View Full Version : Off We Go [Sir Jury!]

06-01-2007, 04:35 PM
:D anyone remembers my first/last roadtrip? most should as it was in my signature for a while - about 6 months? ..

it is happening again and we are leaving in few days!! :D :D soo can't wait .. we have learned so much in 6 days last time. but this one this time will be longer.. we'll be on the road for about a month and half! how exciting.. http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b127/mystichild/pinkgrin.gif here, to california - we'll be there at the most of time, then back. thank goodness for my mobile! I post with this at 90% of time so you'll be able to receive live updates. :)

and .. beware, if I ever see this word, [we want] pictures! in replies, one picture each request will be gone.. ;)

... just kidding, hint hint. come on, it's one of rules I know. :p

wheeyay, time to go soon - just a couple of more of laundries, arrangements and stuff to take care for the house before we go! our first stop will be niagara falls! http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b127/mystichild/pinkgrin.gif

06-01-2007, 06:33 PM
I hope you have a wonderful time! Can't wait to see pictures, and the many stories you have. Hope you have a safe trip and that we will be thinking of you.

06-01-2007, 09:24 PM
what if I said we want visual enhancement of your trip?? would that be valid :p ;)

what a great thing to do......... who are you taking along??........

how exciting!!

Cinder & Smoke
06-01-2007, 10:20 PM
We'll be on the road for about a month and half!
how exciting.. http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b127/mystichild/pinkgrin.gif
here, to California ...
our first stop will be Niagara Falls! http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b127/mystichild/pinkgrin.gif

Safe Trip ~ Drive CAREFULLY!!

Who all is Going???

Wonder-Mutt, I'm sure is flying as Co-Pilot ...
but are the Kitty-Katz included in this Adventure?

Does EVERYone have a secure COLLAR and NAME-Tag - with a "good" phone number?

Have **PHUNN**!


06-01-2007, 10:21 PM
isabel... you're excused.. ;) ;)

I'll be taking all of my furkids with me; ten cats and crayola, they are my excellent furtravellers. :D however, I'm afraid I can't take mendo (my precious chinchilla) with us since he's a fragile animal; sensitive to heat and engine noises. :( but I know he'll be in good hands and waiting until we get back!

thanks almita! I'm sure we'll have a blast. ^_^

edit - posted at same time, phred - thanks! we will and yup, I have papers with photo, name and number of each microchipped furpassengers along with two emergency phone numbers in two different places! it was scary doing them.. :p

I just bathed crayola and had all of my cats their claws clipped - they all know what's going on! we're all eager and ready.. :D

06-02-2007, 11:26 AM
I want to wish you all the best of luck and praying for a safe trip for you all!!

06-02-2007, 03:39 PM
Happy (and safe) trails to you all!

What kind of vehicle will you be traveling in?

06-02-2007, 03:47 PM
Have fun and be careful!

Are you going to California or somewhere else?

06-02-2007, 04:52 PM
phesina, my thunder (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=108768)! she may look so small for all of us but inside and the trunk - ample ample. :) I'm still trying to figure out if I could pull the passenger seat out to make some more room.. I also pray she'll bring all of us throughly safe!! grr.. not a while ago when her gasket, radiator, coolant and transmission all blew up. :o

oh dear, too many to mention .. we'll be going everywhere! :D but yes, california (aka our turnaround) will be one of our stops, longest stop. we'll be camping there too! but we won't get there until in around middle of june, the 16th probably.

thank you pitc9!

Daisy and Delilah
06-02-2007, 05:07 PM
Gina, I hope you and your crew have a very safe and enjoyable trip. I'll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. :)

06-02-2007, 05:32 PM
Oi! If you come up to Oregon for a bit I can show you around Corvallis and Eugene! :P

have fun on your trip!

06-02-2007, 05:35 PM
Visual enhancement DEFINITELY wanted! Have a safe and fun trip!

06-03-2007, 05:50 AM
Prayers for a safe trip Gina. Hoping to see you Wednesday! :D

06-03-2007, 08:47 PM
:D http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b127/mystichild/pinkgrin.gif just one more day until we leave for the summer! *squee* .. we'll be seeing plenty of friends, attractions, vista points and parks! oh and, roads, roads, and roads of course..

aw.. I just dropped off my mendo. :( I already miss him! but my friend promised me he'll email me a picture and an upadte of him weekly! :)

I cannot wait once my hands are on steering wheel and proceed! I just had pulled out the passenger seat, cleaned to make some more room and it looks so homey with all of pillows, blankets and stratching posts! all ready for the trip .. through 18 states! (not oregon.. :[ sorry!)

thank you everyone and see you soon, chocopup! :D

06-04-2007, 11:07 AM
we're all excited, ready and leaving now - heading to friend's near niagara falls then go there tomorrow early morning! :D

please keep all of us in your thoughts so that we arrive every destination in one piece as soon as we go off. thanks and see you on journey!

((bye for now))
..gina & the ark

06-04-2007, 11:15 AM
Have a good trip! ;) Oh, and make sure you have both your pager charger and battery charged for the camera handy (not packed deep in some box) so you can keep us all updated!

06-04-2007, 02:48 PM
Wow you must be so excited!:D What parts of Canada will you be visiting? Too bad you weren't close to my area. Have a great trip!

06-04-2007, 03:24 PM
Have fun! :D You should come to Winnipeg. ;)

06-04-2007, 04:08 PM
Oh hope you have fun in Canada, it's great here lol.

Niagra falls is so awsome ... you should REALY go to the bird santuary there.

There's SO many beautiful excotic birds flying free, amazing.



Here's the link to the place incase your intrested.


06-05-2007, 05:41 PM
funny you mentioned argra, we went to bird kingdom today!! and maid of the mist too!! and niagara FALLS ..

WOOOW.. undescribe!! sometimes in day today I thought my eyes were still tired! (we woke up around 7AM) and couldn't believe we saw all these amazing views and walk around/over/behind them! especially RIGHT behind the fall on the ferry! certainly am exhausted now - feel like I was there for only an hour or so. my friends does too! I'd LOVE to come back here someday! :D now we're heading home and will make some homemade memphis BBQ chicken pizza! yumyum..

kalei, niagara falls is the farthest I go in canada...LOL. too bad I'm not near to any canadian pet talkers .. maybe on next roadtrip! and I'll be sure to stop by in winnipeg. ;)

after dinner, my gangs back into car then heading down back america - catfriendly place in erie, PA for ohio tomorrow! this should be fun. :) then we'll be visiting our first pet talker and furriends! :D

06-05-2007, 07:41 PM
You should make a stop in TN, Gina :p.

Hope you are having/will have fun!

06-05-2007, 09:21 PM
See ya soon! :D

06-05-2007, 10:20 PM
Are you coming around to Georgia?

