View Full Version : Bobo and Playdoh

06-04-2007, 07:55 PM
I also posted this General because of some people might like the idea, but I thought I'd put it here too because of it being about Bobo.

Just the other day I asked for a playdoh recipe on a thread, and here is why I wanted it:D I did this once when I was really really young, but unfortunately I lost it, during the years it seems to have dissappeared, so I made a new and better one.

What it is, is a picture frame type thing made of playdoh. I put some pictures in and get my cat to step on it for his pawprints. After a few days the playdoh hardens completely and with the little hole I made near the top, I can hang it on my wall! Anyways here it is, I made it tonight so the playdoh is still soft.

For my beloved Bobo:

The two little pics in heart shapes is a pic of me and Bobo when we I was 4 and he was 1:)

Here's one of the pics of me and Bobo, that was taken just this year:

And here is his pawprints:)

Since it is really hard to see the words, the written piece on the left says:

Bobo, you are my silent soulmate.
The friend that's been with me till the end.
Through hard times you comforted me.
Through happy times you smiled with me.
And through dull times you knew what to do.
Even though you can't talk my language.
You talk to me through our own language.
One that only you and I can understand.
You are getting older now, and thankfully
Still act young. Someday the time will come
When your body passes on.
But when that day comes, I know you will stay
Here in my heart and soul forever.
I love you Bobo.

Hope you enjoyed looking, I can't wait till I can hang it up:D

06-04-2007, 07:59 PM
Hi Kalei -

I really like the play doh frame. The pics are sweet, especially the before and now thought. But your writing is so ful of feeling, it brought tears to my eyes and I think it is the BEST part and says it all!


06-04-2007, 08:25 PM
Hi Kalei -

I really like the play doh frame. The pics are sweet, especially the before and now thought. But your writing is so ful of feeling, it brought tears to my eyes and I think it is the BEST part and says it all!


Thanks so so much Sandie, your kind words mean alot:) And I know what you mean, my eyes always start filling up with tears when I think about how much I love Bobo and the day when he finally has to leave, but hopefully he's here still for another 5-10 years lol, my dad would hate that ecspecially.

He doesn't like the cat at all, and I make him mad by saying "Because I take him to the vet, he's going to live forever!" lol.

06-04-2007, 08:28 PM
What an adorable picture frame.Your writing is so beautiful.I am so happy you blow it up so we could read it.

06-04-2007, 09:03 PM
Kalei, this is very sweet!

06-05-2007, 05:14 AM
Oh that is so nice, that is such a wonderful thing to do! I'd never have thought of making something out of Playdoh like that, what an excellent idea. That's so creative.

Laura's Babies
06-05-2007, 07:26 AM
What a wonderful idea! That is just the cutiest idea I have seen in a long time!

06-05-2007, 07:35 AM
That is really cute! I do want you to know that I'm crying now. What you wrote is so sweet. I think anyone with a pet should share the same kind of love you have for Bobo. I know I feel the same way about my Squeak, and still feel that way about El who is now gone.

06-05-2007, 12:08 PM
That is really cute! I do want you to know that I'm crying now. What you wrote is so sweet. I think anyone with a pet should share the same kind of love you have for Bobo. I know I feel the same way about my Squeak, and still feel that way about El who is now gone.

thanks so much everyone:) You are all so kind and say such nice things. I'm glad you liked it:D today its a little harder, soon to be able to hang in a few more days:D

And I'm sorry I made you cry...if you cried at least it was in happiness:) I do definately love Bobo more than pretty much anything in my life, of course my parents and sister are up there, but I see him as another part of the family.

I'm glad that you share the same love with your animals as well, they bring so much more enjoyment into the world and who us a true unconditional love:)

06-05-2007, 05:39 PM
Thats A Great Idea And A Totally Unique Keepsake That You Have Of Bobo.
I Will Have To See Where I Can Find That As Michael And Princess And Yes My Bo Bo Are Not Getting Any Younger And I Found Out Today How Temporary Our Cats Can Be.

06-05-2007, 08:39 PM
What a great idea, Kalei! And what a wonderful, touching poem about Bobo and your love for him.

Thanks for sharing.


06-06-2007, 06:09 PM
Thats A Great Idea And A Totally Unique Keepsake That You Have Of Bobo.
I Will Have To See Where I Can Find That As Michael And Princess And Yes My Bo Bo Are Not Getting Any Younger And I Found Out Today How Temporary Our Cats Can Be.

Thanks so much catmandu! It definately is a nice keepsake that I will always have with me and I can always have Bobo's pawprints with me:) It's sad how short an animals life can be compared to a humans:( At least for the short time we have them, we can make the best out of it and show them how amazing love can be:)

And thanks so much Phesina:D