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View Full Version : Ivan will be going to his new home.......*UPDATE*

05-30-2007, 08:13 PM

I have such mixed feelings with this precious little tyke who has stolen my heart. I'll be very sad to see him go, but I am also happy that he will be going to a great new home where he will be loved and pampered.

This guy comes highly recommended by Carol, who adopted the "Peas."
Can't get much better than that now can I. :D

Here are some adorable pictures that I must warn you are *CUTENESS OVERLOAD!!*

Yesterday, I was looking all over the house for Ivan and couldn't find him anywhere. As I was passing the living room, I looked over at Willy & Chipper who were sleeping in the baby bassinet and thought they were laying kind of funny as they weren't in their usual cuddling position. Upon a closer look, this is what I saw.



Don't go away, more pictures coming up in next post. :D

05-30-2007, 08:19 PM
Then Willy left and it was just Chipper and Ivan to cuddle with each other.



Now, I had to make this picture a little bigger so you can all really get the cuteness of it. This one just melts me to pieces.


I'm sure going to miss this cutie patootie. Unfortunately the guy doesn't have a computer, so I won't be getting any picture updates. :(

Laura's Babies
05-30-2007, 09:06 PM
OH MY GOSH! What a cutie pie Ivan is and that last picture is sure to steal even the hardest heart! I have drooled all over the monitor on that last picture.... He is just a little cuddler isn't he? SOOOOOOO cute!

05-30-2007, 09:10 PM
Oh my - Ivan will miss cuddling with the other cats. Does his new family have any other pets?

I will miss this cutie pie - but am glad he will have a loving, safe home for life.

05-31-2007, 12:16 AM
I'm so glad to hear that he's found a wonderful new home.:) We'll miss him and it looks like Chipper will too. You'll just have to go visit him and take new pictures of him if his new family will allow you to do so.:) He sure is a cutie pie.:)

05-31-2007, 05:06 AM
It is great news that Ivan has found a family of his own, but you are correct......he will be missed. What a CUTIE!!!!! Love that spotty belly. :D

smokey the elder
05-31-2007, 06:36 AM
BELLY BUTTONS!!! *squeee* :p :D

Killearn Kitties
05-31-2007, 06:44 AM
*sniff* No computer? No photos of Ivan? I am distraught!
Good luck in your new home Ivan sweetie. I am sure that you will make yourself at home in no time. :D

05-31-2007, 07:06 AM
Oh Iivan, youa re so fortunate to be going to a wonderful home. We'll miss ya, buddy!

05-31-2007, 10:07 AM
What a cutie pie, for sure. You will be my new "background" on my office computer. I thought Willie was just the cutest thing, but boy, you seem to be breaking hearts all over the place.

Good luck Ivan. Be a good boy. Lots of special cuddles in store for you!

Sas and her campers.... :cool:

05-31-2007, 10:24 AM
We see a lot of cute pictures on PT, but these ones are really, really, really cute! :cool:

Ivan, I wish you a wonderful and long life in your new family ;)

K & L
05-31-2007, 11:01 AM
Oh these are too precious! Another rescue well done Lorraine!!!

05-31-2007, 11:18 AM
Oh my.... he is just so adorable! I love those spots on his belly! And his widdle toesies.... :::sigh:::

Have fun at your forever home little Ivan! You will be missed, but we know the love that you know now will continue!

05-31-2007, 08:02 PM
You know that its the right thing to do but I sure wouldnt want to explain to Willie and Chipper where thier cuddle buddy has gone to.
We pray that you can visit and get updated Photos as Ivan becomes the Cat that God intends for him to be.
Those are such Great Terrific Trios.

05-31-2007, 08:45 PM
Sweet little Ivan has left for his new home, many tears have been shed, but now this makes room for any other kitty or cat out there that may need my help.

Ivan's new owner, Ross, is a real animal lover. He has had cats and dogs most of his life. Now, he just has 1 dog. Where he use to live, he set up shelters in his yard to feed the strays. When he had to move, his neighbour, who helped feed the strays also, promised that he would continue to do so.
Now, I did have concerns about the dog at first, as Ivan is so tiny and he is a big boy, just 1 1/2 years old. He is part Lab and Rottie. But Ross put my mind at ease when he told me how his dog would lay in the yard and the kitties would lay with him or play around him and with his tail. He also said that when the dog got a little too rambunctious playing with the kitties, they would give him a swat and he would back off. They just recently moved into another house and decided it was time to get another kitty. Thanks to Carol, this was made possible. He fell completely in love with Ivan the minute he saw him and just thinks he is the most beautiful kitty he has ever seen.
The best part is that he said I could come and visit anytime I want and he only lives about a 10-15 minute car ride from me. You bet I will take him up on his offer. So this is not the last time you will see Ivan. :D

Goodbye my little fella, until we see each other again. :)

05-31-2007, 09:37 PM
I'm so happy that cute little Ivan found a nice new home. :)
I'm even happier that you will be able to visit him and take more pictures of him to share with us. :D

06-01-2007, 12:19 AM
This is great news!!!:) I'm so glad that you'll be able to visit him and then give us updates about him and new pictures. I'm sure he's going to become a very handsome cat.:) I assume he'll be an indoor only cat right.

06-01-2007, 12:54 AM
Aww, LES here. :( That is so sad and so sweet. You did a great thing and he'll always love you. Plus, you made more than one party happy! :D

Killearn Kitties
06-01-2007, 03:24 AM
That sounds a wonderful owner for our little Ivan! Who could resist that little spotty tummy, of course! :D
You show that dog who's boss, sweetheart.

Laura's Babies
06-01-2007, 09:14 AM
I think Ivan is one of those real special babies that will always be special to those who meet him. May he have a wonderful, long happy, spoiled life and may you get pictures so we can see him grow up!!!!!

06-01-2007, 09:24 AM
Aw lucky Ivan but tears for you, I know. But ya dun good. And since you can visit whenever you like, you can take pix and post them for all of us to enjoy! He's a real fuzz nugget and I'm happy he's got a permanent home.

06-01-2007, 09:31 AM
Ivan is such a beautiful kitty. It's great you found him a wonderful home. And it's even better that you can visit to take pictures and show us. I'd really like to see him as he gets bigger. His markings are so unique, I wonder if they'll change as he grows.
Thank you for helping this cat find his furever home. :D

06-01-2007, 07:15 PM
What a darling little boy. And not only has he gotten a wonderful new furrever home, you can go visit him whenever you want and keep us up to date photographically with him!

Thank you again, Lorraine, for another wonderful continuing story.


06-01-2007, 10:44 PM
Although I wish you could have kept him, I am glad that you found him a loving home with someone who will adore him! He is a cutie :D