06-05-2007, 10:52 PM
I hope we get to see you and Crayola here in Cali!! :D Can't wait!!!

06-06-2007, 08:27 AM
How far into Ohio are you travelling?

06-06-2007, 09:09 AM
well roxy, I'll be going through tennessee in august so, possible. :)

reggie, I'm not sure yet - if budget allows me going flordia, then I think I might will pass georgia! however, tenn is right next to your state and we could meet somewhere up there.

cataholic - only on top of ohio! since two other pet talkers are out of town this weekend, I'm not going down ohio.. but, if you think we could meet somewhere northern on 8th - PM me! ;)

off onto the road! entering ohio at noon ..

06-06-2007, 09:32 AM
I understand. Ohio is about 5 hours top to bottom. You will be nearly at the tippy top, and I am hanging low in the bottom. Maybe we can get together another time.

06-06-2007, 11:54 AM
well roxy, I'll be going through tennessee in august so, possible. :)

Seriously?! What part of TN? *gets excited*

06-07-2007, 04:54 AM
Gina, it was so good to see you and your ark! :D Layla kept looking for Crayola in the yard. Continued prayers for a safe journey. :)

06-07-2007, 08:55 AM
Gina, please give me a call today on my cell phone when you're getting close to my area. Yesterday was a bad day for me and my head is still spinning!!
I forgot my camera and don't think I'm going to have time to run home and pick up Sierra after work. :(
If you're nearby during the day I could meet you at teh dog park I told you about on my lunch. I can take lunch anytime I want to. Also... Tiffin, that's where your staying at tonight... right?? It's about 2 2 1/2 hours from me. I know in a PM you said it was only an hour, I wanted to make sure you knew ahead of time how far it really is. I know that because I drive through Tiffin on my way to the dog park in Findlay.

4 Dog Mother
06-07-2007, 09:02 AM
Tiffin, you stayed in Tiffin last night? That is where I grew up and my parents still live there. Where did you stay? You could have notified me and I might have been able to meet you in Tiffin or at the Findlay Dog Park - but yesterday was a crazy day - we had new doors installed and Amy and Ralph and Carl went to a race in Eldora. So I probably had too many dogs and too little time to go anywhere! Maybe we can meet up another time!

06-07-2007, 09:28 AM
hi! just took the cats to park - now heading out to cleveland ZOO soon! opening now. :D

dog mother, no - I'm staying nearby tiffin tonight. I could see you tomorrow morning/afternoon, would love to meet more pet talkers! PM me if you think we could. also, I don't recall if it was you or cincy's mom who mentioned about the ice cream place in toledo in my last roadtrip thread - since I'll be going by toledo and I remember, I'll be stopping by there! :D

angie, yeah, I meant near tiffin! :) only an hour and half, nah - not bad. don't worry about the camera, I have mine! and too bad about sierra.. :( sorry it was not your day yesterday. hope you feel better by the time I come by! a pet talker and her hug should do.. ;) I'll give you a call soon..

aw layla.. did I tell you I couldn't get over with how sooo cute her personality is?? it was so great meeting you all and the cats too!! :D

roxy, not sure yet - probably middle of tenn? more plans will become stone in around end of july - watch this thread! but would your mother allow me visit you? :p

can't wait to see you too tazzoee, twice. ;)

06-07-2007, 12:22 PM
Darn, I'm in East TN. Yeah my mom's cool with PT'ers visiting me.

06-07-2007, 12:58 PM
Great news Gina!!
I'll be getting off work at 4:30 today so I'll have plenty of time to run home and get Sierra and my camera and meet you!
Just give me a call when you're done at the Zoo!

Where did you leave your cats today while you were at the zoo??

06-07-2007, 08:40 PM
I'm back from my visit with Gina!
Sierra and Crayola had a wonderful time at the dog park, then Gina and I went and had dinner at Applebees.
I had a wonderful time and am very happy to have been able to meet her!
I wish you and the Ark a fun and safe trip!!

I'll post pictures tomorrow when I get to work (and have access to a DSL ;) )

06-08-2007, 02:04 PM
omg... two things,

I almost was hit by train this morning only by four feet. :eek: I should have listened to crayola!! because I was putting him up on other front train (that wasn't moving) for a picture, I assumed he was a bit nervous about height so I didn't think about him alerting me .. but it was odd seeing him SO and more nervous even after I prasied him for getting to the top .. it just didn't seem right -- I got down anyway on the side of the train to take a picture .. the other train, next to that train, just swooshed right by me! I had to grab for the tiny pole to keep my balance, my dear life. and eyed crayola up there to make sure he'd not follow me and get hit. :o

and second, lightning had striked my car and the engine died! omgosh, you could feel aftershocks went inside the car like pinball right after it stopped. :eek: ..what I do now..? poor my ark.. lol.. who do I call? it's sooo pouring/thundering and 30? 35? 40? MPH wind out there here, every cars are driven with hazard lights on and all I see is barns... signal won't stay in coverage this long and will disconnect me.. well, will it be driveable again? .. I JUS left my friend's.


06-08-2007, 02:20 PM
my Gina!!..... what a scare(s)........ glad you and the critters are ok

luckily you didnīt get locked out like that other time.......sending good vibes your way so everything gets fixed and you can go on with your trip......

how cool you get to meet a bunch of PTers!! *insert envy here* ;)

good boy Crayola!! *pat pat*...... good boy!!...... watching out for mommy *hands a treat*....

06-08-2007, 02:28 PM
OMGosh Gina! I'm so glad you and Crayola and the rest of the ark are okay. Sending good vibes and (((HUGS))) to you!

Cinder & Smoke
06-08-2007, 03:07 PM
Lightning had striked my car and the engine died!

what I do now..? poor my ark.. lol.. who do I call?

it's sooo pouring/thundering and 30? 35? 40? MPH wind out there here,

will it be driveable again? ..

I JUST left my friend's.


1) Call the "friend" you just left - they're closest to being able to help you.

2) Where ARE you??? Name of nearest City/Town and Route Number.

3) What Make, Model and Year vehicle are you driving?

4) Do you have an Auto Club Membership; or Towing Insurance with your car insurance policy?

Give a few more DETAILS and we might be able to Help you!

/s/ Phred

06-08-2007, 05:46 PM
Hi Gina! Send me a PM when you are going to be in TN ... I am smack dab in the middle!


Cinder & Smoke
06-08-2007, 06:16 PM
EVERYONE take Note of this!!

I almost was hit by train this morning only by four feet. :eek:

I was putting him up on other front train (that wasn't moving) for a picture

the other train, next to that train, just swooshed right by me!



