View Full Version : Good changes since you have joined Pet Talk

05-31-2007, 04:43 PM
I've seen a lot of threads or comments about things people miss or things people find sad now compared to when they first joined, I thought it'd be great to have an opposite thread. What are things that have changed since you joined that you would hate to go back in time and lose?

A few I can think of:

- With the newer cameras and increased skills people have now, a lot of people's photos are more spectacular than I could ever have imagined since I first joined. I am constantly wowed by people's photography and certainly think everyone's photos have come a long way.

- I personally have learned so much compared to my knowledge at the time I joined. There are a lot of knowledgable people here and we can learn a lot from each other.

- Pet Talk inspired me to learn more about using graphics programs to make signatures, more about how to take better photos, how to do more with videos.

- I've watched some people join and have been impressed with how quickly their communication and writing skills improve over a few months of being members. Some whose posts I had trouble understanding when they joined have so vastly improved I actually look forward to reading their thoughts now.

- The friendships I have made and continue to make are constantly evolving and growing.

- The growth of the board can cause more clashes to occur at times, however rarely do people post photos end up with no one commenting, at least not nearly as often as it used to happen. I know it can still happen, but it used to be a much more frequent occurrence to my observation.

- The upgraded board software! Certainly made things easier in many ways.

Feel free to add yours, whether they be large changes that affected the whole community or small personal ones.

05-31-2007, 04:53 PM
-great friends I made

-cute pictures of pther people's pets

I love Pet Talk. Most of my friends are members and they love it. Sometimes my friends log on in the computer lad at school when we aren't suppose to. Since I'm in middle school, kids think PT is a stupid site to go on. I don't care what they think, I love PT and always will :D

05-31-2007, 04:54 PM
Great thread! I have had a lot of positive things happen since I joined PetTalk.

- one is that I come to know so many people and make friends and get to know them and their pets, and for someone like me who doesn't have many friends in real life, I love having all these friends who love pets like me.

-two is that now I have something to do as well. I always wanted to have more fun with my love of animals, and ever since I found this forum, I have so much fun showing pics of my animals, sharing their lives with you all and also seeing pics of other people's pets, its so much fun and inspiring:D

-PetTalk has also inspired me to take more pictures than I use too and also got me into photography even more.

-and PT just plain makes me appreciate the lives of all our pets and how much they mean to everyone and how much we mean to them.

lol I'm sure I could come up with more, but then I would be a novel:p

Laura's Babies
05-31-2007, 04:59 PM
Like you, I have learned so much since I have been here.

Whatever it is you are going through, you can find comfort, advice, encouragement, and support here.

I have learned a lot more about the power of prayers and just how strong they are... I already knew but here it has been validated again and again.

It has motivated me to do more than lip service to helping the helpless animals.

It motivated me to learn what I have learned in PSP.

I have made some good friends here that I never will forget.

I have fell in love with many other kitty babies that belong to other people.

Here, I have laughed and cried along with everybody else and not felt silly for doing it because I had a lot of company.

Without the internet and Pet Talk, how else would we have all this?

05-31-2007, 05:04 PM
I've had so many things.... mostly the support I received during my darkest moments this past year. The emotional support I received when Pouncer was near death this spring. All the support I see every day towards each other on this board.... it always amazes me how wonderful everyone is. How giving. How thoughtful. Everyone here cares so much for their fellow human and their companion animals.

05-31-2007, 05:06 PM
Good changes for me since I joined PT:

- I've learned a TON of stuff on here. I can identify many breeds of dogs. When we see a dog on the street or where ever, my boyfriend will ask me what kind of dog it is. :D

- I have met at least one person from here so far (Sophie, user name Giselle) and plan on meeting more this summer. I also formed a good friendship with Marti, user name kalllisto4529, through the computer. One of these days we will meet. ;)

- PT has helped me realize how important it is to adopt and rescue animals instead of getting them from breeders or pet stores. We got Zoee from a breeder, but that was before I was educated.

- I want to get a new camera so I can take better pictures like the ones I see here. I need one that takes better action shots. So PT has inspired my interest in photography.

- PT just makes me feel smart about animals. Because I know if anyone ever has a question I can come on here and get the answer. :D This site is full of knowledgeable people who are always happy to share that knowledge.

