View Full Version : blood in stool

06-08-2007, 04:44 PM
OK Vega just used the litter box and I grabbed it up for a fecal sample at the vets. It is a good color, not too stinky and firm but there is traces of blood. Any ideas? I would like to get an idea what we could be facing with her.


06-08-2007, 04:48 PM
:( I Sure Would Say [Worms] Michelle.. Lets see what the vet says.. Worms are treatable.. Good Luck wittle one..

06-08-2007, 04:54 PM
Yes, most likely worms. But better have her checked by a vet. Good luck and best wishes to little Vega.


06-08-2007, 04:55 PM
:( I Sure Would Say [Worms] Michelle.. Lets see what the vet says.. Worms are treatable.. Good Luck wittle one..

We were expecting an infestation of worms Helene as Vega is full of fleas. Hoping it is something as easily treated.

06-08-2007, 05:23 PM
I would rush her to the Vets ASAP and it could be an intestinal problem as well.
We are sending Our Prayers that Vega will be well.

06-08-2007, 05:32 PM
I would rush her to the Vets ASAP and it could be an intestinal problem as well.
We are sending Our Prayers that Vega will be well.

we're not in kansas anymore toto. There is an emergency vet here but is very far away. I don't have anyway to get her there. Guido is working as is his brother and father and I have no car. It is also 12:30pm. She was to see the vet today around 7 hours ago and the vet figured she was full of worms but wanted to treat the fleas so got some frontline on her and wanted me to get a stool sample to be sure of the types we are dealing with. We are sure she has tapeworm from the fleas but want to be sure to treat whatever she has going on. She is eating well, sleeping, purring up a storm and drinking well. She has even used the litter box to do #1 and #2. For now I will have to keep an eye on her but I am pretty sure it is a bad case of worms that is causing the blood in the stool. Thanks so much for your concern Gary and I know those pet angels will watch over little Vega. Keep right by her side and make sure she is ok. :)

06-08-2007, 05:50 PM
Shortly after I adopted Cole, he developed a soft stool with a bit of blood in it. I took it in to the vet, and the tech called back to say it showed an imbalance in bacteria SO slight, that they wouldn't treat it unless there were symptoms. Well, there were, and after one tiny antibiotic a day for 5 days, he was fine and has been ever since.

It was coccidia, I think. It's a bacteria, and also easily treated.

Good luck with your cute baby!

06-09-2007, 11:32 AM
Catty Artica had coccidia when we got her and that thought crossed my mind to but we can treat that. After one round of meds Artica was clear of it.

This morning I went to feed her and she had gone #2. No blood this morning but a swollen belly. Yep...I think miss Vega is full of worms. Poor little mite. Well she is gone to the vet on Monday and we will deal with that.

06-09-2007, 11:34 AM
Oh, she will feel better soon! Then she will get all the nutrition and GROW! Louder purring.... :)