There are GOOD REASONS why the Railroads **FORBID** Trespassers on their
property ... Trespassers getting *smacked DEAD* by a train is One of them!

Railroads are getting very tired of being sued by Trespassers after said Trespasser
pulls a DUMM STUNT and climbs on then falls off their equipment, tracks, or bridges.
Not to mention the being *smacked DEAD* incidents after tangling with a moving train.

So nowdays, the Railroad Cops have become a rather UN-friendly bunch ...
warnings are few and far between ...
Get Caught on Railroad Property, and you'll probably be arrested and charged
with criminal trespass. :eek:

Hopefully Gina learned her lesson ... don't mess anywhere NEAR a Train or its Tracks!

/s/ ex-Railroad Radio Fixer Phred

06-08-2007, 06:59 PM
EVERYONE take Note of this!!


There are GOOD REASONS why the Railroads **FORBID** Trespassers on their
property ... Trespassers getting *smacked DEAD* by a train is One of them!

Railroads are getting very tired of being sued by Trespassers after said Trespasser
pulls a DUMM STUNT and climbs on then falls off their equipment, tracks, or bridges.
Not to mention the being *smacked DEAD* incidents after tangling with a moving train.

So nowdays, the Railroad Cops have become a rather UN-friendly bunch ...
warnings are few and far between ...
Get Caught on Railroad Property, and you'll probably be arrested and charged
with criminal trespass. :eek:

Hopefully Gina learned her lesson ... don't mess anywhere NEAR a Train or its Tracks!

/s/ ex-Railroad Radio Fixer Phred

My neighbor is a train engineer and he tells stories that will curl your toes of people who do dumb stunts and get killed. Unfortunetly, people have done stupid stunts while he was driving and guess what the people were killed. Trains DONT STOP ON A DIME. I agree with you Phred about messing anywhere near a train or track.

06-08-2007, 07:20 PM
Gina, I just hope you are ok now, with your car and all. I'm still trying to figure out how you are making this trip with all the cats. Crayola I can understand, but how in the world do you travel with the cats? Inquiring minds want to know.

I hate trains. I can't think of anything I hate more. I have always had a train phobia and now you've given me another reason to stay away from them.


06-08-2007, 07:28 PM
Hi Everyone.. I just "talked" with Gina (via relay operator). She asked me to let you all know that she and her "kids" are all okay.. her car is being worked on.. her pager got wet and isn't working so she can't post herself right now, but she will as soon as it is working again.

She is coming to Ann Arbor tomorrow! I'm looking forward to meeting her and her traveling companions.


06-08-2007, 10:51 PM
agh.. SO relieved to have my pager back alive! I thought it was dying for good... it was pouring like hell, I couldn't have doors opened. instead of using soggy papers/pen for communication, I used my pager, typing ... handed to the other person under her umbrella to read.. and accidentally dropped it into the puddle!! :eek: :eek: I picked it as quickly as I could and shaked it off .. tch, it was flicking.. then screen faded. :[ took me 7 good hours to have it dry up, whew!

LOL .. sorry phred! one thing I can promise is, I won't sue. actually, it was crayola who TOLD me to go near there.. :p maybe there should be No FURtrespassers signs. then I can read and say no to him. ;) ok, seriously, he had to go potty, and tracks were out of nowhere - near there, only had two small gravel shoulders - on both side of crossing rails - where we can pull over, but a bit farther than that! then near that, I found a grass spot (crayola will not pee anywhere else) so, we walked over there - there, even had a portable right off the tracks!! next to metal box of electricity(?).

waiting for crayola, I looked up at train which was just few yards away, thought how it was so colorful as can be... and wanted to take picture quickly! lol. I did ponder on risking .. I kept saying, is it even moving?? is the engine on?? no.. who knows what will happen! who knows?? what if.. nah.. oh heck, for once of my life! and kept eyeing for the coming train behind us.. I had to anyway, my cats waiting for us!

yes, I am aware it was dangerous.. I learned this lesson that trains don't always pass each other in opposite direction! ;) I never knew two trains could go in both tracks same way; one not moving and another tooting facing us.

hehe logan .. I really don't know how to answer that! that's why my blog says "one magical ark" .. :D maybe you can ask chocopup/pitc9 that. really, you know, our car is just about as same size as our queen bed - that's where all of my cats would hang out and cuddle all the time, regardless how spacious the house is.. :rolleyes: so, not really a difference. and, not a single of them are scared of engine, plus with their superpersonalities - that makes things a lot easier. :)

pitc9, I know I said this bunch of times.. thanksthanksthanks again for your time, especially during your sad time - we had fun with you and sierra too! :cool:

kimlovescats, I will! I planned to, though.

thank you very much pat, for posting and can't wait to see you tomorrow!

edit ~ oh! almost forgot all about my car. :rolleyes: my poor thunder had to have few fumes and frizzed battery replaced! thankfully the insurance covered all of this. they were great, came pretty right away after a truck behind us called for me. it was pain in neck doing this in a STORM. I swear you cannot see anything, even your wipers!

yikes, sorry for the long post!

we're in toledo for the night - we had fun today! we went and saw the earth's crack - a cave!! about 100 ft, halfway down because of water level. it was very interesting of how it was discovered, by who and when, etc.. a dog!! then men found more depths after.. before that, my friend & I went out and watched movie. and later on, crayola took a swim at oak harbor shoreline. what a pretty long day!

06-08-2007, 11:22 PM
Heya Gina! Glad you'll be stopping by Reno, There are a few dog friendly places I'd love to show you, right near my house! My neighbors pup may be interested in meeting Crayola too :D

Glad the car is working again and you are safe, BE CAREFUL!

Oh if you want my phone #, send me a PM to remind me! With me working at night I tend to be forgetful :o

06-09-2007, 06:20 AM
I'm so sorry that happened to you Gina! How scary that must have been for you all!
Sierra and I had fun too! Glad you could stop near me on your road trip!
Hope to see you again someday! I'll post pics soon!!

