View Full Version : Kitty Limp

06-06-2007, 08:59 PM
Our 11-month-old bengal, Iggy, loves to jump on everything... the higher the landing spot is, the better. But when we came home today, we found Iggy limping. He's treating his hind left leg gingerly, putting as little weight as possible on it. He's not yelping, and has continued to jump on furniture (dining room table), but that's as about as ambitious as he gets. Are we safe in waiting for a day or two before taking him to the vet to see how he's handling his leg/paw/hip (unknown at this point)? Are we putting him at risk for any further damage? I'm sure you've all heard this before, but we're a little new to this kind of kitty injury. Any help/advice one can give for our big bengal boy and his limping problem would be greatly appreciated!

06-06-2007, 09:19 PM
Cats don't yelp and are known to suffer in silence. An x-ray wouldn't hurt and would ease your fears.


06-06-2007, 09:22 PM
Any limping in a pet should be checked out by a vet. Cats in particular are VERY good at hiding how much they hurt. A check up and an x-ray are never over cautious with a limping cat. Hope your kitty feels better soon.

06-06-2007, 09:40 PM
Yes, a cat will do everything it can to hide pain or illness so as to keep predators away. It's a natural instinct from being in the wild. Your kitty isn't in the wild but it still has that instinct. I'd get it checked if I were you. Better safe than sorry definitely applies where cats are concerned. Good luck.

06-07-2007, 04:08 PM
Thank you all very much! As for Iggy's "yelping," his "meow" is far from the common pronunciation of the word. It's phonetically more like "mmrr-aahhh." Then again, that may be the Pittsburgh in him...

He seems to be doing the same today as yesterday. I was hoping to wait it out to see if he did any better... he's curled up on my lap as I type. Why is it that they're just so freakin' adorable?!

06-07-2007, 09:21 PM
Taz did this before. And honestly I can't remember if I took him to the vet or not. I'm thinking I did and they said he just strained his leg when jumping on/off something. Of course Taz was a bit overweight at that time (21lbs :eek:).
So I would definitely suggest taking him to the vet. It may be nothing (we hope) but it's always best to let the professionals make that conclusion.