View Full Version : How good is a refurbished cam......

06-04-2007, 03:18 PM
I was wandering around and saw an ad for a refurbished Canon S2 IS.....which Iīm currently looking into one...... and wanted to know your opinions weather a used one or a refurbished one??...... how good are they?......I can find a new one for about 390 plus shipping.......(which I have no clue how much $$) I saw them at amazon which some ship over to me....

or is any of you S2 IS owners selling yours?? ;)

let me know what you think about it......I know itīs a past model but I really like it, I donīt know about the S3 but I think i like this one better......

another Q?....probably asked before but what type of memory cards can it take?

06-04-2007, 04:01 PM
I've never bought a refurbished camera - I feel much safer spending the extra $$ and buying it brand new, with warranty, etc.

You can buy an S3 for around $300-$350 something. I've even seen them under $300.

The S2 & S3 both take SD (Secure Digital) Memory Cards...example (http://images.overstock.com/f/102/3117/8h/www.overstock.com/images/products/L10428221.jpg)

06-04-2007, 05:25 PM
I had a refurbished digital camera, as my first. I loved it, it worked like it was brand new!

However, two years after getting it, white spots started developing in the lens somewhere and leaking in and ruining pictures. No one I took it to knew what it was, or how to fix it. I'm not sure if it had anything to do with it be refurbished, though.

06-04-2007, 05:49 PM
I wouldn't get a refurbished unless you know the person selling it. Not worth the savings, will probably go after a few months of using. Better to save extra $$$ and buy new one, IMO.

Lady's Human
06-04-2007, 06:33 PM
I have, and will continue to buy refurbished items where practical.

Electronics have a known failure curve. If a component is going to fail, if will either do so at the beginning of the item's life (within the first 60 days or so) or at the end of the item's planned life, normally a function of years. Failures between these points DO happen, however they are outside the norm.

Normally, refurbished items are items that have had a failure within the first few weeks of life, are sent back to the manufacturer, and repaired. They have already had a failure, and the manufacturer will probably QC each item out of the repair/refurb shop, as opposed to doing QC check on a % of items off of the assembly line.

06-04-2007, 06:54 PM
My first digital was a refurb through TigerDirect. It worked perfectly and only broke when I dropped it - I was SO bummed because it was an old model and they no longer made parts for it.

06-05-2007, 10:39 AM

Kay, in your experience what do you think about the S2 and S3 from one another? what differences do they have, now that you have used both, what do you like from one that the other doesnīt has the same......

in the reviews I liked the most the S2 but right now I canīt remember what feature exactly..... :rolleyes: :p

I saw a while back a used S2 here in mexico go for $200bbut the guy said it didnīt taked SDīs......if only I was sure about that back then......man!

06-05-2007, 11:42 AM
I haven't used the S3, but I do have the S2.

The S3 is basically the same, just 1 MP higher than the S2. What I like about the S3, it comes in black, and IMO looks more professional.

Here's in a "in-depth" review of the S3, which includes a side-by-side review of the S3 versus the S2.

(I LOVE DPReview.com, it's my favorite camera site!)

06-05-2007, 12:07 PM
thanks for the link!!...... teh review is great I like the comparision they make about them....

the color and 1mpx more are no problem......

what I really want another insight is about the different features

S2: my colors: what is about that
S3: color accent, color swap, sports: I believe sports is for action shots, but are tha color ones just as the my colors in the S2 or what is the difference there??

06-05-2007, 12:58 PM
Yes, My Colors include Color Accent and Color Swap. I rarely ever use any of those, I prefer to use the manual settings and set it the way I want.

I thought it was odd that they listed them differently in the review, I guess they wanted to make it look like the S3 had more settings?

Here are some examples of Color Swap & Accent.

The first attachment is taken with no setting changes. The second is the color swap. It lets you choose a color to change another color to.

The third is Color Accent. It allows you to select one color in the frame and turns the rest black and white.