06-09-2007, 08:59 AM
Gina, I'm glad everything is ok now. Wanted to post a few pics from your visit (must hurry before Angie since you were here first!) I'm only posting two for now, Gina has more on her camera.
Here's Gina and Crayola at my house! :D
And me with Crayola and Layla. They were so funny, they both wanted to be chased, didn't work out well, they both even looked in opposite directions in the pic. :p
Lacey wasn't too happy about company until hubby got home, I believe Gina has a picture of the three dogs. ;)

06-10-2007, 09:01 AM
I will be careful, promise to stay away from trains for now. ;) oo, dog park! that means we'll have to find a place to put cats for a while. :) we can discuss more later..

pitc9! it was a scary thought about if I've had been hit by train and .. yikes. I didn't say good bye to anyone or even my thunder cats and you all will just never hear from me again. when I am gone, I am gone. I mean anything could happen, and to anyone! that reminds me to email everyone I love.

hehe, crayola and layla.. silly kids! :rolleyes: both like to be a MOUSE, "chase me friend!" but no one chased .. :p it was hilarious to watch though. :D hey, I love that picture of you, annette!

yesterday I had a grrreat-great time visiting phesina! she's just as sweet as online. :) had nice time walking with you at the park! twice. :cool: beautifulbeautiful.. perfect day. and! I fell in looove with elmer! good thing you were in the house with me the whole time, otherwise I'd have snatched him.. oh aw, I'm whinning now!! he's just utterly flipping insanely cute.. :D it was nice seeing your other furkids too, you've always included their names with yours. :) thankyou for a day with us!

just fed the chilling motel cats - off to pick up more ice cubes for crayola, he never get enough of them! we are currently in chicago, illinois until later afternoon - we'll be stopping at mississippi river for a swim.

ciao ciao for now folks!

06-10-2007, 07:49 PM
Gina came by shortly after noon yesterday. She found my place with no trouble. I got to meet her and Crayola and all her beautiful, sweet kitties. The animals were all so good.. they let me pet them and didn't try and jump out of the car when the door was open.

Then we went to my apartment, and she met my kitties. They were all shy and did their best to stay out of sight. I brought Elmer, my Cerebellar Hypoplasia boy, up to her. He struggled and tried to get away (which he does when there's anyone he doesn't know around), as she pet him gently.

She also met the earthly remains of my sweet little angel Priscilla, who went to the RB in April.. a small box of ashes.

Then we and Crayola went for a walk in County Farm Park, about a block and a half from my place. The weather was gorgeous! Sunny and in the 70s. We then went to a nearby sandwich shop for a bite to eat. Afterwards Gina said she wanted to go back to the park because she'd forgotten to bring her camera along the first time. We got the camera from the car, then went on an even longer walk this time! Gina took lots of pictures.

Then she came back to my apartment to say goodbye to my kitties. Peony let her pet her, Sydney did a little, Poppy stayed out of reach as usual.. and then Gina picked Elmer up. He tried to get away at first, but she kept petting him, and he relaxed and started enjoying it. He was even purring! He had that look on his face like he was smiling. I think Elmer and Gina are new best friends!

After that, Gina & Crew headed off on their way to Illinois.

It was a wonderful afternoon and a pure delight to meet Gina and her Ark at last!

Happy Trails to you all, Godspeed, safe journey and safe home, Gina, Crayola, and kitties.

Pat, Peony, Sydney, Poppy, Elmer, and of course Priscilla Angel

Here's a picture of Elmer (click on the thumbnail, or pawnail, to see it full size)

06-11-2007, 01:20 PM
Here's pics from one of Gina's stops in Ohio!

It was HOT HOT HOT for Gina's visit.

Sierra found out that the cool air is coming from the front... so she plopped herself down on the passenger seat next to me... backwards!! :confused:

Caryola being greeted by the locals (that included a 3 legged Buddy look alike!)

Another local... Chow Chow

Crayola making friends!

A shaved St. Bernard that had legs like a Great Dane. For all I know they all look like that under all that fur! :confused:

Sierra getting a drink with a local.

Here's the 3 legged pup who's face reminded me of my Buddy


06-11-2007, 01:25 PM
Sierra and Crayola posing for a picture...
Come on Sierra... I know it's hot but do you have to look like you're about to fall over dead???

There... that's better, was that so hard??


Sierra and Crayola walking back to the cars.

The Ark-Mobile!! :D




06-11-2007, 01:26 PM
These 2 were going to take turns driving! :p

Smile everyone!!

Ugh... it didn't cool down much at all that day!

Hope you all enjoyed the pictures from Gina's visit as much as Sierra and I enjoyed showing her around our town!

Cinder & Smoke
06-11-2007, 01:56 PM

We've been to that Dawggie Park!


It's the Mentor Dawg Park, on Hopins Road between the Public Works Complex
and the RailRoad tracks!

Looks like they added that Pavilion and tossed in some fresh Woody Chips!
They still got the signs sayin NO Balls, Frizbees, Runnin, Chasin, an Havin PHUNN? :rolleyes:

That'd be a really pretty lil Park iffin they'd Weed-Whack the weeds around the fences.


06-11-2007, 03:28 PM
Yup That's the one Phred! I work on Tyler Blvd just about 2 miles from the park. Do you go there often??

Yeah, the signs are still there, but no one minds throwing things as long as all the pups behave themselves.

Cinder & Smoke
06-12-2007, 12:45 PM
Uppiedate on Tuesday from near Rawlins City, Wyoming @ 1:45 EASTERN Time ...

The Ark Broke Down - has a serious engine overheating problem. :(

Gina and ALL the Critters are OK and enroute to a garage in Rawlins City ...
Gina's riding in the tow truck, the FurKids are "guarding" the Ark which is riding
along on the flatbed.

PURRAYERS needed NOW ...
more details to follow as they become available.

/s/ Phred

06-12-2007, 12:47 PM
Oh no! You and the ark will be in my thoughts and prayers. This kind of adventure you dont need.

06-12-2007, 12:48 PM
Thanks for letting us know!

Cinder & Smoke
06-12-2007, 02:57 PM
Gina's *snappies* from the breakdown location on I-80 in Wyoming:

The Ark is overheating ... waiting for the tow ...


The Ark - loaded on the flatbed wrecker - headed for the Garage


The Ark - from the wrecker's mirror


3:30 PM - they're In Town - *Waiting* for the car dealer to re-open after lunch.

06-12-2007, 04:29 PM
Oh No!!! :eek:

Cinder & Smoke
06-12-2007, 07:23 PM

Wyoming can be an expensive state to drive through ...
even when you're sitting in OHIO! :eek:

After spending almost 5 HOURS on Gina's Car ... poor "Mike" was getting a lil
"tense" about SOMEone needing to decide WHAT to do!

I spent 30 minutes *attempting* to converse with Gina via "Relay" ---
(the Operator was an A$$ and VERY hard to understand - Fast-Talkin was his specialty ...
And if I asked HIM to repeat what he SAID, he made Gina repeat what she Typed! :mad: )

I called Mike at Kar Kraft in Wyoming, and asked what the situation was.
1) Car towed in - complaint: Overheating ... engine was cold
2) Radiator to Expansion Tank HOSE was OFF - at tank end; Tank EMPTY
3) Gina said she added fluid "at least once, maybe more times" :confused:
4) They cut bad end of hose, re-attached to tank: added coolant to fill.
5) Ran Car - checked for Head Gasket symptoms, water/oil mixes = nuffin found
6) Test Drive - ran good except ran COLD - too cold to be normal
7) Suspect Thermostat = $80.00 to replace + $80.00 diagnostic & collant so far.
8) Gina didn't want to change thermostat unless it "HAD to be replaced".

