cover. :)

06-13-2007, 03:28 PM
Kirsten, it's just awful that you have to lock the girls out during the night,

I really hate doing that, and I feel so bad about it, but I just cannot sleep when it's so warm, and with all the muggy air. And it really annoys me that this place is still so hot when it's getting colder outside!! An hour ago, I locked the girls in their room to open all the windows in the rest of the flat, but it didn't help one bit!! I just don't get it!


06-13-2007, 03:43 PM
Kirsten, I know what you mean, you probably get the wind from the wrong direction, like me. Hope it cools off soon! Sleep well! :)

One of my friends once opened the fridge and sat there with his feet inside. LOL!

Do you know what would suit me? ;)

Spring = 3 months, summer = 5 months, autumn = 2 months and winter = 2 months - with the following temperatures: Spring 15C, Summer 25C, Autumn 10, Winter 5C - except for 10 days with frost and snow.

06-13-2007, 04:53 PM

Can you tell me why Europe doesn't use screen windows on houses and

06-13-2007, 05:20 PM
I was thinking the same thing about screens

06-13-2007, 05:33 PM
Hello fellow Pt members. Here in Northern Ohio it's hot, humid and sticky. My AC is running and I am praying for some thunderstorms to cool things off and give my plants and lawn some needed rain. It's about 82* here now. I hate summer, always disliked the heat even as a child. Perfect temp for me is 65. For all of you living down south, God bless you I couldn't do it. I do have a question, perhaps someone can help me. How is the formula done for Fahrenheit to Celsius? Also I truly want to move from this God forsaken state to some where cooler. I know San Fran and Seattle have wonderful temps but that is just too expensive. I love snow and cold and would love to move somewhere in the US or Canada where summers are between 65 and 70, any ideas folks?

06-14-2007, 12:11 PM
Hello fellow Pt members. Here in Northern Ohio it's hot, humid and sticky. My AC is running and I am praying for some thunderstorms to cool things off and give my plants and lawn some needed rain. It's about 82* here now. I hate summer, always disliked the heat even as a child. Perfect temp for me is 65. For all of you living down south, God bless you I couldn't do it. I do have a question, perhaps someone can help me. How is the formula done for Fahrenheit to Celsius? Also I truly want to move from this God forsaken state to some where cooler. I know San Fran and Seattle have wonderful temps but that is just too expensive. I love snow and cold and would love to move somewhere in the US or Canada where summers are between 65 and 70, any ideas folks?

I've heard Oregon has nice (sometimes rainy) but temperate ,weather. :)

I haven't a clue how to convert fahrenheit to celsius and agree with you
on living with hot & humid weather. It's awful. Just takes your breath away.

p.s. Everyone's grass is turning into a brown straw like mess. The city has
started limiting times we can water the grass now. :rolleyes:

06-14-2007, 12:34 PM
I know San Fran and Seattle have wonderful temps but that is just too expensive. San Fran is headed up to the 90's today and for us that HOT! :eek: The cats are miserable; I like it. My apartment is relatively cool, although I did pull the shades down when I left for work this morning so I wouldn't come home to cooked kitties. They love to bask in the afternoon sun, but today will be much hotter than usual.

Of course, this being San Francisco, it won't last. We have our natural air conditioning which usually kicks in after about 3 days of heat. Fog is scheduled to roll in tomorrow. :cool:

06-14-2007, 12:40 PM
Right now in North East Ohio it's a BEAUTIFUL 73 degrees.

We've been spoiled rotten with the weather the past week and the weather looks like it's going to stay that way through the weekend too!! :D
I wish our summers would be like this!!

Jun 14 Sunny
High 78° Low 59° 10% chance of showers

Jun 15 Sunny
High 78° Low 60° 10% chance of showers

Jun 16 Partly Cloudy
High 83° Low 67° 10% chance of showers

Jun 17 Isolated T-Storms
High 84° Low 68° 30% chance of showers

But the first day of summer is rigth around the corner... so before we know it around here it will be 90 degrees and 90% Humidity :rolleyes: :mad:

06-14-2007, 12:50 PM
SE Ohio ain't lookin' too pretty right now. BUT, it is nothing compared to some temps that I know are out there.

06-14-2007, 01:02 PM
pitc9, you have no idea how jealous I am right now! The sad thing is that it's only June, it's going to keep getting hotter!

Jun 14 Sunny 104°/74° 10%
Jun 15 Sunny 105°/75° 10%

Maya & Inka's mommy
06-14-2007, 01:06 PM

Can you tell me why Europe doesn't use screen windows on houses and

What exactly do you mean by "screens"? Do you have a picture of those?

06-14-2007, 01:19 PM
When you open the window there is usually a black mesh screen. It's nice because the darkness of it helps keep out some heat and you can open your window without any bugs coming into the house. However I know of a certain orange kitty who if left alone long enough will claw his way through the screen.

You can see it better here when I apply a little pressure to it.

06-14-2007, 01:21 PM
You can see temperature conversions here - plus a lot of other conversions.

LOL! Lut, do you remember the Blinds thread? I think Koxka posted pictures of the ones they have in Spain. I really would like those, they completely shot out the heat and at the same time you get a brise coming in - provided there's any wind. :rolleyes:

Liz, I think that when they built the houses here, they never foresaw that summers would get his hot here - or more like it, they build houses which had much thicker walls back in those days.

We had a little shower this morning and the temperature has dropped considerably. :)

Edwina's Secretary
06-14-2007, 01:32 PM
When you open the window there is usually a black mesh screen. However I know of a certain orange kitty who if left alone long enough will claw his way through the screen.

