View Full Version : WHAAAA I'm sick

06-01-2007, 12:34 PM

it started out as allergies.... which have been really bad this year. You can actually SEE the pollen floating in the air and it leaves a wonderful yellow haze on the car lol.

but now it is a full blown cold. I feel like 10 pounds of poop in a 5 pound bag lol. the Dr said I can have those theraflu drinks so I am having one now.... it helps a bit and I will probably have a tea afterward. The worst part is that I got this cold RIGHT before I start my long week at work.

the bosses are away for the week so another lady and I are working this saturday through to next sunday open till close.... normally it wouldn't be a big deal but being pregnant, those hours tire me out lol. and of course I get this cold to start it out. boourns

I HATE being sick.

06-01-2007, 12:43 PM
Sorry Sparks... I saw your other thread saying I gave it to you! :p I'm sorry but we haven't met in person yet so that impossible! LOL

I feel your pain, oh how I feel your pain. I've been sick off and on for a looong time. I had the flu last month. Then strep two weeks ago that morphed into brochitis last week. I ended up with no voice for nearly a week. I finally started feeling better yesterday and had LOTS of bloodwork drawn today after fasting.... I feel worse today because of it!

Oh, and for the bloodwork, I was a human test subject for a new plebotomist (sp?) so he kept poking new holes and digging. The other tech took pity on me and drew the last needle's worth. I was getting poked every hour for that glucose test (and to make matters even worse, that orange syrup made me feel like vomiting for two hours) and I STILL haven't eaten anything since 7:00 last night because my stomach is such a mess thanks to the glucose orange syrup. I can't THINK about eating without getting nauseous!

06-01-2007, 12:45 PM
Catnapper.... I know we haven't met yet... but you are the closest in proximity to me on this board LOL so it must have magically floated it's way over here hehe.

I know you were feeling really terrible for a long time.... I am glad that is getting better .... other than the bloodwork thing.

Is the orange syrup really bad? I have to drink that at one of my Dr's appts for a gestational diabetes test. if it's yucky it might not stay down lol