View Full Version : Dasher's New Dog Food

06-02-2007, 01:59 PM
It's all home cooked and I think he's going to be very happy with it. I'm really impressed with the man that owns it. His name is Craig and he's very personable and knowlegable. If a dog has specific health problems or your breed isn't listed on their page, they will make meals specifically for them. I'm so excited! I'm ordering 6 pounds as a trial but I don't think I'll have anything to worry about. Also, 93% of his customers (he's been in this two years now and has been in the food business for 15 years) have had no problem with the switchover. There's no mixing the old food with the new. You can start on it right away.
Check it out: http://www.chefk9.com/

06-02-2007, 02:34 PM
Sounds nice, but IMO a bit too pricey when you could easily make it yourself or feed the ingredients raw for more nutrients.

06-02-2007, 02:35 PM
after reading the breed specific meals, it looks as though humans could eat them. :cool:

06-02-2007, 02:43 PM
Sounds nice, but IMO a bit too pricey when you could easily make it yourself or feed the ingredients raw for more nutrients.
Very well worth it. It would be a lot of trouble to fix all this yourself and probably more expensive. I'm willing to cut out a little shopping and some lattes for him. He's worth it :)

after reading the breed specific meals, it looks as though humans could eat them. :cool:
They can! I think it's just great.

06-02-2007, 02:48 PM
I wouldn't say it's more expensive or a lot of trouble, as I've done it and it's a lot cheaper. All I do is buy in bulk, then seperate it into proper portions for all 4, and stick them in the freezer. Fairly easy as long as you know how to portion it.

However, there's no denying they're worth it. :)

06-02-2007, 02:52 PM
Well if you only have one dog that's a great idea. I prefer raw rather than cooked myself, but if I was looking into cooking food for my dog myself that seems pretty convenient. For three it would be too much for me but with just one it wouldn't be too bad.

06-02-2007, 04:41 PM
There's no better feeling than knowing you're giving your pets the best you can give them. I spend more overall on my three than I used to on feeding but it is certainly worth it. Sounds very appetizing!

06-02-2007, 06:22 PM
Well if you only have one dog that's a great idea. I prefer raw rather than cooked myself, but if I was looking into cooking food for my dog myself that seems pretty convenient. For three it would be too much for me but with just one it wouldn't be too bad.
It's already cooked. That's the best part. It comes packed it dry ice and most of it you put in the freezer. The rest you put in the fridge. And Craig said the dogs like it just out of the fridge.

There's no better feeling than knowing you're giving your pets the best you can give them. I spend more overall on my three than I used to on feeding but it is certainly worth it. Sounds very appetizing!
Thanks girl! Yes, it is a great feeling and right now he sometimes has to be coaxed to eat his kibble. I have to put some treats on it. Either that or he won't eat until he gets really hungry and I know that's not good for him, either. I'll be glad to be feeding him all healthy stuff with no chemicals to harm him. Makes me feel a lot better, especially now, with all the trouble the pet food industry has been having. And I didn't really think of the price since I just have one dog. If I had more, I would probably go the RAW route myself. It seems kind of hard to do, though, from what little I've researched about it.

06-03-2007, 12:33 AM
I feed Lucky homecooked and it truly is the best thing I've ever done for him. His coat has improved DRAMATICALLY, and it's pretty economical to feed him homecooked as he's only 20 lbs. It is quite labor intensive, but we find interesting ways to get his oats and meat (for the most part, the oats are free as is the meat). The only actual things we buy at the grocers or store are supplements, veggies, and eggs. It's not very pricy, and it's a lot of fun to cook!

Nice site, though. I think I'm going to use a couple of his breed specific meals for Lucky ;)

06-06-2007, 02:33 AM
Val, this looks really great, I just wrote him and asked him about possibly something for Reilly, I totally agree if it is only one dog, I dont think it will be that expensive, at least no more than the food we have our dogs on now.
I am so glad you found this site and was kind enough to share it with all of us. Please let me know about your's when you get it in and how Dasher liked it.

finn's mom
06-06-2007, 08:29 AM
Dasher is going to be a happy boy with this new find. Well done, you! :D

06-06-2007, 09:55 PM
Dasher got his first meal tonight and loved it! I can't say that I blame him as it smelled delicious. You mix 1-3 tablespoons of plain oats with it and that's it. I think he's going to be one happy dog. I picked up his finished dog bowl today, too. I have such fun at the pottery store.
And I've attached a pic of the food so you could see how it looked.