View Full Version : Cinder & Smokey: Company comes to da Ranch (6/01/07)

Cinder & Smoke
06-01-2007, 08:46 PM
Well, actually, we went down to her howze ta pick her up ... Buts she's HERE!




Don't think she ever saw "Horses" affore!


Wunder if thoze Critterz are phunn ta *chase*?


Dad sez we got sum "werk" ta do on lil Dakota affore we give her back next Sunday ...

Da Kid lives wif 2-Leggers an KATz ... hazint seen anudder Dawg fur ages.
Sorts shows ...
She 'bout *snapped* :eek: our faces off when Dad passed treetz!

Uhhh-Ohhh ... Dad don't go fur DAT stuff!
*Noze*BONK* ebery tyme she "curled a lip" ... we think she's ketchin on!

Cinder's been providin "Eskort Services" eber since we got 'Kota here atta Ranch ...
Goin over like a *phart* in Church! :p
'Kota don't seem ta mynd too much ... Cinder's hadda a pout on since da Y-Thingy
went *snap* on her collar and Dad sed "Keep an eye on Missy 'Kota, please."

She's prolly gonna have to be *tied* to sumBUDDY or sumTHING fur a kupple of daze -
till Dad's sure she'll **COME** when called.

KAT's less than *thrilled*, too ... he's moved into his lil bed in the Fallin Wadder Klozit ...
sure HOPE Dad rememberz ta <move> da Kat Bed **affore** he turnz da wadder on!

Stay tuned --- prolly gonna be sum 'Kota Tails this week!


06-01-2007, 08:48 PM
She's gorgeous! :D What breed is she? :)

Cinder & Smoke
06-01-2007, 09:03 PM
What breed is she? :)


BREED?? ... Surely you jest!

Maybe "Heinz 57 - Well Mixed"


06-01-2007, 09:21 PM
is she a keeper??........ what a lovely lady......... love the brindling.....

she is sooo cute!!

06-01-2007, 09:57 PM
Awww, she gorgeous!!! I am sure you guys can whip her into shape in a few daze. :D :D

Cinder & Smoke
06-01-2007, 10:05 PM
Is she a keeper??

SURE IS a "Keeper" ... by HER Family!

From First Post: "affore we give her back next Sunday". :p

Dakota is only a "Loaner" here at the Ranch ... not at all "needy" of a New Home!


06-01-2007, 10:33 PM
What a happy pupper! Does she always wear that pretty smile?

Cinder & Smoke
06-01-2007, 11:58 PM
What a happy pupper!

Does she always wear that pretty smile?


It's kinda hard to tell ... :rolleyes:

I've spent many evenings in HER Howze ... Gram & Gramps are both "old" FireFolks ...
Their Daughter ('Kota's MOM) hadn't yet "happened" when I first met Gram & Gramps.

Then years ago I helped Erica ('Kota Mom) raise a Guide Dawg Puppy one summer ...
just like now - they went to the shore ... puppy "Willa" moved in with Unka Phred! :)

I sorta knew 'Kota was a bit on the "active" side ... she spends time every
day with both Gramps AND Daddy outside doing yard work or cutting firewood trees ...
so she's used to being On-the-GO much of the time.
In HER Howze she's almost "mellow" ... moves at a quick trott ...
but doesn't *bounce* off too many walls. :p

This FurKid is now HYPER! ... :eek:
She's spent about half her time 6" off the floor ...
She's *bouncing* CINDER off the walls!

I fear the Eskort Service Dawg is about to go on strike!
I seperated them for Dinner ... 3 bowls down da Hatches and nary a "Grrrr" from anyone! :)

I suggested an *Outie* and had a HARD Tyme rounding up Miz Cinners for the
to Miz 'Kota's half of the Y-Thingy ...
"Uhhhh Dad, I'd really rather NOT, iffin ya don't mynd!" :(

I DID Mynd, and she got *snapped* up and off they went ...
I just don't think they went very FAR! :rolleyes:

Tyme for the "Final Call Outie" ... now WHERE did the Eskort Mutt go ... ???

Oh Heck ... maybe I'll dust off Bowz's Front Porch Tether Line and send Dakota out
on that ... maybe SUMbuddy will actually DO sumpin that way!

Is it next Sunday yet?

/s/ Dawg Sitter

06-02-2007, 12:50 AM
would this be the infamous guide dog pupper that swiped your deviled egg? :D
She sure is cute!!
I bet your house will be interesting this week!

