View Full Version : Please help! (updated on 5/31/07 a couple of pics added))

05-30-2007, 09:41 AM
One of the stray kittens I found outside wasnt running away when I took tuna up to them so I went over and the poor things eyes were shut. So I grabbed her and while I help held her my neighbor wiped her eyes out and YUCK there was a bunch of puss pooring out of the one eye! I know alot of out door cats get colds in there eyes but I dont have money to take the stray to the vet and I keep cats as much as I would love to. Is there anything I could put on the kittens eyes so they would heal? After her eyes were opened and I put her back with her siblings she didnt run from me at all and went right over to the tuna and was eating. she is also skin and bone and I could feel her belly growling when she was drinking alittle milk from my neighbor... As I was coming back home I saw the mother running up the the babies with either a baby bunny in her mouth or a bird so hopefullly the little kitten will get plenty to eat and get stronger.

05-30-2007, 10:50 AM
Anyway you can take in the mama and kittens till they're old enough to be spayed/neutered??

As far as the pussy eyes are concerned, that's something a vet needs to look at.

05-30-2007, 11:21 AM
Anyway you can take in the mama and kittens till they're old enough to be spayed/neutered??

As far as the pussy eyes are concerned, that's something a vet needs to look at.

We have tried to the trap the momther before it hasnt worked yet. And every other litter she had we took in after we caught them and found them homes... I dont have the extra money to do it this time. I did wipe the kittnes eyes out that I caught but then put her back because I dont think she is old enough to leave her mother yet. This cat has been a stray for years and my neighbor takes care of it as with feedings and things because she already has cats. I have 4 dogs and I know I cant keep a cat with them around or the would be killed if my dogs got near them. As for the neighbor taking them in she cant, she rents where she lives and she already has 3 cats and her landlord doesnt even want her to have any she cant get away with sneaking another one in. The best I can do is leave food out and cleans it eyes whenever I can catch it, I wasnt sure if there was something I could put on its eyes to fight the infection or cold though.

05-30-2007, 11:23 AM
Another thing is she is better off as a out side cat than any other, She wouldnt ever become tame im sure and wouldnt use a litter box if she ever was caught and I already know the shelter we have near would kill her and I rather see her outside whether she is a stray or not then be killed :(

05-30-2007, 11:30 AM
Is there not a No Kill shelter or rescue anywhere near you? A lot of cats stay as outdoor cats but she so needs to be spayed. Each time she has babies and they are left outside and unaltered they multply as well. It is a never ending battle. If there is a rescue or no kill shelter around maybe they can help with getting her and the babies trapped and vetted and altered if nothing else.

Keep us updated. I know the struggles of this. We don't have a ton of money and right now we are trying to help a feral mamma and her 4-1week old babies. There is nothing here to help with cost for vetting and altering. That is something we have to look after ourselves and it is very expensive. About €300 for each. It is outrageous. We are joining ENPA this week to see if they can help us out with vet cost as they are strays.

Good Luck and try the no kills and rescues.

05-30-2007, 04:54 PM
The last litter of ferals that I rescued had the worst eyes I'd ever seen. They were so crusty, etc. and I was afraid they'd go blind. When I expressed this concern to my vet, he said that Mama cat will clean their eyes and that they have something in their saliva that heals them. Sho nuf, Mama took the kittens and moved them for about 3 weeks. I was frantic searching for them and finally had to just let nature take its course. When they came back, their eyes were clear. But if you can take Mama to a no kill shelter or at least trap her and have her spayed, it will make a huge difference. I know money is tight (been there so often I've lost count) but the cat population will grow beyond belief and very quickly and then you'll be overwhelmed and you won't know what to do. Meanwhile the cats will continue to breed and be constantly hungry and get sick. I don't want to frighten or alarm you, just forewarn you that this could get out of hand very quickly. Scrape some bucks together, trap Mama, get her spayed and life will be oh so much easier for her and her kittens. And for you. Good luck.

05-30-2007, 05:04 PM
I echo Medusa.

You really need to get mom and this litter fixed, that will stop the cycle.

05-30-2007, 09:06 PM
She has had many litters im sure but none of them ever are around here after they grow and the ones we get we usaully find homes for them because I cant bare to see them all outside... The one with the bad eyes looks wobbly and sick comapred to all the others (4 others) and is the runt. We keep taking food over and we have tried to trap the mother before but so far no luck. I hope she doesnt try to move them since I was holding the sick one and cleanings its eyes out which were really bad, the sick one is always by himself and the others are in this little shed and hiding and playing. I wish I could take the little black and white sick kitten but I cant and I dont know anyone around me that would keep her and nurse her back to health. I did see a dead chipmunk that the mother had in her mouth, A bird this morning and there is babie bunnies in the shed where they stay I cant tell for sure if they are alive but I did see rabbit fur outside, so I know they ate a rabbit whether it was the mom or baby im not sure. Im hoping tomorrow morning I can grab the baby bunnies if they are still alive and let them free in my yard so they wont get eaten but I know its nature and I just dont know what to do to help anymore. :(

05-31-2007, 05:44 AM
You've somehow got to scrape some money together and get that little one to a vet. People are more prone to adopt a kitten than a full grown cat, even if the kitten is sick or injured. (In my case, that's the only kind I have adopted.) Yes, they're eating what Mama kills but they'll probably get fleas and tape worm as a result. And cats need the amino acid taurine in their food or their eyesight is in jeopardy, possibly even resulting in blindness. I know it's an inconvenience but PLEASE get that little one to a vet. It's still early in its life and the vet can probably do some simple, inexpensive treatment that can save its life. PLEASE ACT NOW!

05-31-2007, 09:24 AM
I went to go get the sick runt kitten this morning and it was dead :( The mother was there when we went and she was meowing and we saw 3 grey kittens following her and there was still the calico and black one somewhere so we know she is moving them again, because she saw us. hopefully we will find out where and try to capture the kittens atleast and get them healthy if they are sick and find them homes.

05-31-2007, 09:42 AM
Here is a pic of the kitten who died this morning and the other black one the first night I found them. I never got a pic of the 3 grey long haired kittens or the long haired calico. and sorry about the pics being blurry and hard to see but its really hard to get pictures of a stray kitten.

This first pic is of the runt ( the one that died this morning)

this is what its eyes looked like when I found it the next morning


This is after I cleaned its poor little eyes out and he sure was hungry!http://i204.photobucket.com/albums/bb241/angelbow20/000_3279.jpg

this is a blurry pic of one of its siblings I also got.

I really wish I could have caught them all the grey ones and calico have awsome markings and were sooo pretty and neat looking but they were also really fast and not friendly in any way.

05-31-2007, 09:58 AM
This is just heartbreaking. RIP, sweet little boy. Heartbreaking, just heartbreaking.