Mike's prolly gonna want an Extra Beer with dinner tonight! :p

Guess who owns Thunder's New Thermostat?? :rolleyes:

Hope "we" get to California soon ... trip's gettin expensive!

/s/ Phred

06-12-2007, 08:37 PM

first of all, THANKYOU phred for making things clear and easier! I knew who to call, and I hope you did a right thing by paying extra of what was "needed". and thanks a lot for pup prayers/being an updater for the day!

what I'm most happy now is we all are BACK ONTO THE ROAD!! I definitely don't feel like hashing all of this up - today was awful so I'll try to make it short...

first, of course our day didn't started off good - my car had to be stopped, boiling - overheated. out of nowhere, but thank god I just barely got into a coverage, just for a call! or emails. I mumbled all day in prayers that it won't become too hot because we couldn't use AC at all yesterday, and window blowings weren't very helpful.. my dear cat, eclypse had nearly passed out. :( I forced some water into her throat, she's okay now.

second, when I got to the shop.. mike (the owner) said I'd have to wait until after lunch and gave me a smirk .. it wasn't even 10:30 yet and made it two hours lunch?? :confused: I don't understand.. all they, mike, his wife and a mechanic were doing was chatting in the office until noon then left. I thought it was time to feed my ark anyway.

third, they finally took my car in at >>3:30<< -- after asking numreous of time if they'd prefer to have me take the cats out at a later or sooner time, I saw the mechanic guy got mad once opened the door, threw his arms in air then went into my car anyway and shooing cats harshly with his hand then pushed one of my cat away with his flithy BOOT.. :mad: :mad: I walked up immediately to him, signed GET OUT. I shut my door and took carriers out the trunk, put cats in, nodded to him, "go ahead" ... goodness.

fourth, mike and mechanic starting to lite their cigerattes right next to my carriers... small sheltered shop as there's no shade out there - I asked please them to not.. for me too. they chuckled and went ahead anyway. I then got a bad headache for that. lovely.

fifth, mechanic came back with my thunder, with trunk totally out of order, even few papers out of my dashboard and with litterbox flipped half way .. that was one good 14 miles "drive test".. :mad: another hour of organizing while waiting...

then lastly, charging me too much for nearly NO labor and just a few gallons of coolant fluids.. what?? I called phred for advice, and wonderful relay was making it worse - while phred suggested me he'd call the shop, I went outside and cuddled with crayola in tears (they even argue about letting service dog in and I didn't had a bit energy for that even though I could sue them for thousands).

poor crayola (who had experienced flatbed cruising this morning) was still nervous wondering if it was a ghost driving! we've been on the road since 6PM (an hour and half), all my furkids seem are back to normal! I love them, understandingable furtravellers also! :D

we'll be entering utah tomorrow morning after staying in rock springs, w-w-wyoming tonight.. or should I get out of this bad luck state asap??

time to go - again, ((((thankyou)))) all!

06-12-2007, 08:46 PM
Gina, it's good to hear from you. Thanks to Phred for keeping us updated. :D
Are you going to be able to meet us on Saturday, in Berkeley? Or are you now off schedule? I hope we get to see you and the furkids. :) If not, we will totally understand. Your trip has been quite the adventure so far. :eek:
I will keep you in my thoughts for a safe trip. :)

06-12-2007, 09:26 PM
Oh my God... Gina.. how HORRIBLE, your experience in Wyoming. And like it wasn't bad enough what was wrong with the car, but for you and your animals to be treated like that. I am outraged and horrified. How can anyone be so cruel when you are totally at their mercy?

(Perhaps you should keep in the back of your mind the idea of suing the pants off that jerk later on when you have some time and energy to consider it!)

I am SO GLAD the Ark is running and you are on the road again! You are getting farther and farther away from that awful place and those awful sub-humans.

Meanwhile, you know that there are loads of other, much better people who love you and Crayola and all your beautiful kitties dearly! We on PT are all sending you love and warmth and softness and healing. Soon you will be home with many more dear friends around you.

Love, hugs, and purrs,
Pat, Peony, Sydney, Poppy, Elmer, and Priscilla Angel.. all of whom were so happy and so honored to meet you all on Saturday!

06-12-2007, 11:05 PM
Wow, I wish I would have read this earlier. It's 10:00 pm on Tuesday night. I live in Rock Springs! If you read this, PM me!

06-13-2007, 08:40 AM
twisterdog! we slept right next to you?? :eek: drats.. ever if I knew. we're leaving for utah now. :( now that I know where you are, I will PM you! :)

oh taz zoee, is that, the date even on? haven't seen that thread bumped up since.. :confused: but that and because of thunder trouble yesterday, we are about 8 hours late so we'll see! :) what time though?

phesina, thank you for your dear post, means a lot. now I don't think I can think of yesterday ever again! :)

off we go back onto road for utah! thunder did great all the way to rock springs last night. :D

06-13-2007, 08:59 AM
gina you are brave and adventurous!! The car trouble sounds so frustrating but is over now and you are on the way. I am keeping up and wonder about you each day. Have a fun and safe trip :)

06-13-2007, 09:33 AM
Gina...I'm glad your car is ok and you are back on the road! I got your texts...just let me know what time you plan on arriving so I can plan my sleep schedule :D

06-13-2007, 11:18 AM
WOW Gina.... what an adventure you and your ark are having! I have been watching this thread, and staying abreast of where you are.

Thank you Phred for your help with the mechanics! **As much as I hate to admit it, women CAN be taken advantage of by male dominated professions. I am sorry it happened to you.

I am sorry we weren't able to meet while you were in the Midwest. Maybe another trip! I would love to meet you, Crayola, and your kitties! Such wonderful travelers!

Stay well, travel safely... and prayers from me and the girls that you will arrive safe and sound at your destination!

06-14-2007, 11:54 AM
thank you debbie and donna. :) and see you in few hours, krista! :D

we had fun yesterday in utah even though it was a hot day! .. guess who crayola got to see?? :D

wow, we're next to california! we've been on the road for 8 days and did a lot already .. am I tired yet? :p entering california doesn't mean we'll be stopping this adventure.. ;) our journey will continue south after through southern states back to school. since california was the state I grew up in until last year, we have a zillion of destinations to stop at, from top to bottom! especially in center, I heard my hometown has been rebuilt. :eek: :( so many things there are different I hear too. I surely miss my coastal home anyway!

we'll be "home" in two days, yay. :) visiting friends across states with four different time zones can be so confusing!

