View Full Version : Prayers for my Mom Please!!*Update Post#9*

critter crazy
06-03-2007, 10:20 PM
I just got a phone call, and you know darn well if the phone rings at 11:00pm that there is never any good news! It was my dad, my brother just had to take my mom to the Hospital!! I am so upset, I cannot stop crying!! I guess my mom was in some serious pain, and couldnt stand or walk!
Please say some prayers, my mom is my world!!

06-03-2007, 10:37 PM
Oh gosh I am so sorry. Positive thoughts here. I am sure your mom will be ok. Sometimes it's something small that causes a lot of pain. Could be a kidney stone or a host of other things. I will say a prayer that your mom is home within a couple of hours. Take care, Monica

06-03-2007, 10:52 PM
HUGS! I also hope that it is a small thing - and they can cause the greatest pain and trouble!

Prayers for your mom, and you, and your family!

Carol Bulger
06-03-2007, 11:13 PM
My prayers are with you and your family. I know from experience how much it hurts when there is something wrong with a family member and it leaves you feeling so helpless. Please keep everyone informed on your Mom.
Carol Bulger

06-03-2007, 11:20 PM
Sounds like your mom could have a pinched nerve in her back, I hope she gets better real soon.

06-03-2007, 11:36 PM
I'm sorry to hear this.:( I hope it's nothing serious. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent her way.

06-03-2007, 11:37 PM
Thinking of your mom, Maggie! Please keep us updated.

06-04-2007, 12:51 AM
Your mom will be in my thoughts. I do hope it is nothing serious.

critter crazy
06-04-2007, 06:22 AM
Cant talk much now, have to get ready for work. I just wanted to thank you all for your Wonderful thoughts and prayers. Dad called me at 3am this morning, Mom has a pinched nerve in her back. Thank god it is somthing that can be taken care of! Oce again, thank you all, I was so paranoid last night!

06-04-2007, 08:16 AM
That will be pretty painful for your mom but they can give her physical therapy to help, I am glad it is something they can help her with.

Pawsitive Thinking
06-04-2007, 09:27 AM
You must be relieved. Hope your Mum is up and about soon

06-04-2007, 09:32 AM
Oh, thank goodness it is nothing more serious. Painful yes, but fixable. :)

Maya & Inka's mommy
06-04-2007, 09:32 AM
Your mom needs lots of rest now, so she is at a good place for that. A pinched nerve is awfully painful. I hope they can "free" the nerve as soon as possible..... ! Give her a gentle hug from me :)

06-04-2007, 09:34 AM
I'm so sorry to hear your mom had to go to hospital, but glad they can do something about it. Yes, I'm sure it's painful, but at least not life threatening.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery to you mom, and hugs to you. :)

critter crazy
06-04-2007, 02:13 PM
Well mom is home, and trying to get some much needed rest! I was able to talk to her some this afternoon, and she just sounds horrible! But she says the pain meds are working some. She has to go back and see the doctor on wednesday, to find out for sure what is wrong. They are pretty sure it is either a slipped Disk or a pinched nerve. They took X-rays today.

I feel just horrible, the one time my mom could realy use my help, just happens to be the first day of my new job! I just wish I could be with her right now! Just my luck!

Hopefully we will find out more after her doc appt. on Wednesday.

critter crazy
06-06-2007, 03:48 PM
Well mom just called, she had her doctors apoointment today to go over her X-Rays. She has 2 Deteriorted disks in her back. So she is on bedrest for at least 10 days, then she has to go back to the doctors to find out how they are healing up. If they arent healing well she could be on bed rest for much longer. Hopefully she heals well, and can get back to a somewhat normal life soon. She is upset, because she isnt sure she will be able to make it to my Brothers graduation, but I think she will. it isnt till the 22nd. We will just have to wait and see.

06-06-2007, 03:52 PM
A pinched nerve, that can be so painful, I hope she is feeling better. And I hope your new job is going well!

Thinking of you --- elyse