View Full Version : New Shelter opening.... need your opinion!

06-04-2007, 02:41 PM
My county is opening it's new dog shelter soon and they are selling bricks for a $75 donation and you can have what ever you want on it. (45 characters)

They offer a dog symbol you can have instead of the first line, and because the symbol is that of a GSD I'm going to use that as my first line! :D

What should I have the other 2 lines say??

Just our names:
Angie, Sierra & Buddy (last name)

Or something like....
Save a life, adopt and rescue.
But then again.. it's going to be at the shelter, where people are already coming to, to adopt. :confused:

What would you have put on the brick at the dog shelter??

Here's a link to the new place, it's about 3 times the size of the old one!!!
The bad part... it's less than a mile from my house!! :eek:
I'll want to adopt them ALL!!!!

Laura's Babies
06-04-2007, 03:32 PM
But then again.. it's going to be at the shelter, where people are already coming to, to adopt

Not all people are at shelters to adopt. We had more coming to drop them off than coming to look for one to adopt... I would put something on it along the lines that stated "If enough people spayed and neutered, we wouldn't need places like this! (shortened somehow but how they would get the message.)
Maybe "spay & Neuter = 0 shelters"?

06-04-2007, 03:42 PM
I like the idea of putting your names (and last name too).

06-04-2007, 03:43 PM
The bad part... it's less than a mile from my house!! Bad? How could that ever be bad:p
It's really nice looking!
I think putting your names there would be good.

06-04-2007, 04:50 PM
I clicked on Rover to the shelter's Petfinder page ... now I want to bring home Red and Happy! Hopefully they will find forever homes soon.

How many characters per line? How about something like:
Angie, Sierra and Buddy (last name)
A happy family - or Happy together - or Summer 2007 ???

06-04-2007, 10:26 PM
Maybe something like Petfinder.com or DogDetective.com or pet-abuse.com . Something with an educational theme where people can go look up more information on the cause.

Or ... you can consider me partial on this, but "Seniors are special too. Adopt an older dog!"

My county is opening it's new dog shelter soon and they are selling bricks for a $75 donation and you can have what ever you want on it. (45 characters)

They offer a dog symbol you can have instead of the first line, and because the symbol is that of a GSD I'm going to use that as my first line!

What should I have the other 2 lines say??

Just our names:
Angie, Sierra & Buddy (last name)

Or something like....
Save a life, adopt and rescue.
But then again.. it's going to be at the shelter, where people are already coming to, to adopt.

What would you have put on the brick at the dog shelter??

Here's a link to the new place, it's about 3 times the size of the old one!!!
The bad part... it's less than a mile from my house!!
I'll want to adopt them ALL!!!!

06-04-2007, 11:52 PM
Oh, I like crow_noir's idea. Could you fit your names and the quote crow_noir said about senior dogs?

06-06-2007, 01:19 AM
can't hurt to remind them!!!

06-14-2007, 07:13 AM
Maybe something like Petfinder.com or DogDetective.com or pet-abuse.com . Something with an educational theme where people can go look up more information on the cause.

Or ... you can consider me partial on this, but "Seniors are special too. Adopt an older dog!"

Oh Yeah!! Great Idea!!!!