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View Full Version : Pet Talk @ the RACES! take 2?

06-08-2007, 10:34 AM
Hi All!!
Once again - some of PT's Ohio Racing fans went Racing.
A few months ago Anna asked me if I wanted to go Racing - me not being a big NASCAR fan (or racing fan for that matter) said I don't think so @ first. Course she made it sound so appealing......
"Its a dirt track - you will get dirty"... (which mind you I heard that over and over and over again! apparently people don't think I get dirty?! )
Well, then I got to thinking and asked my parents and after they picked themselves up off the floor - they said they would LOVE to go but are you SURE you want to? (back in the day (like Jr. High-ish)- they took me to Mini Sprint races - and I HATED it - I said I'll never go back - and I hadn't until Wednesday! but these weren't Mini Sprints either!
So my parents found 2 other people to go with them and Anna got them tickets too - they sat in one section and we sat in the other...

We got down there and had quite an adventure finding a place to set up but we finally found a place - sat up - and were eating when 3 MORE Pet Talkers showed up - Amy, Ralph, and Carl! and they joined us on the ground (yea we all forgot lawn chairs ) and we ate an excellant lunch and then headed to the track. Walked around for awhile - then found our seats.
About 5:30p I heard from my parents and went to look for them and surprise surprise with a crowd of 25,000 people I FOUND them!
It was a lot of fun - and while yes it was dirty - BUT it wasn't as dirty as I was expecting.
There are a lot of driver's that I know and a lot that I don't.
I think I enjoyed the dirt track racing more than I would enjoy the asphalt racing - I will probably go back next year - anything with Pet Talker's is fun!!!
Since I was a newbie to the racing scene I asked a lot of questions and everyone was very patient with me even tho I'm sure some of them were dumb.
After the race we were eating left over's back at the van - there was a couple with 3 golden retrievers across the aisle and I had to go sshmooooooze on them of course - they were soooooo sweet. The couple had 2 more @ home!!! :p
I took seveal pics of Anna's trio @ home b/c after all this is PET TALK!!! :D
And it is b/c of them that we allllll met, right?
I spent the nite @ Mark and Anna's and @ 7am I had 3 dogs in my bed! Good thing it was queen size! Mark and Anna were sleeping in their camper in the drive way - Anna's mom Mae was on the couch so I got the big bed!! Roxy acted like a kid with a new toy on Christmas! Bon was standing over me licking my ears and nose. Huney jumped on the bed, said HI and jumped off. :) Bon curled/leaned up beside me and laid his head on my belly but then I interrupted him to go to the bathroom and as soon as Roxy saw me in the living room she started WOOOO WOOOing @ me. I thought they wanted out to potty - little did I know they thought I would feed them!! They know a sucker when they see one but since I didn't know that's what they wanted (or even where to begin with them) they didn't get fed, but I did let them out - and they looked @ me like I was an idiot! ;) So I let them back in and went back to bed!!:eek:
But I think they forgave me b/c Anna was up soon and fed them. (altho I didn't hear a thing!)
Off to the pics!
I don't know what the problem is with this thread....

06-08-2007, 10:40 AM
In the first link I sent out to people I had some of the names of the driver's wrong - Amy sent me her link and I think I fixed them all.
I'll just post a few - I was getting great shots - then the sun went down and with the zoom, flash, dirt and trying to get the rapid succession photos I wasn't doing to hot. :(
Carl Edwards - the winner - much to the dismay of some of our group ;) - http://shim1.shutterfly.com/procgserv/47b7d826b3127cce9854be53dc6f00000037109Qas2bFs1g

My nephew's favorite driver - #23 Jeff Gordon - drawing his number

Kasey Kahne drawing his number -

Proud Owner of Eldora Speedway - Tony Stewart -

Kasey Kahne on top of his trailer

Driver lineup before the 30 lap race..

That's all I will post here - the rest of the pics are here


06-08-2007, 11:36 AM
I posted this twice- somehow-
my finger must have hit it twice -
Like that's never happened to a person before! ;)

06-08-2007, 11:44 AM
Staci, I wasn't able to open this thread the normal way by just clicking on the thread title.
I had to search - your name - threads opened today -and then the thread opened correctly.

06-08-2007, 01:33 PM
Staci, I wasn't able to open this thread the normal way by just clicking on the thread title.
I had to search - your name - threads opened today -and then the thread opened correctly.
I pm'ed Karen and she said the thread opened fine for her..... :confused:

06-08-2007, 03:11 PM
This time it opened correctly! :)

06-08-2007, 03:13 PM
That's so cool that you guys went to the races. When you said dirt track I was thinking sprints or stock car, but I never even imagined that the big name racers from NASCAR would be there. What a cool event, and even better when PTers are there! :)

06-08-2007, 08:50 PM
Great pictures Staci! I looked at Amy's the other day, looks like you guys had fun!

I thouroughly enjoyed the Roxey, Huney and Bon pictures too! We have been deprived of their pictures, so thank you!! ;) :D

06-09-2007, 08:23 AM
Great pictures Staci!! Glad you decided to come!!! We'll get you hooked on racing yet!

THe race was awesome! Even though Tony didn't win this year (he did last), it was exciting all 30 laps and the pressure Jeff and Kyle were putting on Carl at the endof the 3, I'm glad Carl was the one to win it. I put a link to my pictures inthe NASCAr thread, but I'll add it here too...

Eldora (http://www.imagestation.com/album/pictures.html?id=2091246440)

And post a few pictures...

One of the highlights of my day, a brief meeting wtih Kenny Wallace! He may not make the race every week, or be a "huge" star, but he is still one of my favorites!

Staci and Anna

A driver's less then flattering moment...is that a pick or a scratch, Mike Wallace?


06-09-2007, 08:39 AM
"A Viewer writes, Dear FedEx..." Okay, so maybe Denny Hamlin is picking his qualifing number, not shooting a commerical.

Mark Martin

"Dear Lord, please keep me safe" says, dirt track 1st timer, Elliot Sadler

"I swear I used the Old Spice, please do your neighbors a favor and use it too"

Maybe I shouldn't write captions when I first wake up...they get a little goofy! I'll stop now!