View Full Version : Hi, it's me, Quinn *pics*

05-30-2007, 09:35 PM
Hi everyone. I just wanted to drop by and show you how much I'm growing. I do, also, want you to know that I am a fan of zebras, Longhorns and mommies...as you will see. And although you may think I dislike spots, I don't...I just dislike when mom pulls my pants up too high, it's really embarressing!

Today mommy used her gift certificate for her first mothers' day gift. Daddy bought her a gift certificate for a nice spa here and she had a massage, facial, pedi and mani. She feels all squishy now and she smells MUCH different. The oils they rubbed on her took some getting used to, but I think I like it.

OK, first of all, I'm a fan of zebras, see?



Ok, now you see I also like Longhorns

but most of all, I love mommy. I even have proof...look!





05-30-2007, 10:25 PM
Oh Quinn, you can take comfort in knowing that you are not the only baby who's mommy pulls their pants up too high! My mommy does it too! :eek:


05-30-2007, 10:36 PM
Oh, Quinn, I love you Zebra outfit! And you're filling it pretty well - growing girl that you are. And sweetie pie? If pulling your pants up too high is the most undignified thing your mom ever does to you, kid - you've got it good! When you are older, be wary of mommies with scissors - my mom would cut my bangs so short it took a week before I didn't feel like just covering my forehead with my hand all day.

05-30-2007, 10:48 PM
Hehe. Kai it's nice to know you and Quinn can comfort each other when us mean mommies pull pants up too high :D

And haha Karen. Moms and scissors...dangerous mix that can be :) I was lucky my mom always did a great job of cutting my hair, but the hairdresser once hacked my hair so bad that it made MY MOM cry! Thank goodness I was too young to care much, just give me a stone to upturn checking for bugs and I could care less what my hair looked like. I was a tomboy :)

05-30-2007, 11:49 PM
*Repeats*..What a GORGEOUS, HAPPY little sweetie...and on her way to becoming an animal lover and future PTer!!! Please smother her with kisses from me!! Oh Goody! I'm so excited that you got away and enjoyed your special Spa Day!!

05-31-2007, 12:08 AM
She just melts my heart!

"Mooommmmmm" - can't you see I am a growing girl and if you pull my pants up too high - it hurts my full tummy!"

What a lovely gift from your husband - and just what the doctor ordered for you! A day to relax and be spoiled and pampered.

Sara luvs her Tinky
05-31-2007, 05:22 AM
oh what a precious precious sweet little baby girl !!!!!

The zebra outfit is too adorable!! I can see why you are such a big fan Quinn !!!

Her smile is just way too much for me this morning !!! sooooooo sweet !!


05-31-2007, 08:13 AM
Hi Quinn!!! :) It is so nice to see you and I also love the outfits. Does your mommy smell more familiar now?

Great Mother's Day gift Leslie - I still haver never had a mani/pedi before and keep telling myself I will have to try it.

pants too huh? funny!! :p

Pawsitive Thinking
05-31-2007, 08:49 AM
Quinn, your smiling face just brightens my day :D

05-31-2007, 08:52 AM
Oh Quinn, what a sweetie you are. I just love that zebra outfit. *kisses* on those little baby cheeks

05-31-2007, 10:13 AM
Hi Quinn!!! :) It is so nice to see you and I also love the outfits. Does your mommy smell more familiar now?

Great Mother's Day gift Leslie - I still haver never had a mani/pedi before and keep telling myself I will have to try it.

pants too huh? funny!! :p

:) thanks :)

The mani and pedi were nice, but OH MY GOODNESS the massage and facial were out of this world! I've never had a facial OR professional massage before and that's what I want for every Mothers Day for the rest of my life :D It was TO DIE for! I was nervous that I wouldn't like the massage because I'm super tickelish, but she managed not to tickle me once, which is mighty impressive.

Thanks for the nice comments, everyone :) Quinn thanks you also.

05-31-2007, 11:41 AM
Quinn you are beautiful! Quinn, you have the cutest baby outfits EVER!

05-31-2007, 12:09 PM
Quinn you are beautiful! Quinn, you have the cutest baby outfits EVER!

Thanks so much :D Wanna hear the kicker on the outfits? We didn't buy a SINGLE outfit for Miss Quinn. In fact, we have only bought 1 bag of diapers, too. We made out pretty well when we had my baby shower, and then we have a friend from my old work who gave us huge garbage bags FULL of darling baby clothes. Quinn has way more clothes in 0-3, 3-6, and 6-9 month then she will have a chance to wear. We may need to buy onesies for 6-9 month (unless we are given more before that time) but as far as outfits, she's all set in that department. Thank God for generous people that share the stuff their children outgrew!

As for the diapers, there's a church here that gives away thousands of bags of diapers every year. We just happened to luck out and shortly after I had Quinn, they had the annual diaper give-away and my mother-in-law and my sister-in-law brought us 31 giant bags of diapers that the church gave them. Between the diapers I got for my baby shower and the diapers given away from the church, we have been set! It's SUCH a blessing since I stopped working and $$ is so tight.

We will be needing to buy diapers very soon, as we're running out, but we still have 2 bags left.

05-31-2007, 12:25 PM
Hi Quinn. :) She is such a beautiful baby girl. Wow, that was a great
gift from hubby. I think I'd love a spa treatment myself. :)

p.s. Is that Boone in the last picture? Boy, he sure has grown.

05-31-2007, 12:31 PM
Quinn is such a beautiful, precious girl. I love her outfits, she looks wonderful in pink. Your looking really good also! :D

05-31-2007, 01:16 PM
Hello, Miss Quinn, smiley girl! I like your outfits, especially the zebra one!