06-14-2007, 01:56 PM
Gina, I have bumped our meeting thread. So hopefully others will post to confirm.
Hope to see you Saturday!! :D :D
(oh, and thanks for the PM. I am going to PM you with my cell phone # so you can text me if you need/want to when you get to CA. :))

06-14-2007, 07:44 PM
thank you debbie and donna. :) and see you in few hours, krista! :D

who, me? :confused:

06-14-2007, 08:43 PM
who, me? :confused:

Think she was talking about DJFyrewolf36 ;)

06-15-2007, 12:36 AM
Yup, me :) Gina left a few hours ago. She really enjoyed meeting the kitties and they were quite enjoying the attention! I had a blast meeting the ark, most of them wanted pets and attention (a couple were content to hide out in the car)

Gina, you must stop by again!! Im looking forward to getting some kitty pix (gina was nice enough to get some good shots of my gang, incuding the banana rat)

06-15-2007, 04:29 PM
Ok Gina, please check in. ;)

Daisy and Delilah
06-15-2007, 05:22 PM
Hope your journey is safer now Gina. I think you can write a book about this trip and it would be a bestseller. You've had more experiences in your young life than most people ever get to have. You are truly an amazing person.

Stay safe and enjoy the rest of the trip. :)

06-15-2007, 05:32 PM
Think she was talking about DJFyrewolf36 ;)

oh I didn't know her name was the same. :o

Cinder & Smoke
06-16-2007, 09:12 PM

Has anyone ELSE heard from Gina today (Saturday) or yesterday (Friday)??

I got a cryptic "Relay Call" from her at (9:00 PM Eastern time) - she asked why I hadn't answered
her E-mail from Yesterday (Friday) afternoon. Wasted 15 minutes trying to tell her it hadn't come,
but what did it say?

Quick Synopsis: (happened on Friday, I think) >>>

* the Ark leaked fluid from the Repaired in Wyoming hose and overheated.
* Somehow "Animal Control came & siezed" "all her animals"

* SHE "fixed the hose with a new one + added 2 gallons of coolant
* Animal Control "returned all her animals" after discovering they were in good condition

* Dunno WHERE this all happened ...
* Ark is supposed to be "fixed" and running OK
* She's now in or near Lake Tahoe - if I heard correctly
* She's tired ... wants to sleep
* Animals are supposed to be OK and with her again

* Have NO Idea if she's talked to anyone else or sent any other messages.
* Have NO Idea where she's heading ...

/s/ :confused: Phred

06-16-2007, 09:15 PM
Ugh, poor Gina. :(

*HUGS* to her.

06-16-2007, 09:16 PM
I wondered why there hadn't been an update...I hope you are in CA Gina, where you have friends...hope to hear from you soon!

06-16-2007, 09:37 PM
She was supposed to try to meet with us today in Berkeley. I had given her my cell number but I haven't heard from her. :(
Now I am worried. I hope everything is okay. I can't believe they took her animals away.....how devastating!!! I am glad to hear they are all back together again though.
I hope someone hears from her soon and let's us know, if we don't hear from her directly. :)

06-16-2007, 11:11 PM
Phred, do you have her number?

Cinder & Smoke
06-16-2007, 11:38 PM
Phred, do you have her number?

:D You must be joking!

NO, I haven't "had her number" for years ...
and even when I HAD one for her, she'd usually NOT answer calls! :mad:

She communicates when SHE wants to; and only With who she wants to.

/s/ :( Phred

06-16-2007, 11:40 PM
K - thanks, Phred, it was a thought....

I hope she calls SOON!

Maya & Inka's mommy
06-17-2007, 09:50 AM
OMG :eek: , I hope you are all okay, dear Gina! Please check in if possible....

06-17-2007, 10:09 AM
I am discouraged to post for now but checking in that we are okay and still unable to reach my friend.

quoted by phred
she communicates when SHE wants to; and only With who she wants to.

:confused: who said that? and if you keep posting like this, do you think I want to now? I talk with whoever corresponds. nice and gentle.

for calls, you called me once when miles was having a surgery. I get "ringings" when I am ON AIM and yes, I usually am not on it - not the best way of contacting me or busy life. I have responded to your emails like I have been .. :mad: you have my email!

catty, you could have asked me, I get notifications through mobile easily and will respond as soon as possible.

06-17-2007, 10:37 AM
OK, Gina - I am just glad to see you post, that you are ok. I hope your car is too!

We have cool weather and a HEAVY RAINFALL WARNING here, so I am looking forward to updates from sunny California!

So if I email you, you get notifications thru your mobile? Thanks, I didn't know that.

Will you be able to take a day or two break from driving in CA?

Pat the Ark for me! :)

06-17-2007, 05:48 PM
yeah, I respond wherever the response is. I get notifications of PMs and every posts too. break days, I hope so, I should. tonight, we (crayola and me) are going south to celebrate our father's day with the father, sister, her fiance and my niece <<-- I can't wait to see her! it would make my few past days a lot better.

to confirm - here we are! we have arrived at the biggest destination in california - where my cats will be staying for a whole month while I travel/camp/appoint in this state.

poor my friend, who I've been finally trying to get ahold of all day, her both twin brothers ended up back into prison on and for the father's day. and they both have a very little daughter without mothers. :( please keep my miserable friend in your thoughts, the little girls mean a lot to her and are with us now - thanks.

06-17-2007, 05:53 PM
If You Are In Catada Look Us Up At The Found Paradise Cat Hotel.
I Think Most Of The Cats Would Love To See You.
Joseph Says Please Bring Temptations.

06-17-2007, 06:02 PM
Prayers for your friend...how awful that both brothers are in jail!

You will be a great gift for those little girls - especially if they get to meet the Ark and Crayola. Crayola could cheer anyone up, I bet! :)

Glad you are getting a break. Are you near the coast? Breathe in some salt air for me! Have a good time with your dad and sister - and your niece!


06-17-2007, 06:39 PM
Gina, we're so glad to know you made it to California and friends and a safe place to rest!

I'm so sorry for your friend. That's great that you can bring some joy and fun to the little girls.

The kitties (especially Elmer!) and I all send our love..

Pat and the gang

06-17-2007, 07:44 PM
Happy to hear you are in CA. Gina!!! Have fun with your family. :D

06-18-2007, 05:37 PM
yikes, I'll have to take them to their doctor appointment tomorrow. what am I suppose to do? lol.. it should be fun! they are already pooping me out. :p I guess they could enjoy crayola (crushed in between babyseats) in the back seat too. they love them, especially crayola's jiggling tags!

anyway, here's one of picture of us each from the road ..

arf-hello! :D


and thank you for thoughts! next week the little girls will be picked up by their grandmother (eight hours away) until we know when the brothers will be out - probably not in next few months.

