View Full Version : An allergy question and an Oreo update

Scooter's Mom
06-10-2007, 01:53 PM
We 'rescued' a Shih-Tzu named Oreo from a co-worker of my husbands a little over a month ago. He's doing really well adapting to all of our other pets, and is beginning to be housetrained. He was an outdoor doggie (in the AZ heat!) for pretty much his entire life (he's 4) so housebreaking such a stubborn dog is a challenge. But he is getting better!

The vet said in addition to Oreo's seriously infected ears, which we're treating him for, he has an allergy. His skin is red and raw. She said for his size, to get a 25mg benadryl and cut it in half and give to him 2 or 3 times a day (I'm thinking 2 since we're not here in the middle of the day) to see how it works.

Has anyone ever had to give their dogs benadryl? I know it makes me sleepy so I assume it will make him sleepy too. Are there any other side effects I should watch for?

Thanks so much!

06-10-2007, 02:04 PM
Sedation is the main side effect, but for my Golden, it didn't really do much of anything (sedation of anti-itch). Its worth trying however. If it doesn't help, you might ask your vet for amytryptiline (a tricyclic antidepressant that has strong anti-histamine properties). You might have trouble with getting a small enough dose, and it also is sedating (which acutally helps, at least they don't scratch as much).

Good luck!

Jake's mom

06-10-2007, 02:06 PM
Eli had some kind of allergic reaction yesterday.. either a bug bite or new treats.. not sure really. We called the Em Vet and they said we could give him benadryl.. 1 mg for every pound. We gave him a couple throughout the day.. Seemed to be fine. I wouldnt say it made him too noticeably tired either. Glad to say his hives are gone today. =)

Thats the only time I've ever given it to any of our dogs. No problems here.

Scooter's Mom
06-10-2007, 02:26 PM

I just gave him the first dose. He wolfed it down. Gosh I wish my sick little kitty was that easy to pill! LOL - he's so bad, we have to literally chase him around the house until we (and the dogs) corner him and then we can scruff him and pick him up. Dogs are so much easier.

Hope this benadryl works, I don't know what the next step is... my brother's dog (a chow mix) has to get allergy shots, and I know I don't want to go to that extreme.

Thanks again,

06-10-2007, 04:26 PM
Funny that this thread should come up. My Maggie (lab mix) just started
taking benadryl yesterday. The Vet first gave her an allergy shot last Thurs.
but by Friday afternoon Her itching was driving us both batty. The vet then
said to give her 1/2 the 25mg tablet twice a day. It has helped a lot.

p.s. She doesn't seem to be extra sleepy or anything, just more relaxed.

Scooter's Mom
06-10-2007, 07:21 PM
Oreo wasn't phased at all! He just kept going - like the Energizer bunny.

But hopefully the benadryl will help him quit chewing and help his allergy. Thank you all for the help!