View Full Version : I blame Pet Talk

06-10-2007, 11:07 AM
When I joined this site, I had one dog. ONE.

Now I have ten pets. TEN!!! :eek:

If you're counting the pets in my signature image and thinking my math skills are a bit rusty...well...normally, you'd be right.

However, we brought home two hermit crabs yesterday. Bringing the total up to ten pets.


It is all your fault Pet Talk. ;) :p :rolleyes: :D

06-10-2007, 11:26 AM
I know exactly how you feel. And I blame it all on PT too. When I joined I had 2 cats. Lilith & Vixen. Lilith passed over the bridge and then came another cat. So back to 2 cats. Then came Artica our dog and now I have a stray mamma with 4 babies and another rescue. SO I went from 2 to 9. All mine being furry. :p

06-10-2007, 11:34 AM
Maybe we should blame PT too...when Ralph joined we had 1 dog, Sadie. Now we have 3...and Spot is most definately Pet Talk's fault, since Mugsy is the one who called and told us about him!!

Thanks Pet Talk!

06-10-2007, 11:37 AM
I guess Pet Talk is to blame for us going from 1 to 4? :p

06-10-2007, 11:57 AM
yeah?? I don't know how did we got from 2 to 16.. :o :o :confused:

must leave pet talk now before it goes up to 25?? :mad: ..

;) :p

06-10-2007, 12:16 PM
More blame here too. I joined with two cats and have doubled my pet population by adding two dogs. Shame on you Pet Talk! :p :p

06-10-2007, 12:25 PM
:D :D :D Well.... I went from 0 to 1.... that's a 100% improvement!!! Pet Talk certainly is an influential forum - no doubt :p

06-10-2007, 12:36 PM
Count me in the club! When I joined, we had 1 cat. Now we have :eek: five :eek:

06-10-2007, 12:42 PM
Well in 10 days I get a new hamster! I take it hes down to pet talk :p

06-10-2007, 01:05 PM
Same here. I had 6 pets when I joined PT. All right, so I already had lots. :rolleyes: I went up to 10 for a few months. Right now it's at 9 but . . . stay tuned! He he he, I'm not telling until it's time!

I noticed that with so many folks posting, there is always SOMEONE getting a newbie, and then I feel sad and left out! Plus I read about all the needy pets a lot more now that I am on this site. So even if I can't help the one you are posting about, I feel I need to do more to help overall.

Definitely PT's blame. Dad already knows this. He keeps saying I have to stay OFF this and craigslist! Of course I don't listen to him ALL the time, just some of the time. ;)

06-10-2007, 02:36 PM
While I can't really blame Pet Talk for how many pets I have, I can blame it for my house not being clean! :p

Scooter's Mom
06-10-2007, 02:47 PM
While I can't really blame Pet Talk for how many pets I have, I can blame it for my house not being clean! :p

LOL, I can blame the pets for my house not being clean. :D
When I joined, I had 3 pets (2 kitties, and a dog) and now I have 2 kitties and 2 dogs. Hubby says NO MORE.

But, I convinced him we needed a friend for Jadie, maybe there's hope yet!

I'd love to have lovebirds again!

Edwina's Secretary
06-10-2007, 03:06 PM
I doubled the number of cats....and Eddie was a PetTalk placement!

06-10-2007, 04:08 PM
I can definitely say that Ivy is PT's fault. After my dream Dobe already got adopted, a couple people kept egging me to keep looking. Lo and behold, I found my little Ivy a few days later. Shame on you, PT!!! :p

06-10-2007, 04:48 PM
Hmmmm.... sounds like my house too! I went from 1 dog and 2 kitties to 1 dog, 5 kitties, and one betta fish. My betta family might be growing too. I want to add a couple more because Mr. Pouncer only drinks from the fish bowl :rolleyes:

06-10-2007, 04:52 PM
Hubby has been saying no more. :p :rolleyes: :D

He's out buying the hermits more toys. He's so hooked. ;)

06-10-2007, 05:14 PM
lol I can't blame PT cause most animals I got are ones that I wanted so badly anyway. Althought PT did inspire me to get a bigger tank and tropical fish, and also a PT member made me want some frogs;) so now I have frogs lol. But I have 12 pets in total...that's alot when you live in a trailer park and live in a mini home:p

06-10-2007, 06:06 PM
So far I have staved off the PT trend, but not because I didn't feel the urge. An occasional visitor, Miss Rita, helps to remind me that two is really all I can handle.

Kimmy, congrats on your new additions. And let me take this opportunity to say how neat it was to see pictures of Chipper's activity at Findley. It made me pleased all over again at the great recovery he made after *the big scare*.

06-10-2007, 06:14 PM
Only the same two cats I arrived with, only two...

What the heck toys does a hermit crab play with????? :eek:

Scooter's Mom
06-10-2007, 07:34 PM
What the heck toys does a hermit crab play with????? :eek:

LOL I was wondering that too!

