View Full Version : Not good news for Dusty! :( *edit* got the pill down her!

05-28-2007, 10:32 PM
Some of you may remember awhile back I posted about Dusty and her arthritis. We tried Metacam injections, then went on to Tramadol pills. Well I don't know if it's the pills, or just Dusty's age, but last week I thought she seemed 'boated' and took her to work with me. The boss checked her out and did x-rays.

Dusty basically has congestive heart failure and is retaining fluids in her abdomen so much so that it's pushing her spleen away from where it should be. We've been giving her Lasix injections to help get the pressure of the fluid out, but since the medicine that helps keep the fluid from acculmulating only comes in a pill we aren't able to do that also. :(

For those that don't know, Dusty is a killer to give pills to, causes ALOT of stress and takes forever to pill her, and then if she thinks about it she can make herself vomit just to get the pill out. It's been a battle just to get the Tramadol down her, and now she gets so upset that if you try to give her treats, or a bit of human food she instantly drools thinking everything is a pill now. With the heart problem now we don't want to stress her out any more than absolutely necessary, so she's only getting the Tramadol when she gets really bad with her walking.

Anyways the boss doesn't think she'll be around much longer. Dusty will be 17 in July if she makes it that far. So since it was a long weekend we took her down to my mom's trailer in the campground. Dusty loves to go there, and I asked the boss if the drive (1 hr one way) would be too much for her, he said if she doesn't get bent out of shape on the drive, he didn't think it would hurt her. We took her down on Sat and came back tonight. Dusty did great on the drive there and back, only got slightly upset when we first left until she realized we were going to the trailer not to the vet again lol. She slept alot and we had to leave lights on at night for her but it went fairly well. We have to leave lights on because her vision isn't so good and she gets confused easily about where she is and cries if we don't. Overall I think dusty had a good time. She watched birds, chipmunks and even took a very short walk around the lot (she used to take long walks around the park, but she just can't manage those anymore.) She didn't really want to come back home.

I've been keeping her in the CPU room when I'm not home so the other cats can't pounce on her and cause her more stress. She usually naps in there anyways, it's just now I keep the door shut so the others can't go in. I moved her kitty condo in there and put it next to the window so she can get some fresh air and watch traffic go by and squirrels climb the trees out front.

I know her time is limited, that she's a ripe old age for a cat, but it still doesn't make me feel better knowing she's probably not going to be with me much longer. I somehow feel like the Tramadol made things worse, but then again she could barely walk if we didn't do the Tramadol, and she has had a very mild heart murmer for years. Maybe I'm just thinking of things we could have done different, but I still keep coming up with that we did the best we could for her given the circumstances, I just feel guilty and helpless.

Any and all prayers for Dusty are appreciated!

Some pix of Dusty

July 25, 1995 the day Dusty came into my yard and my life.



3 days later when Dusty became my housecat.



My mom walking Dusty 1996 (Dusty is my best leash walking cat in the bunch)


Dusty 1998 watching birds in the window feeder through the one way foil thing.


Dusty last week


05-28-2007, 10:37 PM
Such a sweetie. I've never seen a cat on a leash before - she must be very special to do that.

Give her some scritches from me, and here's a {{{{{ hug }}}}} for you.

Laura's Babies
05-28-2007, 10:55 PM
This is a time in our babies lives that we all dread. Just love her while you can and let her know how much you have valued her friendship and devotion. I will sure send a prayer up for her and you for whatever is to come.

Scooter's Mom
05-28-2007, 11:06 PM
I too will send up prayers for you and for Dusty. Dusty surely knows and feels your love. Keep us updated on how she's doing.

She's a beautiful girl.


05-29-2007, 12:45 AM
She's such a beautiful girl.:) It sure is hard to watch our furkids age and have health problems.:( I'll be keeping her in my thoughts and prayers.

05-29-2007, 07:41 AM
What a nice photo reprise for those of us who joined PT more recently! I love to see the story of the PT cats!

DUSTY has such wonderful markings. Sorry I don't remember, was the arthritis that bad? Would stopping that med be worth it for her?

I'm sure you've thought it all through. At 17, it is clear that you love her and care for her well. Best wishes for both of you!

05-29-2007, 08:55 AM

She is stunning!! Arthritis makes it very difficult for our pets. Tramadol is a human arthritis narcotic that I was on for my arthritis. It made me itch so bad. That's one of the rare side effects to the drug. Dusty lookis very sweet.



05-29-2007, 09:04 AM
I will be praying for both you and Dusty. Love the picture of her on the leash. I've never been able to do that. She must be a great kitty!

