View Full Version : Goodbye Ozzie :(

06-07-2007, 11:50 AM
My Ozzie boy died a couple weeks ago.. :( I've been taking it really hard. Kickapoo has been acting a little down too. I'm thinking about adopting another Tiel to keep her company.. but right now the wound's still fresh. :(

I miss you baby boy :(

http://www.oh-my-dog.ca/images/birds/Feb14/IMG1.jpg http://www.oh-my-dog.ca/images/birds/Feb14/IMG2.jpg http://www.oh-my-dog.ca/images/birds/Feb14/IMG3.jpg

06-07-2007, 12:09 PM
Poor Ozzie. I am so sorry to hear this...how old was he? Any idea what happened?

Fly free at the Bridge, little guy!

06-07-2007, 12:12 PM
Fly free at the Rainbow Bridge, Ozzie, where nothing hurts and nothing can harm you. Join the chorus of joyful cockatiel sounds, and send whispers to your momma in her dreams, so she knows you are there and safe and happy, okay?

06-07-2007, 12:17 PM
Poor Ozzie. I am so sorry to hear this...how old was he? Any idea what happened?

Fly free at the Bridge, little guy!

He was really young.. just approaching two. He was still a youngster.. :( I have no idea what happened. He was his usual self.. talkative, wanted to explore, eating fine.. then the next day he was gone.

06-07-2007, 02:07 PM
Aw, Ashley, I'm so sorry. Ozzie was so pretty and he sounds like he was a charmer!

R.I.P. Ozzie :(