View Full Version : I'm home :)

05-29-2007, 06:41 PM
Hey, I made it back in one piece :) I had a blast. (I was in Toronto for the past week for Anime North)

First day we went downtown. Visited the CN tower which was awesome but scar ;) Hung around the mall for a while then went to see the Phantom of the Opera play. It was amazing!

Second day I was suppose to go to Niagara Falls but couldn't find transportation :( So I went to Canada's Wonderland instead. It was really fun as well.

Friday-sunday were the Anime convention. I wasn't sure what to expect, but it was a lot of fun. There were a TON of people around at all times. They were all so nice too. It was fun to be able to go up to anyone and actually be able to hold conversations with them. Saw some interesting costumes too haha.

Monday we went to the Zoo. It's very nice there, but we were all so exhasted we kinda rushed through it in about 4 hours or so. Some of us were cranky and out of money ;) I can't believe some of my group literally spent ever cent at the convention and expected others to buy their meals.

I really had a blast and was sad to be coming home. I missed my pets though so it was nice to be back. I'll miss the social thing with my friends though. I got to know them a lot better so that's really nice. :) I'll post pictures soon.

oh and Jess, sorry I never got to meet up with you. I was hoping you'd be at the convention cause I was so busy for the rest of the week D:

Sara luvs her Tinky
05-30-2007, 06:34 AM
can't wait to see the pictures ! glad you had a good time !

05-30-2007, 07:25 AM
Welcome home Audrey :). I am glad to hear you had a good time.

05-30-2007, 08:57 AM
Welcome back Audrey, I'm glad you had a fun time! :)

Laura's Babies
05-30-2007, 09:10 AM
Trips and vacations are nice but there is no place like home and being back with our babies! Welcome Home!

05-30-2007, 12:43 PM
No worries, just glad you had a good time here in the T-Dot!!

Ya I'm still not hearing the end of not going to the convention. I slept in cause the guys never called me. Then I had a date ;)

I go to the island yearly, so we'll get to hang out again one day. I'm trying to get 2 weeks off for the end of July as Joe wants to do a road trip all over the East Coast.

Did you happen to see this large tall guy wearing an outfit of a Tech Ninja? He had a keyboard as a sword. That was Renos lol

Did you get lots of pics?? you must share :D