Cinder & Smoke
06-02-2007, 06:18 AM
Would this be the infamous guide dog pupper that swiped your deviled egg? :D

"Willa" was said Deviled Egg Swippin / Guide Dawg to Be ...
about 12 years ago ... when 'Kota's Mom was in Middle School.
Willa went on to Graduate from Pilot Dog School, and was assigned to a Blind Fellow.
She is almost certainly "retired" from active Guiding by now.

I hope Dakota doesn't repeat ALL of Willa's adventures ...

LAST DAY in town for Willa - she had her "orders" to report back to Pilot Dog HQ for her
Basic Guide Training ... her whole Puppy Family (3 Kids, Rick & Colleen) were
going to drive
her back to Columbus on Sunday afternoon.
Colleen called me Saturday and said Puppy Mom Erica wants to ask me sumpin ...
Erica got on the phone and asked if I'd like to have Willa for her Last Night in town. *SURE*!!

We had a Phunn Evening - hike in the Big Lake Park, cuddles all evening, big dinner,
practice her "lessins", lotsa treets ... time for a Last Outie, then BigBed Tyme.

She came back in with her tail 'tween her legs ... :confused:

OMG did she STINK!! :mad:
Spent half the night drowning her in Tomato Juice and multiple washes ...
She slept in the garage ... I slept in the BigBed.

Another wash in the morning, a blow-dry ... and I hauled her back home ...
with MY tail 'tween my legs.
Everyone had a good *laff* on me ... and she got compliments on how
soft and *fluffie* her coat looked.

I'm HOPING Miz Dakota doesn't go lookin for any Striped B&W Kitty Kats!!

6:30 AM ...
Can't believe I'm doing this ...
"HEY! Lil Mutt ... you need to go OUT??"

I guess the 4 foot vertical Paw Springs meant "goin out sounds good" ...

Cinder & Smoke looked at me like I was *NUTZ*!
Cinder was awarded care & custody of 'Kota with the Y-Thingy ...
they stayed out long enough for a pee or two, I hope.

Cinder & Smokey gave disgusted looks as if to say their Beauty Sleep had
been seriously compromised by goin OUT so early ...
I think we're ALL headed back to bed!

/s/ Sleepie Sitter

06-02-2007, 07:34 AM
Oh I just love the "tails" from your house!

You should wright a book!!

Good job Cinder sucking it up and being the bigger dog and taking the new one out!

Look forward to more stories!

06-02-2007, 08:31 AM
Another great tail from da ranch! Poor Cinners!!1 It's only a few days!

Dakota is a beauty though!!!

My dogs are feeling a little of the same pain. We are watching my BILs dogs while their mom and dad are at the hospital having a skin-kid! (Our new newphew, Jacob Michael was born at 4am on 6-1!) They like their cousins, and have fun playing with them, but it is never the same has having mom and dad to yourself!

06-02-2007, 03:05 PM
She sure is cute. I see she's wearing a "Florida bandana." ;)

Cinder & Smoke
06-02-2007, 03:25 PM
I see she's wearing a "Florida bandana." ;)


She lives in the "Southern" half of town!


06-02-2007, 03:28 PM
Well, I'd say pink is her color. :)

06-02-2007, 03:28 PM
She's a doll! She has eyes just like my Ebony. If she's anything at all like Ebony she will keep you busy, also she will have you laughing a lot. I would love to dog sit Dakota! :D

06-02-2007, 03:46 PM
Love the tales! :D But do you ever get enough sleep, Phred? Well, Sunday is soon here! ;)

Dakota looks like a huge beauty. Hope you, Cinder, Smoke and Boots can get some more cuddle time next week. :)

06-02-2007, 04:01 PM
**sigh** I am just so happy after reading throug this thread. What a lot of fun ( and a bit of work) all to help a new family out! And I think YOU got the better part of the deal; at least YOURS is house trained. :D

Looking forward to hearing more about the visiting dog AND the new nephew.

06-02-2007, 04:35 PM
She's beautiful! Such a smiley face and a beautiful sleek coat! Sounds like things are mostly going pretty smooth ;). Show the younger kids how it's done Cinder!

