View Full Version : Kitty Mood Swings

07-16-2002, 11:30 AM
My cat Mercedez is a great cat and i've noticed that she loves attention but when i stop petting her she will either bite me or try to scratch me! Why is this?

07-16-2002, 01:36 PM
I am not sure, maybe you should contact your vet.

07-16-2002, 03:22 PM
Don't know. My Noah is really big on attention (he asks for it nonstop!!) and will also bite me gently anywhere he can when I stop. I think he just really loves the attention and wants more. Or else he just thinks he's more important :rolleyes:

07-16-2002, 03:48 PM
My parent's cat would bite or scratch if you quit fondling him before he was ready for you to quit. :rolleyes: He would also do it if you fondled him MORE than he wanted. :( Watching his body language closely was manditory if you felt like fondling him. Other than that he was a delight, though. Good luck... :)

P.S. Welcome to Pet Talk.

07-16-2002, 06:52 PM
Hello and welcome to Pet talk! A couple of quick questions about your cat..
Does she seem to get a little aggressive during petting sessions? Does she ever become agitated during petting or is it always when you're finished?

There are many causes when it comes to cats and biting/scratching behavior. A lot of times it is a form of aggression, and again...there are different kinds of aggression. The way your Mercedez is acting says to me that it is a overstimulated and excitement form of aggression. This type happens when a cat gets overstimulated (possibly too much petting, or touching a sensitive spot without knowing it). Cats that like to be handled can sometimes get to a threshold that means...ok, that's enough..you can stop now. Or, on the other hand, she may be saying...what! Are you crazy? Don't stop petting me yet! Depending on when she gets aggressive, you can safely assess what it is that is causing the behavior. If she does bite or scratch you in an attempt to keep you petting her, say OUCH! Really loud and then ignore her. This should over time tell her that it's not appropriate to bite or scratch, and that it will not give her her intended results. Lavish her with praise when she doesn't exhibit the aggression and give treats. Hopefully this will be helpful!

07-17-2002, 12:58 AM
Sometimes Pepper will bite me after I've been petting him. I think it's because he's overstimulated. He doesn't always do it though.

07-19-2002, 07:25 AM
Ritz sometimes does this too. When I hold or pet her, she is purring and really "into" it, then I put her down and she will at times lunge at my legs - in the summer time those bare ankles are murder!

I know what to look for (Karen, she kind of gets that "Scooter" look in her eyes). I immediately get on her level and say NO RITZY and that usually does it, or I have a fake mousie ready to throw so her play aggression is directed to that.

I do think in Ritzy's case it's her way of wanting to play or wanting more attention. When she does try to "attack" she has always been very mild - not really a bite, but opening her mouth and laying her teeth on me, hugging with legs, but not really scratching. But I am careful, she does get wild in play sometimes---just have something she can run after and attack that is "inanimate"

Good luck!