View Full Version : Good news about the kitten!

05-29-2007, 12:46 PM
Well as many of you know, a little kitten showed up under our house on Thursday. We think some mean evil person droped off a litter of kittens and this little one was the only one to survive. Well we gots some really GOOD news! We caught the kitty in Simba's carrier (With Tuna :p) and drove "him" off to the vet. BUT, the kitty is not a HIM, it tis a HER! Yep, the vet said that is twas a girl! So its name isssss...EBONY! I was gonna name the kitty Ebony if it was a girl, and it tis a girl! I am so happy! :D We dropped off the kitty and the vet will call us when they are finished with it. I cannot wait, because when it gets old enough to declaw, it will be an indoor kitty! Right now it is staying outside (Because of Simba, and its claws). But yeah. Very good news!

05-29-2007, 01:12 PM
It is nice that you are going to give the little kitten a home!! BUT, PLEASE reconsider NOT declawing Ebony! It is a very painful operation!!! And kittens can easily be taught the joys of the scratching posts(declawed cats like them, too). There is no need to keep Ebony OUTSIDE just because she has claws and Simba does not. Years ago, we adopted cats that were already declawed, and then in came Ralph. A 10 week old kitten with claws. Never, had a problem!!! Please bring Ebony inside NOW!!!

05-29-2007, 01:40 PM
It is nice that you are going to give the little kitten a home!! BUT, PLEASE reconsider NOT declawing Ebony! It is a very painful operation!!! And kittens can easily be taught the joys of the scratching posts(declawed cats like them, too). There is no need to keep Ebony OUTSIDE just because she has claws and Simba does not. Years ago, we adopted cats that were already declawed, and then in came Ralph. A 10 week old kitten with claws. Never, had a problem!!! Please bring Ebony inside NOW!!!

I so agree about the de-clawing. We have 6 cats, all with claws, and it is an extremely rare situation when one of them uses the furniture instead of the scratching posts.

Get a post, and bring the kitty in now!!

05-29-2007, 02:05 PM
It is nice that you are going to give the little kitten a home!! BUT, PLEASE reconsider NOT declawing Ebony! It is a very painful operation!!! And kittens can easily be taught the joys of the scratching posts(declawed cats like them, too). There is no need to keep Ebony OUTSIDE just because she has claws and Simba does not. Years ago, we adopted cats that were already declawed, and then in came Ralph. A 10 week old kitten with claws. Never, had a problem!!! Please bring Ebony inside NOW!!!
Well it was my mom desision, plus the kitty is still at the vet. I know it must hurt to have the kittens claws taken out but my doesn't want out cauch more destroyed. I hated it when Simba got declawed, but we had to get it fdone. I dont know why though. But it was my moms decision.

05-29-2007, 03:13 PM
A little update guys! My mom was majorly wrong on the age, it is 9 WEEKS OLD! I think we are about to go pick her up, I can't wait! :)

05-29-2007, 03:43 PM
I'm glad to hear this little kitty was saved, but I think it's a very bad idea to have her declawed. :( Please reconsider! I know it's your mom who takes the decision, but does she really know what it involves?

Do a search here on the Cat Forums, there are quite a few threads which explain in detall what a cruel operation this is. Print it out and show to your mom - she may not know what it involves.

In most countries in Europe (if not all), is it not legal to declaw cats. There is a reason why!

I have a cat who was living in the back yard for the first year, but is now an inside cat with claws intact. I can assure you that he was quite a handful to begin with, but now, I have no problems clipping his nails. You can do it too! :)

05-29-2007, 03:52 PM
Major Congratulations of the New Kitten from ALL OF US AT THE FOUND CAT PARADISE HOTEL
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v621/catmandu/th_cats101778.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v621/catmandu/?action=view&current=1180363881.pbw)

05-29-2007, 03:53 PM
It sounds like the declawing decision was not made by simbaismycat. It came down to the couch or a second cat. It's unfortunate from the standpoint of declawing; but the result is that Ebony will a long and happy life as an indoor cat (as opposed to a short life with her claws as an outdoor kitty). Welcome to Pet Talk, Ebony! When your mistress has time to take your picture, I will be more than thrilled to see it. Simbaismycat, please give Ebony and Simba both a hug for me!