05-31-2007, 05:17 PM
Everything above

05-31-2007, 05:26 PM
Wow, there are so many things pettalk has done for me:

-I've made alot of new friends on here, and this is probably the "one" forum I can always feel at home on. At first, I thought meeting friends over the internet was odd. Now, I love it. I chat with MANY people off of PT. I can't make promises that I will always be friends with some people on here, but I know I will always treasure the friendships I have on here.

-I have become educated on some very important topics. There are so many things I didn't know about Backyard breeders, and I didn't realize how important spaying and neutering is. I also didn't realize how important it was to rescue from shelters, something I will always want to do.

-The support, comfort, etc here is great. I know I can come on here and talk about many things that bother me, make me happy, etc.

-PT has encouraged me to value my pets way more then I used to. After some great loses for us all, I know I will take more pics, share stories, etc. When a pet is sick, dying, etc. I can ALWAYS come here for support and advice.

-I have learned how to improve my graphics thanks to PT.
Great thread idea, Jess!

06-01-2007, 12:20 AM
I have gotten Kylie, Kloe and Keegan, altho getting Keegan was due to the death of my beloved Shaianne. :(
I have met an ENORMOUS amount of people and friends. Traveled all over the country b/c of this site.
Its awesome, its my family, it is wonderful.
Thank you to Karen and Paul for starting this wonderful place...

06-01-2007, 12:26 AM
It's been over 6 years since I've been here.

There's just so many things that PT has done for me. I feel as if this is a part of me - I could never rid of it. I have learned, I have taught, and I continue to do both.

I have met many friends and hope to meet more. Many memories have been made, several travels have been based on Pet Talkers, this is certainly a place I will never forget.

06-01-2007, 12:32 AM
My main thing that I love about PT is...

- Educating the ignorant. So many people walk away from PT with a vastly greater knowledge of animal care than they came with, or are educated in things they were previously doing that they just did not know were wrong or could be better. And that, to me, means more than anything else.

06-01-2007, 01:10 AM
I would never have guessed that the bulk of my knowledge about dogs comes from online forums, but it's true and PT has been one of the major sources of my education.

Since joining PT and other forums, I realized how I'm not the only nutcase who devotes my life to my dogs, and that in itself is a support system. Without the support of forum members, I don't think I would have ever gotten Ivy. I don't think I could endure the criticism from friends and family who don't like dogs, and I doubt I'd be as active as I am without PT and other forums.

Writing has always been one of my strongest points. However, I'll admit that forums have allowed me to explore my skills and hone them to a level of eloquence that schools could not even begin to teach.

All in all, PT has become a part of me, and it's been a joy to be here and even meet some members personally (thanks, Cindy ;)). I hope to meet many more and continue this journey with all of you!

06-01-2007, 09:17 AM
-I've definitely learned a lot more since I've been here. If it wasn't for PT Roxy would probably still be on a chain 24/7 and not even have the opportunity to come indoors.

-I've made some of the most amazing friends here too. I'm probably closer to a few Pet Talkers than I am to my own RL friends.

-And most definitely, I learned a whole new program thanks to PT.

Miss Z
06-01-2007, 10:19 AM
Of course as many others have said, the friendships I have found here are priceless beyond words. Although I have yet to meet any of them, I know that when the time comes we will get on brilliantly. I too thought that I would never become so involved in what I previously thought was just a place where people chat about pets, but now I just can't imagine not logging on every now and then!

I also think I've matured a lot whilst I've been here. When I first joined I hadn't grasped the concept that a forum was, generally, a formal place to discuss important matters alongside enjoying others' photos. I at first treated it much like an IM chat and didn't really post beyond a few sentences, most of which used 'shortened' English. Once I realised how foolish such posts looked alongside those of resident members, I showed my true colours and would never introduce myself in such a way again.

Plus I've been enlightened to the plight of shelter pets so much more than I previously knew. In fact, I think PT spurred on my intent to apply as a volunteer at my local shelter, which I really enjoy. I've learned a lot more about so called 'dangerous' (very loosely termed!) and 'designer' dogs, which were topics I had heard of but was ignorant to both sides of each story. In fact, not really being a doggie person as no-one in my family has ever owned a dog in my lifetime (family of non-animal lovers :( ) I've learnt so much more about them, and once I began work at the shelter knew a lot more about handling them than I would have done without PT's help.

So, thank you, PT. I always know whenever life treats me bad, I can come here and find compassion and solace. :)