View Full Version : Frankie's adventure pt. II

06-06-2007, 11:58 PM
I guess I really did take some pictures :eek: :o . I'll add the second part to reduce the number, a little late I know, of pictures that I'll post in one thread.

On the way back down the road from playing in the snow we all hiked to some nearby waterfalls;


And begged the dogs to pose and they did:

Well, all except my psycho mutt ;)
Who wanted to go in the water:
Not caring that the water was like this just past her:

06-07-2007, 12:01 AM
Sadly Kay, her dad, Mufasa, and Kiara started their long haul back across the country, see her threads for some great pictures on their way back, while Frankie and the huskies went in search of more snow.

They searched high and low, even crossing logs for the white stuff:

They started to see signs of it:

And then it hit Nebo right in the face!

Actually there was a ton of snow on the Nebo loop and we were playing catch with the dogs using the snowballs. But what happens when they miss? They have to find it!


finn's mom
06-07-2007, 12:04 AM
hahaha, funny captions, again! you did take a lot of photos, but with subjects like that, who could help it?

06-07-2007, 12:06 AM
There's something about snow in the middle of May that just makes dogs go CRAZY, or maybe they really are just crazy all the time ;) .


Then we went to admire the grand peak that Nebo shares his name with:

Mount Nebo!

06-07-2007, 12:11 AM
Then sadly it came time for Frankie and I to leave Utah :( . We'll be back though because she insists on snow and because it's that much prettier than just about anywhere else I've been.

However, we had to make one stop on the way. I've lived only a days drive from this place my entire life, but had never seen it, so we drove a bit, 6 hours, out of our way and I'd say it was more than worth it to gaze upon


No seriously, we went to see the Grand Canyon in Arizona and I didn't take any pictures.

Yeah, right! I hope I didn't get too many people excited at the thought of no more pictures, but I did take some at the canyon; it's an amazing place.


Frankie couldn't get enough of it:

And I can't blame her:

We even found a natural window to such a beautiful sight:

06-07-2007, 12:15 AM
And then as if to say goodbye the Grand Canyon National Park put on a natural light show that no camera could ever do justice to. I just sat an stared into the canyon until I realized that I still had an 8+ hour drive home. I actually stopped for the night and found a dog friendly motel in order to get some shut eye.

I finally snapped out of my nature induced haze and took some pictures on the way out:

We'll be back to see the Grand Canyon from all angles too. It's just that amazing.

Frankie and I had a great time and I hope you enjoyed our tale. One last one of Ms. Frankenstein:

Thanks again for viewing :)

finn's mom
06-07-2007, 12:22 AM
That scenery is magnificent. I get caught up in nature's beauty, too. I've been late for work so many times because I pull over to watch and lose track of time. I wanna go to Utah! :D

I love that final photo of Frankie, she's quite the pretty girl.

06-07-2007, 12:23 AM
Finn's Mom, thanks for all the nice comments! Sorry that I kept adding more pictures; I didn't think I'd ever stop posting either. ;)

06-07-2007, 12:24 AM
Beautiful scenery! The pictures of the canyon are amazing - makes me want to go there. I also love the first picture of Nebo and Keva; they posed so perfectly for you. Frankie looks great in all of her pictures, but the second one at the canyon is my favourite of her.

06-07-2007, 12:35 AM
I love this picture! http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l81/cmayer31/Utah%20Trip/Huskiesatthefalls2.jpg I guess I'll just have to set up the pose, and you can take the picture, because they wouldn't even look at me. :rolleyes: The snow covered bathroom really was as cold as it looks wasn't it. :p The Grand Canyon photos turned out spectacular, what a gorgeous sunset.

06-07-2007, 12:49 AM
Thanks for the comments on both thread, Orangutango! :)

I love this picture! http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l81/cmayer31/Utah%20Trip/Huskiesatthefalls2.jpg I guess I'll just have to set up the pose, and you can take the picture, because they wouldn't even look at me. :rolleyes:

Yeah, I admit I felt bad stealing their attention after you got them to pose. It did work out though, for me! :p

The snow covered bathroom really was as cold as it looks wasn't it. :p

OH yeah that was one cold bathroom! Nothing like shoving snow out of the way of a restroom! :o

06-07-2007, 03:10 AM
absolutely gorgeous pictures. gorgeous scenery and gorgeous majestic dogs!

06-07-2007, 05:39 AM
Wow the last pics are so pretty, along with Frankie Nebo, and Keva. Thanks for sharing them with us. I love the trees at sundown. :)

06-07-2007, 08:30 AM
Great pictures!!

I love the pics of Frankie looking out into the Grand Canyon!!

06-07-2007, 08:42 AM
Wow!! Fantastic pictures Craig! I couldn't even begin to pick a favorite!

Cinder & Smoke
06-07-2007, 10:07 AM

Dawg-Shots were "good" ... but

WOW! :)

The Senic shots were *S*P*E*C*T*A*C*U*L*A*R* :D

NICE "Shooting"!!

06-07-2007, 11:55 AM
I wanted to see the Grand Canyon before all these pictures, now I absolutely INSIST on seeing the Grand Canyon! I hope to get to vacation there in a year or two, it's just stunning! Thanks for the gorgeous pictures and fun captions :)

Ginger's Mom
06-07-2007, 12:53 PM
It's funny, I was looking at your pictures of the Grand Canyon thinking how beautiful, I must enjoy this because I will never see it in person. But as I scrolled down and saw more and more, your spectacular pictures have changed my mind. I must go see the Grand Canyon. Thanks for sharing that. And thank you Frankie for helping to host our tour.

06-08-2007, 11:47 AM
those are FABULOUS pics Craig! :)
what kind of camera to you have again?
I'm so glad you enjoyed your trip! :D

06-08-2007, 12:06 PM
Wow, thanks for all the nice comments everyone! I'm really glad that you enjoyed the threads.

those are FABULOUS pics Craig! :)
what kind of camera to you have again?
I'm so glad you enjoyed your trip! :D

Thanks! :) The vast majority of the pictures were taken with a Canon S3IS. A handful, mostly the Grand Canyon, were shot with a Pentax K10D and either a Pentax 18-55mm lens, or 50-200mm lens. I'm still trying to get used to the DSLR . It'll be my camera of choice when I go strictly to take pictures, but I love the little Canon and I think it'll be my carry around and hiking camera.

06-08-2007, 12:51 PM
Gasp! Nature in all her glory! I never tire of looking at Grand Canyon pictures and your are, as Phred, said, Spectacular! Beautiful puppster pictures too!!!

06-08-2007, 12:51 PM
Gasp! Nature in all her glory! I never tire of looking at Grand Canyon pictures and yours are, as Phred, said, Spectacular! Beautiful puppster pictures too!!!

06-08-2007, 12:52 PM

06-08-2007, 01:06 PM
great pics! :D that's a lot of snow! :eek:

06-08-2007, 01:31 PM
Wow, thanks for all the nice comments everyone! I'm really glad that you enjoyed the threads.

Thanks! :) The vast majority of the pictures were taken with a Canon S3IS. A handful, mostly the Grand Canyon, were shot with a Pentax K10D and either a Pentax 18-55mm lens, or 50-200mm lens. I'm still trying to get used to the DSLR . It'll be my camera of choice when I go strictly to take pictures, but I love the little Canon and I think it'll be my carry around and hiking camera.
I have the Canon s2 IS - which is big enough for me!! so I think its comical you say "little" Canon.
I took some shots @ the race the other nite and they were good until the sun went down :(
**not trying to hijack!;)**