06-18-2007, 06:39 PM
Lovely pics! How old are the little girls?

I am sure they will love squeezing in with Crayola - not sure who will have the best time. :) Do you think they will want their doctor to check Crayola?

I bet it's nice to have a break from driving. Have fun! ;)

06-20-2007, 02:10 PM
please see a prayer request I made in sticky prayer thread - #841. and I also made a thread in pet general, find it. :D

I got a few PMs for keeping this thread down - sorry if my last post made you thought I was discouraged to post more in this thread - I just didn't want to type another lengthy post about what happened the other day.

hope you liked pictures. :) oh, catty, I took a picture of a daisy recently and thought of you - sunny california! I will post it when I have my 10 hands back to two! :p

edit ~ the girls are 2 and 3.

06-22-2007, 06:30 PM
I just have PMed you all back for arrangements and are on our way to camping near lake tahoe for the weekend!

so, we'll be out of coverage anytime now, for three & half days and will be back on evening of 25th! so don't panick if I haven't post a single. ;)

oh, also, please welcome my new addition here (http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/showthread.php?t=129134) in cat general! :)

see you all soon. :D

06-22-2007, 07:35 PM
Gina, you are out of range now, I think. But have fun! I forget if your Ark is going with you - I think a friend is looking after them?

Have fun and come back and tell us all about it! :D

Cinder & Smoke
06-25-2007, 02:48 PM
I just have PMed you all back for arrangements and are on our way to camping
near Lake Tahoe for the weekend!

Will be back on evening of 25th!

Has anybody HEARD from her; or know exactly where she went??

There's a BAD Forest Fire burning south of Lake Tahoe >>>


www.MSNBC.com (http://www.MSNBC.com) web story - "Lake Tahoe Fire" >>>

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19406288/ (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19406288/)

06-25-2007, 02:54 PM
I would think park staff would be getting everyone out, or posting warnings and closing roads.

Today is the 25th....on the 22nd she said 3 1/2 days...

I'll drop her a PM and check!

06-25-2007, 03:18 PM
She had PM'd me before they left and said she'd be back in range Monday morning. :confused: Because we were going to possibly get together tonight. But I haven't heard from her. I know the road to get up there was closed, so maybe they are stuck for a while longer. Hopefully we will hear from her later today. :)

06-25-2007, 11:30 PM
I just got a message from Gina, via relay operator. She is okay, they are just tired, and exhausted and bothered by the smoke. The ranger came by, and the road they need to take is currently closed, but they will repoen it tomorrow, and so they will be able to leave then.

She wanted to let everyone know, and to not worry. Sorry I missed her actual call, but I am posting this for her.

06-26-2007, 12:03 AM
Thank you Karen. I'm so glad she contacted you. I was getting very worried, even though there have been no injuries reported because of the fire.
I had her cell phone number, but accidentally deleted it. :mad:
Good to hear they are all okay. :)

06-26-2007, 12:03 AM
Good news! Thanks, Karen!

06-26-2007, 03:13 PM
So glad to know she's all right! Thank you.

06-26-2007, 09:27 PM
whew, thanks karen! I was afraid I didn't remember your number by heart correctly. without signal, was unable to retrieve my address book.

hey folks, I'm alive!! we're alive! back home. :D SO glad to be back. good lord, camping was wholely surreal .. first, animal control crisis, five kids, then the news we heard about missing pregnant woman :( then the all of sudden smoke came, darkened the days, the blue lake and us.. lake tahoe was black. blackened. we didn't camp very far from where 3,000 arces were burnt, about 25 miles away. you wouldn't believe how giant the smoke was - my.. the smok was coming north, directly at us, we didn't see any fire - only orange glows in grey smoke.

we were supposed to be home yesterday early afternoon but the main roads were closed and we were very tired from crazy rangers, crowds, alerts and tons of cars and felt it was a hassle going up, around the lake so we stayed there another night. for free. :D and took us all day to get back home today! goodness. but we DID had fun. white sand shorelines, french toasts, campfires, and smores.. they don't taste the same at home. :cool:

candace - I didn't bring my ark with us, only my golden fluffy. at the next camping we will; crayola and two or three felinekids. :) cindy, so sorry we didn't came back in time! we could try again next monday?

please keep lake tahoe victims in your prayers - I've seen enough. nearly all of my tahoe pictures are murky and in them, there's a fire truck at every block. :( it was odd seeing that lake again very differently after I passed it almost two weeks ago.

06-26-2007, 09:49 PM
So good to hear from you Gina. I just got your text as well. Sure, we can try for next Monday. :)

Yes, we can't believe what's going on in Tahoe. We are watching the news closely since we own a condo up there near Heavenly. I guess our vacation in August is going to be looking a blackened mountain sides. :( So sad.

Well I'm glad you had fun despite the fire and all the commotion.

Oh, I am saving your cell # in my phone right now too. :) I hope to hear from you maybe over the weekend, if not sooner. :D :D

06-27-2007, 04:32 AM
Gina, good to hear from you, what a scary experience! We had fires down in Daytona Beach when I lived there years ago and it was very scary. On with the trip! :D

06-29-2007, 03:08 PM
one fur and one skin. ;)

things are settling in now! staying over at my sister's since yesterafternoon, until tonight then gotta go back "home" to watch my furkids while my friend works out of town and a wedding to attend this sunday, 30th. I of course took my new kitty with me so we could get to know each other a bit more before we go back tonight.

hey - meet my new little guy! :D I'll have to start a real introduction in cat forum sometime later for more updates - one picture for now, please welcome this little fella! so far with a bad rough start from last few days ago, he's doing awesomely great!


and am have been babysitting my niece, emily! do some of you remember her? omg, I haven't post any pictures of her in a year now .. well, one was taken today!


I soo miss her!! haven't seen her since last august! soo happy to see her. :) she is a bit fevery today, and knows how to take care of herself, took her favorite water bottle and picked out a blanket to her chair, snuggled herself up. :eek: compared to 19 month old girl and me.. :rolleyes: :p isn't she a-d-o-r-a-b-l-e?? and see my avatar? :D

djfyrewolf, when she naps, I will send you your pictures. ;)

06-29-2007, 03:19 PM
I posted on your other thread...... but ou really need to watch out, I might go there and snatch a few babies of yours..... how adorable is that baby.... I meant that for both the skin and the fur one.....;)

I loooooove your boy!!!! what breed is he??