06-02-2007, 04:59 PM
Did the 'mater juz work? I remember you saying that a better fix was some sort of "feminine hygiene" product that you had to send SmokeMutt in to the store to get (with the $$ in a pocket around his neck) :D

06-02-2007, 06:33 PM
What a pretty pretty girl :D Trust our Mizer Phred to surround himself with the most gorgeous she-dogs :D Bet you're just loving all that extra attention ;)

06-02-2007, 06:37 PM
OK Cinder and Smokey, and Phred ... I am ready for 'Kota tales any time! Cinder, I hope you're not 'Kota's escort for much longer cos it sounds like you aren't enjoying it.

Ginger's Mom
06-02-2007, 06:42 PM
Well Smokey we are going to have to depend on you to keep us updated because Ms. Cinder is going to have her paws full for awhile (it's tough always being the good one, isn't it Cinder ;) ). But, boy, the "tails" Dakota is going to have to share with her family after a week at the ranch. :)

06-02-2007, 06:52 PM
She's so cute! I think she'll like it there. I thought she had some Grayhound in her. Maybe she does. Whatever's in her, she's adorable. I hope she enjoys her stay at the ranch and Cinder and Smoke enjoy her, too.

06-02-2007, 06:59 PM
Ah, she's cute. Hope everyone survives her visit! She sounds like a handful!

Cinder & Smoke
06-02-2007, 10:32 PM
Did the 'mater juz work?

I remember you saying that a better fix was some sort of "feminine hygiene" product that you had to send SmokeMutt in to the store to get (with the $$ in a pocket around his neck) :D

"Willa" was a long Tyme ago ... after First Shepherds Casey and Arrow;
but before Husky/Shepherd Shadow ...

Only "fix" I knew at the time (used more the once on Casey :rolleyes: ) was the
Old Tyme Remedy of repeated rubbings with Tomato Juze (from the can);
followed by either Laundry or Dish Washin soap baths.
With enough applications, it "worked" ... PLUS, you were So Used to being
in and around the STINK - you couldn't tell HOW the Dawg smelled! :p

I'd totally forgotten the "Feminine Product Remedy" ... prolly kuz it was
so darn *embarrisun* to "obtain" the stuff ...
Think I only used that one time till I learned about the Hydrogen Peroxide +
Baking Soda + Dish Soap concoction.


06-02-2007, 10:48 PM
Think I only used that one time till I learned about the Hydrogen Peroxide + Dish Soap concoction.

Ummm....I sure hope the two products ain't interchangeable! :eek:

Any reports from Dakota's home front? Did she learn any manners?

Sure is a pretty girl!

06-02-2007, 11:49 PM
I love her little bandana!

WHat's a Florida bandana? I keep looking in local stores for nice bandanas for my dogs, but so far have only found one that I liked (a Red Sox one, of course!)

Any sites anyone can recommend?

Also - Dakota is a cutie! How nice of you to watch her!

Cinder & Smoke
06-03-2007, 01:10 AM
'Kota here ... anudder 'furst" --- tyme onna Puter PawBoard!

I'z been askin - an not gettin mucha an answer ...
WHUT's a "SWIM inna BigLake"??

Gud Grief! Klipp an Klopp are about jumpin outta their FurSkins!
Yippin an Yappin ... where ARE we?

Almost atta BigLake? Looks like inna woods ta me!
OMG! Iz dat all WADDER out there?
Looks a lil bigger than da Crick a-hind my Howze!

Whut's DISS Kontrapshun??
A THREE-Way Y-Thingy ... HO Boy ... pull harder, guyz ... he's teeterin!

We're goin back fur da WHUT? ... Power Steerin Unit fur ME!??

Looks like a Mid-Evil Torture rig ... GAAAAK! ... I kan't BREATHE!
Oh ... don't <pull>, huh?

So ... WHUDDA we DO here?
Walk out onna 'Dock' ... whut'sa 'Dock'?
OMG! --- Diss iz like walkin onna rollie-koaster ... look - da Bus Driver almost felled in!

I'll jest *watch* fur a tyme or two ... UN-HOOK ME!
Did you two jest **JUMP IN**??


Third Tyme is NOT gonna be no *charm* wiff me! ... Iffin I go in, da Bus Driver goes in!
Third an Fourth rounds wuz a draw ... I hung onna "dock" wiffa Death Grip!

Fifth Round I wound up back onna Three-Way Hook-em Up ... Klipp an Klopp <leaped> in
an drug me over da side wiff 'em ...
{{Splish}} - {{Splash}} - {{KA-SPLAT}} <gasp>

Cinder, Dakota, and poor SmokeMutts - Who STILL hasn't *bobbed up* yet! >>>


<sputter> - <sputter> ... <putt> - <putt> - <putt> ...


