View Full Version : Family Terrorized by Feral cat!

critter crazy
05-31-2007, 10:28 PM
Family terrorised by mad moggy Beware of the Cross 'cat from hell'

Missy and Mister which have been afraid to leave their home since the arrival of a feral cat in the area.

By Staff reporter

A "cat from hell" travelled 40 miles to resume a reign of terror it had launched on a Derry family.
The wild tabby, twice the size of a normal cat, has been terrorising a retired couple, their grown-up children and pet felines Mister and Missy at their Cross home for months.

The homeowners, Brian and Norma Smyth, both in their 60s, had retired to the country for peace and quiet and ended up getting more than they bargained for.

The feral feline has attacked the family cats, and spat at and chased their 31-year-old daughter Patricia.

The family thought it had eventually got shot of the mad mobby, but amazingly, it travelled back from Coleraine, and over a mountain for round two.

The couple’s son David Smyth, 27, had driven the moggy, nicknamed Thunderpuss, to a vet and got it neutered to help get rid of its aggression.

He then drove the caged cat to a Coleraine field 40 miles away and released it back into the wild. But the moody ginger moggy was back on the family’s doorstep within 60 hours!

Norma said: “We moved here to the country two moths ago for peace and quiet and we have got nothing but hell. During the nice weather we couldn't open the window because the cat came in and attacked our cats and my daughter.”

Thunderpuss even picked a fight with Rocky - the neighbour’s cat and sadly this bust up resulted in Rocky disappearing,feared dead.

Daughter Patricia is still having “Pet Cemetery” nightmares, imagining Thunderpuss like the moggies in the ‘80s horror film, immortal, and chasing her.

David, who runs a dating agency, said: “This cat is ruining our lives. We all thought once I’d driven it all that way, that would be then end of it but I woke up and there it was.”

Recalling the attack on the family’s two felines, David said: “The cottage was a complete mess, there was blood everywhere.”

And, he said the family were in disbelief at the wild cat’s mammoth journey back to Cross. “How is that possible? We were all stunned, we worked it out and it had taken 60 hours to get back; it had even come over a mountain.”

Drumahoe vet Eddie Campbell said the cat’s aggression was probably triggered by a male hormone. Neutering was the best option to rid it of its anger - but its temper could take up to 12 weeks to settle, he explained.

He added: “This cat is probably territorial and that’s why its attacking, but a cat that’s feral will always be feral. it’s never going to let you be pals with it. The best advice if anyone sees this cat is to keep clear.”


06-01-2007, 10:21 PM

Well, I'd be a little irritated if someone gave me a name like that.

I don't blame him one bit!

06-01-2007, 10:42 PM
I kinda feel for the poor feral. He is probably just starving :(

06-01-2007, 10:58 PM
Poor Kitty. But poor family too. I can't imagine living in fear of a cat. I hope he calms down eventually.

06-01-2007, 11:04 PM
Oh no - I hope Rocky comes back, and that Thunderpuss can be live-trapped and neutered!

What a sad story!

critter crazy
06-01-2007, 11:12 PM
Oh no - I hope Rocky comes back, and that Thunderpuss can be live-trapped and neutered!

What a sad story!

he has been trapped and neutered.

06-01-2007, 11:12 PM
Oh good....

Any word on poor Rocky?

06-01-2007, 11:20 PM
eep! *hides from the feral kitty* :eek:

interesting story though, thanks for posting! :D