A cat would do THAT???? I'm shocked (not!)

06-14-2007, 01:56 PM

Suck it up....All cats are weapons of mesh destruction :D

06-14-2007, 01:57 PM
Eddie made a right mess of that!! :D Hope the new one holds up!

06-14-2007, 04:50 PM
You can see temperature conversions here - plus a lot of other conversions.

LOL! Lut, do you remember the Blinds thread? I think Koxka posted pictures of the ones they have in Spain. I really would like those, they completely shot out the heat and at the same time you get a brise coming in - provided there's any wind. :rolleyes:

Liz, I think that when they built the houses here, they never foresaw that summers would get his hot here - or more like it, they build houses which had much thicker walls back in those days.

We had a little shower this morning and the temperature has dropped considerably. :)

Thanks Randi. :) My house (older style) has plaster walls & it does hold
temperature very well, but screens also keep out flying insects & birds.
I'm glad you finally got some showers to cool thigs off.

We are still waiting for the rain. The city has now banned all outside water

p.s. I try to use a heavy grade mesh in the windows where the kitties
hang out. So far, so good. :)

06-14-2007, 05:25 PM
Suck it up....All cats are weapons of mesh destruction :D

Hahahha weapons of mesh destruction! That's funny stuff!

06-15-2007, 08:34 AM
Here in Malta in Summer gets very hot and since we're an island (north of the African continent) humidity tends to sore up as well so it can get quite sticky!!!!

In my kitchen now is 27C = 80F and its ok but last summer I had only vertical blinds on the inside and curtains and in July - August used to have like 40C = 104F at about 10 o'clock in the morning!!! :eek: It was unbearable! A/C is a must!

Now we have fixed these wooden blinds on the outside (those you roll up and down!) and is much much better!

But I love summer! Lots of outdoor activities, swimming, scuba diving, cycling walking. Its only June and I already have a nice brown tan!!!! At this time of year its the best time to swim here since the beaches are not over crowded......they do become though when kids finish school.......oh! Then its a pain to go swimming. And the sea is crystal clear!

For scuba diving then the best option is Gozo (Malta's sister island at the nord) Great visibility, very nice topography and also big groupers to swim with!!! Sometimes we also get to see small tuna migrating!!!! And also schools of baracudas. Then there are caves and wrecks scattered around the Maltese shores.........Seahorses, star fish.................................!

Summer is so much fun! I feel alive again!

06-15-2007, 08:36 AM
I can mail you two some of the mesh/screen material! It is pretty cheap. You would have to make a tiny wood frame, and attach it with finish nails, BUT, it would be worth it to get the air flow....and keep kitties safely inside.

Anita Cholaine
06-15-2007, 08:45 AM
I can finally say that it is much colder here than where most of you guys live :p It is currently 5ºC here (like 41º F) which is reeeally cold, considering that we are not even in winter yet!

06-15-2007, 09:27 AM
41F would be great! I must consider going south for the summer, waaaaaaaaay south.

06-15-2007, 09:30 AM
They sell screens on adjusting frames so you can stick it in just about any window and pull the sides to fit. You can buy them about a foot high and close the bottom window against it or buy one larger and just adjust. That way the window can stay open for a breeze but bugs stay out and cats stay in (unless it's Eddy) Just a thought :cool:

06-15-2007, 09:52 AM
I have two of these in my cat room. I put a couple of screws on each end so the cats can't jiggle them loose. They've been good for three or four years. If any of our foreign PTers want some, PM me and I'll send them, postage paid.

06-15-2007, 01:43 PM
I have lacelike insect netting stuck down with velcro on my bedroom window and one of the windows in Ebby's room, those plus the lace curtains have worked ok. Saying that, in Ebby's room I have things on the sill kind of blocking off the bottom and always shut the window in there at night.
Downstairs I can leave the kitchen windows open, in the 4 and a half years she's lived here she has never once jumped up on the sink in front of them so I'm reasonable confident of safety. (touches wood :) ) Living room is a different matter, she often jumps up to look through the window so I keep them shut.

When, and if, I move to the bungalow I need, I do plan to get proper screening for all the windows.

06-15-2007, 02:00 PM
Somehow I get the feeling Fister isn't quite as "gentle and ladylike" as sweet Ebby and doubt lacey netting would keep the lad from going where/when he wants to ;) When you get the bungalow can we come visit? :)

06-15-2007, 02:05 PM
Laurie, I think you & Mary both had great ideas here with the screens.
I'm glad you found something that works well for you too Chris. I just can
not imagine living in a house without screens. It's great for Spring & Fall.

06-15-2007, 02:11 PM
Well, I broke down and cranked up the A.C. today. Didn't really have to because we have had some nice cook nights and I open the windows to let the house cool off. First thing in the morning, we shut all the windows and close the blinds. The house will stay relatively cook until late afternoon. Today, I just decided I was going to cave in and set the thermostat to 80 degrees. If the A.C. came on, so be it. It did and it feels so good.

I couldn't live without screens either. Are you plagued with mosquitoes/flies across the pond?

06-15-2007, 06:43 PM
Yay Rachel. Join the crowd. :) I was just outside with the pups and the
sun still feels as hot as it was at Noon. No cooler evenings here.

06-15-2007, 08:26 PM
Well this is sooo weird! It's in the 60's this night and I'm wearing light flannel jammies! :eek: It was 90 just the other day and evening!! At least there are no BUGS (gosh I hate it when the no-see'ums and skeeters start.) :rolleyes:

06-15-2007, 09:16 PM
Flannel? LOL, only if I turn the a/c down another ten degrees.