06-10-2007, 07:43 PM
Yup, I also blame PT for the number of cats that I have now and also for failing Foster 101. I went from 2 cats to 6 and 2 of those were failed fosters.
But I've put my foot down and haven't failed in the last 5 fosters. :D

I also have to add that PT has taught me a lot too, which I am so grateful for. :)

Also, what toys DOES a hermit crab play with??????

06-10-2007, 07:51 PM
I blame PT for my obsession with greyhound for over a year now. :) I actually can't blame them for anything else because I had Sassy and Star before PT. But I did rescue some fish and I did get some pet shrimp. No one else really convinced me to get either except my dad, so I can't blame you guys yet. :D ;)

06-10-2007, 08:03 PM
When I joined PT I only had 3 cats and I now have 6. At least 2 of them were due to PT.:)

I'd also like to know what kind of toys hermit crabs play with.:confused:

06-10-2007, 08:07 PM
*cassiesmom clenches teeth firmly* will... not... adopt... another... kitty...

Seriously. When I adopted Cassie I agreed to keep her an an "only" because she was considered a special needs cat. She's 11 now and I think it might be very difficult to add another feline family member. But I do have the feline fur-nephew, Milo!

06-10-2007, 08:10 PM
For that special hermit crab in your life..... :)







06-10-2007, 08:14 PM
Thanks Rachel. :) I love seeing him play and goof around too. :D We've had a few close calls, but no trips back to the ER vet thankfully.

As for the hermits... I guess "toy" is a figurative term. Andy bought them a few different types of wood that they'll climb and pull apart. They are just now waking up and checking out the new "jungle gym". :D

We have some netting we may add to it. Pretty much hermits love to climb.

Catty: Those links are really cool! :D

06-10-2007, 08:17 PM
Catty: Those links are really cool!

Just don't let your hubby see them! :D Lock up the credit card! :p

06-10-2007, 08:22 PM
He's out buying the hermits more toys. He's so hooked. ;)

Hhahaa..Mr. Andy who didn't even want one in the first place!! That's too funny! :D

I wish I could blame PT for all of my animals, but I had them all when I joined!!

Laura's Babies
06-10-2007, 08:31 PM
When I joined, I only had one and that was Chester.. I got Amy as a companion for Chester. My son Kevlin got Giz as a companion for Amy when he was keeping her while I worked, then I couldn't bare to seperate them as Giz was a stress reliever for Amy. In the meantime, Samantha had been at my front door all that time begging to be mine and her other owner would not agree until after I alread had the rest of them and since she had been on my doorstep begging for 2 years to live here... What could I do but admire her and let her in once the lady agreed?

When I came here I only had one, I now have 4 but it was fate and I don't think PT had anything to do with it.

06-10-2007, 08:38 PM
Just don't let your hubby see them! :D Lock up the credit card! :p
LOL! Lucky for me he doesn't have one. I'm the one with the debt. :o

Nope, he's spending his own hard earned money. He may resist getting them, but he loves them once they are home. :D

06-10-2007, 10:20 PM
I just had Graham when I joined, although I had adopted a pug, Cassie, for my mom, and she was like "our" dog. I got Kersey then Minion then Mindy then Boone since joining PT. I have gone from 1 dog to 2 dogs and 2 cats. It was 3 dogs before Graham passed away :(

06-11-2007, 08:25 AM
When I joined I had a rabbit 2 dogs and 2 horses.

Now I have 2 dogs,2 rabbits,fish,a horse and now 4 cats!

06-11-2007, 08:27 AM
Congrats on the new additions Kimmy!

I'd blame PT for my fishes, but that's Robin's fault ;) :p
Because of PT we went and picked up Huney. But I don't blame PT, I THANK PT:D

Cinder & Smoke
06-11-2007, 09:38 AM
<deep sigh>

It was such a simple life ...
ONE Kat, ONE Dawg, and some grass to mow on weekends ... :rolleyes:

They along came Pet Talk ...
Smokey appeared on the front porch ... Cinder calld PT for help ...

"Cinder wants to keep the Stray she "found" ..." ~ January 22, 2001

Then there was ONE Kat and TWO Dawgs ...

We "processed" a few Less Famous strays and Lost Souls ...
I got pretty good about HELPING without "ADOPTING" ...

Untill ...

Bowser send a note to New Messico ... Sophie Bun started ThUMpz from Heaven ...

"A Plea for HELP!!" by Zippy-Kat went out on January 11, 2005 ...

Life on the Ranch changed once again ...


/s/ Rescue Bus Driver, Foster Failure, and Dad

06-11-2007, 10:58 AM
I balme PT for my all my bettas.I said ok I will only get one. :o Somehow I ended up with 4 beautiful bettas. :D

06-11-2007, 11:14 AM
I started with 1 dog, 1 cat, 1 hamster.. and now there's 2 dogs, 2 cats, 1 hamster, and 6 bettas.

BAD PT! :p