06-29-2007, 03:59 PM
Gina, your new cat is absolutely stunning. I love him! I wish I could hold him. Does he let you hold him? Emily is so precious. I think she looks a lot like you. :D

06-29-2007, 04:00 PM
Oh my gosh Gina your niece Emily is beautiful! And your new kitty, wow! :D

07-14-2007, 09:52 AM
OK, now that things have been settling down, for real I hope, I need to update the title.. I didn't babysit for like two weeks. :p

anyway, well.. we were suppose to camp at yosemite this weekend with that missing friend but things didn't work out. disappointed but, hope I'll be able to re-arrange before I go back - I cannot go through a summer without camping!! I haven't missed for 16 or so years!

right now, we're at tazzoee's generous parents' motorhouse out of nowhere in the country.. until we leave for NY or find another place in bay area. although with this worst signal, it's much fun here; we got our little own comfy home. :D and a pool a few yards away! :D we use it daily. a must.. I was a swimmer. ;) I took a couple of cats swimming with us too, plus the new kitty, (named locke) did great! such a little sweetheart..

umm, I guess that would be all for now, folks. oh and, my NYC brother is coming in in five days!! :D staying until the 24th for our sister's wedding this incoming saturday. http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b127/mystichild/pinkgrin.gif can't wait to see him... my closest relative. :)

07-14-2007, 03:29 PM
Good to hear things are going well Gina. I hope you get to do a bit of camping. You and your ark are in my prayers, as always. :)

07-14-2007, 08:58 PM
Gina - I wondered if you might stay in CA after losing your car. But is there a dance troupe there you could join? I know you have to recover for a while, but I hope you can go back to dancing and find a great group to be with! :)

Swimming kitties! How do you get them to do that? Some of them must see you in the water and wonder "What is Meowmie doing????"

We have a heat wave here right now...so that pool sounds great!

Take care!

07-15-2007, 12:29 AM
Tell me you got swimming kitty pictures?

07-15-2007, 01:49 AM
That is fantastic that you have a place to stay, and relax. Thank you to tazzoe and her parents! :)

07-15-2007, 11:19 PM
and her brother's family too! they keep me busy, and they have great sense of humor that kept me going too. :cool:

yup, absolutely got some swimming pictures! I'd be glad to PM you some when I can. :)

goodness catty, not ready to come back CA except for visiting! my thunder is repairable .. so, gotta finish school, just entered a program there and actually, looking forward to go back to school.. and dance again. ;)

in case you didn't see this in other thread huskymom, he's a silver (or snow) bengal.

donna, he would let me hold him sometimes, and guests too if really gentle and slow. very shy at some times but once he gets to know you, he's very demanding for some pets! loud requests! lol. :o

thanks everyone!

07-15-2007, 11:23 PM
Hey, could I get a few PM'd swimming pics too please? Thank you! :)

07-18-2007, 02:38 PM
okay I will!

as for looking forward, not so looking forward to wedding day. my sister had "forgotten" or "couldn't find" me an interpreter for her special day. :mad: :mad: I'm sorry, but this is one of proprities of having a deaf relative!! yet, acts like she hasn't known me all her life. I've warned, terps are so (and always) expensive and impossibly hard to get for anything; appointments, meetings, except for courts, this is why you always should request two months or so in advance.

outrageous.. either it'd be a memorial one or ruined.. like usual. well, I never really had a family. :rolleyes: :( now I (and two other deaf guests - her godparents) may have no idea what their vows will be, or what my brother (best man) is going to say.. most disappointed. my poor grandmother is working hard on this, I insisted her to take that stress off herself as she already has enough. it's not surely possible to find one I need since it's only two days away.. and costs waaay more for "emergency" terps... I would help if I could. people!

and I don't even have a dress yet. :eek: oh well, we shall see! at least I can hug my niece all day long, either on that day or the next. off my soapbox now, thanks for listening.

edit ~ folks, I've posted more about my surgery here (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=130634), please check it out for some lucks. :)

07-18-2007, 02:48 PM
thanks for letting me know about your boy...... he is a mayor cutie!!!

canīt wait to see those swimmers too ;)

hope everything goes well with your knee and all family related issues can be solved......

is there anyone in your family that can fill you in??.... no one..... :(

07-18-2007, 04:06 PM
Gosh - it would be nice if the godparents had a connection? Someone they knew?

Actually, having fun with your niece is going to be great, you love her so much! And the grownups will be doing 'boring' things, so she will love having you there.

Your dress....whatever colour it is, you could make a really sarcastic statement at the wedding by getting matching headphones....grrrrr.....idiots!

HUGS to you. Will look at the link! :)

07-20-2007, 12:39 PM
thanks you two. no.. no one could fill me in, it's not right asking for my family to terp anyway, and they're suppose to have a good time. not into all frustrations of timing, when to terp and how to sign that, this and that, etc. they'd be already scrambled up right before we enter the church. :p

but... good news is, I found a county certified interpreter for tomorrow!! :D :D this woman who used to terp for me a loooong time ago, a sweetheart and a friend! she also has three cats and two dogs. ;) gee, I can't believe I almost forgot all about her! so, luckily she has no plans this weekend as she works as a full-time weekend terp..YAY. oh and would do waaay low cost just for me for my sister in regard of explaining my situation...thank god. :) :) ok, enough blabs about this unless you understand what's like being deaf.

ooh.. am all nervous about tomorrow.. haven't seen my father and mother or talked to them for years expect I saw my father on his father's day for a very short time and they will be there. :( plus, a few issues between my sister and our aunts/uncles because of having a baby so young. I don't like to speak with them either. I just pray that all will go fine and mostly, fun! I'll be the one who watches my neice during this big day so I'll just have my eyes all stick to her. ;)

going out to laast doctor appointment soon today, I hope it goes well!! will be having surgery in ten days.. yikes, ten days already?? yay, can't wait!

07-30-2007, 01:43 PM
posted in original surgery thread -

TOMORROW IS THE DAY!! :D :D :D the only bad news is, I can't drive for two weeks. :( not a problem really. cindy (tazzoee) is going to SIT on me after the surgery.. you'll know what I mean after you meet me. :p anyway, I'll be "out" for a few days and cindy may will update you all for me.

woo hoo, time is finally coming!!

sorry if bumping this up after a new event annoys you already - this is like my virtual (journey) journal. :p

also, can you all please spare a good thought that we will get back to new york okay - we're in big finanical trouble now. :( all I am hoping that legal stuffs will work out before the time we return.

NO donations, please - thank you.

07-30-2007, 01:52 PM
Good luck with your sir jury tomorrow, Gina! We will remember you in our prayers.


07-30-2007, 04:19 PM
Good luck with the Sir Jury! We'll be thinking of you!

07-30-2007, 07:06 PM
I hope all goes well! Good luck.

07-30-2007, 07:43 PM
Good luck with your surgery!

07-30-2007, 07:47 PM
Good luck in everything! HUGS! :)

07-30-2007, 11:42 PM
Hope everything went well, Gina!