05-29-2007, 09:12 AM
Your Dusty is adorable! She looks so proud to be walking on her leash in that picture! Wish my girls would do that. Instead, they sit at the door and scream at me while I am out and they are in! :rolleyes:

I am sorry Dusty's health is declining. My Tabby is 18 (19 in June) and I understand what you are going through.

Many prayers for you and Dusty! Love her and continue spending those precious moments with her.

05-29-2007, 01:15 PM
Love the photo of Dusty walking on the leash!!! Prayers for Dusty!!!

05-29-2007, 01:27 PM
Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers for my old lady!!! Much appreciated!!! :D

Sorry I don't remember, was the arthritis that bad? Would stopping that med be worth it for her?

If she doesn't get her pain meds she basically can't walk at all. I've been going a few days between doses since the effects seem to hold for more than a day or two. I can tell when she needs some because she walks all hunched up and uses the whole flat part of the foot/ankle to walk and doesn't get out of her kitty bed much. Also she won't put her tail up when she hurts too much, and as you can see from the leash walking pix, Dusty always keeps her "flagpole" tail up when she's feeling good.

She's probably going to be needing another dose of Tramadol tonight. She got her last dose on Sat, and I'm noticing she's wanting to stay in her basket alot today. I'm also going to be picking up more Lasix shots for her as well to help with the fluid build up.

05-29-2007, 01:28 PM
Prayers sent... :(

05-29-2007, 05:47 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about Dusty's dilemma but glad that she's w/you and you're doing your best for her. I know you'll make her last days wonderful.

05-29-2007, 07:59 PM
Thats The Worst Feeling In The World When Your Vet Says I Have Bad News About Your Cat. We All Have Gone Through This And We Send You And Dusty All The Prayers And Love That We Acn Muster As We Know That Its Not Easy To See Such A Dear Friend Get Older And Weaker.

05-30-2007, 09:41 AM
Here's hoping Dusty takes her meds more willingly. She's a pretty little gal; doesn't look a day over 10 :D

It's great that she got a chance to visit the campground. It sounds like she enjoys being there.

05-30-2007, 06:39 PM
I am so sorry to hear that your precious Dusty's health is declining.

She is such a beautiful girl and those pictures of her are just too darn adorable.

Prayers on the way for Dusty and major {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} for you.

I know that whatever time she has left with you, will be full of love and contentment.

05-30-2007, 11:36 PM
Dusty refused to keep her pain meds down today. I got it in her first try but about 10 seconds later I could see she was "thinking" too hard about it and yup, you guessed it, all her food and her pill came out. *sigh* Dusty is too smart for her own good, always has been. I'm going to try again in a bit here and she needs her lasix shot also. Poor thing, I don't know if she realizes I'm not trying to stress her out on purpose I'm trying to help her. I will say this is the longest I've ever been able to get pills in her (going on 3 months now semi regularly), in the past it was 3 days tops! Her old vet even tried a pill shooter, 3 techs and still couldn't pill her, they finally called me to come in to do it because Dusty kept holding her breath till she'd turn blue and pass out just so she didn't have to take pills, I got them in her first try. Her current vet (my boss) says he's never ever seen a cat that bad about oral medication but so coopertive about injections. lol

05-31-2007, 12:17 AM
What a beautiful lady she is...............you have my prayers!

And a hug for you too!

05-31-2007, 05:47 AM
Boy, Dusty's a challenge, that's for sure. Sending positive energy your way.....

05-31-2007, 06:06 PM
Prayers for pretty Dusty...don't stress, Dusty, everyone just wants you comfy and healthy... :) Take your meds like a good girl, ok?

05-31-2007, 06:35 PM
Awe... Dusty, you have to take your meds to feel a little better sweetie. We love to see your adorable little face and hope that you are not feeling too achey. Be the sweetie we know you are and take your pills for your meowmie... she worries about you so.

05-31-2007, 11:05 PM
I did manage to get her Tramadol in her today with the help of my mom who stopped over to help distract Dusty so she wouldn't 'think' about it. lol The pill has kicked in but it doesn't seem to be helping quite as much as it did the other day, we'll have to see how she feels tomorrow, sometimes it seems to be a delayed effect. Dusty is high as a kite right now lol (Tramadol is an opium based pain pill)

Bad news is I rearranged our bedroom today so the bed is near a window for the summer, but Dusty highly dislikes the new arrangement. I took her up there to show her where her sandboxes got moved to and she limped around a bit, laid down looking around with drugged eyes, then promptly limped a fast pace back downstairs! Dunno if the pill made things look wierd to her or if her old mind just doesn't remember a couple years ago when we had the same arrangement of furniture?

Thank you all for your kind words and prayers for Dusty, we both appreciate them.