View Full Version : Skin changes Color

06-01-2007, 03:11 PM
Does anyone here have a dog with skin that changes color? I have a Chihuahua, her skin was a very light pink color and then it turned dark and blotchy. Months later it went a light pink color again. It stayed that way for several months and now it turned dark and blotchy again. The vet doesn't make much of it. Anyone know why this would happen? This is the first dog I've had with changing skin color.

Frame Your Pet

06-01-2007, 03:25 PM
Kodies stomach and underneath his back legs turns a darker colour sometimes..usually during the hotter part of the year. His might be allergies but i'm not sure.

06-01-2007, 03:31 PM
I have a white boxer who gets what I call freckles. He had pink skin all over his whole body but as he has gotten older dark grey-black freckles have appeared all over him but they do not fade. Here is a picture of his belly from the other day. The spots he gets starts as little pinpoints and have just gradually gotten larger as he has gotten older. Also he will get pink if he stays out in the sun too long, almost like he is burnt but it goes right away once he comes inside. When he is wet he looks like a dalmation :D

06-01-2007, 03:40 PM
Is his skin getting darker during the hotter months of the year?? It could be the equivellant to us getting a tan or freckles. :)

06-01-2007, 06:58 PM
Bunny does this too.. her belly and under her back legs turns a 'tan' from pink.. usually correlating with the warmer weather... Never really thought much about it.. but Id guess its like a 'tan'... Its only on her underside where there's no hair...