View Full Version : One More Time I Swear**Vent**

06-06-2007, 11:09 PM
Maybe I'm being hormonal or something but I swear if one more person comments on how big I'm getting with the baby I'm going to scream. I'm almost four months along and so far the only thing I hear is that I'm way too big for four months and I should diet to lose some of the weight. As ramanth can tell you guys and as you've seen in our pictures my hubby and I aren't small ppl. I mean I'm 6'0" tall and weigh 245 right now and my hubby is 6'7" and weighs in at 220. I've lost 20 lbs since I found out I was pregnant because I started eating a lot healthier and have been forcing my self to get some decent prenatal excerise in so I can help make delivery easier. Does anyone notice that nooooo they just think I'm so horrible for getting "fat" as it has been termed. I'm so tempted to tell them what they can do with their comments. The doc says I'm doing wonderful and he was so happy to see that the baby is doing well too.

Then to top it all off it seems like a lot of my friends who live close by have quit hanging around me because I'm pregnant. The only one who hasn't is the one I thought would. She is unable to have a baby and up until a couple of months ago we thought the same of me. She calls me almost every night and we have lunch together almost every day. Explain this to me. I thought my so-called friends would be happy for us. Something that wasn't suppose to ever happen again has been blessed to us and they just bailed.

Anyway thanks for listening to me vent. Sorry if I offended anyone. It just seems other than my r/t friend Karen who lives in the next town my PT friends are all I have left. :(

06-06-2007, 11:18 PM
I'm so sorry your "friends" are doing this to you, Renae. :( If that's how they're going to act then you don't need them. They aren't worthy of your friendship.
I'm so glad your one friend is there for you, though. That's a TRUE friend.


Pawsitive Thinking
06-07-2007, 04:02 AM
Be proud of your bump - there's a whole new PTer in there!!! As for tactless people and fairweather friends - who needs them eh?

Maya & Inka's mommy
06-07-2007, 05:42 AM
Those so-called friends aren't worth to be your friend....! Don't worry, you will find better ones, and of course you have all of us on PT :)
I hate people who think that pregnant women are ugly :mad: ; in my opinion there is nothing more beautiful than an expectant mom!!

Hey Renae I am so happy to find out you are pregnant! Your hubby must be so proud too :) . When are you due?

06-07-2007, 06:16 AM
Those so-called friends aren't worth to be your friend....! Don't worry, you will find better ones, and of course you have all of us on PT :)
I hate people who think that pregnant women are ugly :mad: ; in my opinion there is nothing more beautiful than an expectant mom!!

Hey Renae I am so happy to find out you are pregnant! Your hubby must be so proud too :) . When are you due?

Hey Lut,

I'm due November 27, but we think it will take after it's mommy and be more towards the begining of November

06-07-2007, 07:03 AM
Congratulations, momma! (and papa!) Hey, relax and enjoy the ride - I got a real kick out of the many changes my body went through while I was pregnant. You won't believe :eek: all the changes! Thankfully, it's only for a few months, I was sooo ready to not be pregnant anymore after 9 months :rolleyes:
Maybe some of your friends don't know what to say, or are jealous -- they certainly sound self-absorbed. If you feel good and your doctor's happy with your progress, that's all that counts. Keep sending that little one happy vibes, you're the most important person in his/her life!

Laura's Babies
06-07-2007, 07:59 AM
November 27th was my Mama's birthday! (her name was Irene if it's a girl and you need a name! :D )

Congratulations on your upcoming event! People are noticing you are pregnant already at 4 months? Ugh oh! That happened to me when I was preganat with my TWINS! Any chance it could be twins?

06-07-2007, 09:17 AM
I dont know why your so called "friends" Bailed out on you. If they did that, theyre not your friend. I never make fun of people regardless, besides we have a whole new PT'er in there! Just remember that you have your two friends and everyone on PT.

06-07-2007, 09:25 AM
I can tell you that as someone who can't have children, I LOVE it when my girlfriends are pregnant. You can celebrate with them and you also recognize how special the experience is. Enjoy your friend who has stuck around, because you know that she will likely be there after the baby is born and you need to talk with someone over 3 feet talk :D

As for the rest of them, it is their loss. You are going through an amazing process right now and you will meet alot of new people during the next few months, many of whom can relate very well to what you are going through.

But having said all that CONGRATULATIONS!!!

06-07-2007, 09:33 AM
Regarding the people commenting on your size--If your Dr. isn't concerned, you shouldn't be and their opinions just don't matter. Tell them your Dr. isn't concerned and your Dr. overrules their opinion anyday or tell 'em to stick it where the sun don't shine. I did that a couple of times when I was pregnant with Mims and blamed it on hormones ;)

Regarding friends who bailed-- Do they have kids of their own? Is it possible they are jealous? I have a friend who I became estranged from when I was pregnant, she just didn't want to hang out with me or our group of friends anymore. She told me later that she had been trying to get pregnant herself and was jealous that it happened fairly easily for us. Once her little bundled was on its way, she came right back to the fold and explained to everyone.
I don't know if that helps with your situation or not.

I hope this helps you feel a bit better. Heaven knows pregnant gals need to feel good as much as possible to counteract all the changes going on.

06-07-2007, 03:40 PM
Don't let them get you down Renae. You are beautiful inside and out. They obviously showed their true colors. *HUGS*

I think we need a belly picture. ;) :D

My Peanuts
06-07-2007, 04:35 PM
The doc says I'm doing wonderful and he was so happy to see that the baby is doing well too.

That is all that matters and I think you should tell everyone else where to go. Then later blame your reaction on hormones! :p

06-07-2007, 07:27 PM
To use an old line I used to trot out: "I'd rather have the fat on my body than in my head!" :p

06-08-2007, 02:05 PM
Shake it off!

As long as you keep moving and eating healthy it shouldn't matter what anyone has to say.

I like the " rather have the fat on my body then in my head" comment!