THANKS fur all da Step-by-Step Instructions!
I kudda DROWNED back there!

Do It AGAIN!?? --- Are you guyz NUTZ??


Well, da *SWIMMIN* part izzint so bad ... but dat Jumpin IN wiffa
Big <SHOVE> kinda *suckz*!


So ... this is *SWIMMIN*, huh?
And you guys say it'z *PHUNN* ??

Wunder iffin my MOM would approve of diss activity?

Uhhh ... do we get a TOWEL?

/s/ a Damp 'Kota

06-03-2007, 07:37 PM
Sounds like Chipper's description of swimmin'. :rolleyes: :D

Like Tamara said, I hope everyone survives the visit! ;) :D Dakota is really cute.

Cinder & Smoke
06-17-2007, 08:26 PM

Can't believe we dint write any more 'Kota Tails last week ...

Miz 'Kota wuz a purdy quick learner ...

Furst Nite atta Ranch Dad offered Treetz ... an lil Dakota got her furst lessin about SHARIN!
Seemz she figgered ALL Treets were fur HER (not) - so she curled her lipz an did sum "Grrrrin"!
Uhhhh-Ohhhh ... Dad dont go fur dat!
**BAP** onna headbone - rite tween da earbones!

:eek: Thunk Dakota!
We started *sharin* treets wiffout much fussin aftur a kupple **BAPs**!

Dinner Tyme ... more "Grrrrrin" an Lip Curlin ...
Nudder **BAP** onna headbone ...
She gave an <air-SNAP> towards Smokemutt :eek:
Nudder **BAP--BAP** onna headbone wiffa "BAD DOG!!"

By the third day, she'd given up *raidin* food bowls an would just <bounce> up & down
inna puter room waitin fur her grub to jump into her bowl.
An Treet Tyme wuzza piece a cake - she jest SAT an waited fur Treet #3.

Anna Eskort Service got cancelled bout da third day ... 'Kota nebber left da yard!
Made summa us look bad - she wuz purdy oftin da furst wun back inna door!

Found out why she haz her OWN BedPad! ... Like a bull inna China shoppe when she
hops onna BigBed! Gud GRIEF!! SLOW DOWN, Kid! An ya better quit <STOMPIN> on Dad!
Toss her offa BigBed about 6 tymes a nite, an she settled on her bed OK!

Car Ridin?
Like a Pet Rock! She took up a lotta SPACE onna back seat, but wuz a quiet rider.

We all went *swimmin* again onna way home frum PawzFest on Sunday.
She STILL din't like Dock Divin ... anna Boater Folks was like a MOB .
so we just did a kupple kool-off swims an headed fur da Pizza Shop.

'Kota's Dad called as we wuz pullin inna Ranch ... Bus Driver sed "tumorrow wuld be fine" ...
So she's here till Munday afternoon! :D She likes Pizza Rinds, too! ;)

Ranch seemed kind *quiet* on Munday nite.

Gonna *miss* dat lil Kid!

Daisy and Delilah
06-18-2007, 07:09 AM
She's a cutie pie, Phred!! Is she really going home this afternoon? Darn!! I love reading the Kota Tails :D :D :D

06-18-2007, 08:17 AM
Sounds like miss 'Kota will be asking her mom & dad for MORE VISITS at the ranch. Hope this isn't the end of the 'kota tails!

Pawsitive Thinking
06-18-2007, 08:23 AM
I think I will wait for the film version ;)

Cinder & Smoke
06-18-2007, 08:28 AM
Is she really going home this afternoon?
I love reading the 'Kota Tails :D :D :D

She was *phunn* to have around!

But she actually was "returned" a WEEK ago - on Monday, June 11th - the day after PawzFest. :(
We'll ask her to consider writing a "Guest Column". ;)

BUTT ...
The Ranch Hotel will be fillin up in a week ... Miz Cali (Unka Pat & Miz Joan's BC gal)
will be staying for a week from June 23 till July 1st.

Daisy and Delilah
06-18-2007, 09:14 AM
Glad she was phun while she was there with you Phred. Sorry I seem to be a little out of it these days. Thanks for the info. :)

06-18-2007, 11:35 AM
Cali Tails will be good, too!