View Full Version : A Cage for Boo?

Laura's Babies
05-27-2007, 08:51 PM
Yep, I had to buy a cage for Kitty Boo. A time out zone for her. I know how cruel that sounds but I am ready for all this attacking to end once and for all....

Unfortunately, It stays occupied and Boo has yet to get a time out in it.



Hay! It works!! She can not get to them when they are in there and they feel safe inside so it is working out! It is OK with me if it is a reverse time out as long as it works. All I have to do is leave it open and one of them are in there!

Hay Sis, what happened to that cat that stayed in the bedroom all day sleeping and never came out? She prefers staying OUT here although I do find her in the bedroom on the bed now and then... just not often.

What does Boo do while they take her time outs?



What does Samantha do when it is occupied?
(on top of the fridge)
or my printer

When Amy gets to the cage first, Giz finds somewhere else to hide out and usually it is here...

Or if Giz gets to the cage first, Amy goes somewhere else...

So, the cage has stopped a lot of the attacking that has been going on and I am proud of how it is going. Boo stays out most of the day now and there has only been 2 attacks since I been home. 2 in 4 days beats the 3 to 4 per day that was going on before. I make over her a lot while she is out and tell her what a good girl she is being, petting and kissing her every chance I get and praising her. HOPING she will see the benifits of behaving and having free roam of the whole house.

05-27-2007, 11:40 PM
I'm so glad to hear that the cage is working even though Kitty Boo isn't the one using it.:) I hope that things will continue to go well and that all of the praising that you give Kitty Boo will help her learn not to attack the others. Your cats sure are gorgeous.:)

05-28-2007, 12:45 AM
That's a great idea Laura.I'm glad it's working.All your cats look great.Bo too.She looks so beautiful.Her coat and face :)

Carol Bulger
05-28-2007, 01:30 AM
You sure got some great pictures of all the babies. Picture P-E-R-F-E-C-T....
Hopefully Kitty Boo will eventually figure it all out..She's old and set in her ways like Mama!! But she's still a sweetie pie
Love to them all, Oldbat

05-28-2007, 06:44 PM
Laura, what a wonderful idea! I'm glad to see how well it's working out.

A long time ago I got a second cat as a "pal" for the first one who'd been by herself for quite a while. Mary Lou (Cat #2) was rather touchy and started acting aggressively toward Phoebe (Cat #1). Phoebe became terrified and stayed hidden most of the time. In the studio apartment I lived in at the time, there wasn't much in the way of places to separate them so each could more slowly get used to the idea of the other's presence while at the same time having a safe space to live in.

I volunteered at a cat shelter nearby, and I wound up borrowing a cage, a little wider than Boo's, for Mary Lou. I was afraid she would fight and struggle to get out, but she did just fine in it, relaxing and watching the world from her own personal space. And Phoebe went back to her normal routine over time.

Finally I was able to let Mary Lou out, and while they never became great buddies they did peacefully coexist.

It sounds like this is just the ticket for your situation too, Laura. Please keep us posted! Wishing you the best with all your children there.


05-28-2007, 07:34 PM
We hope that the cage can keep things quiet until the Cats get used to each other. I know that Tubster is still a little fesity with the Found Cats and I sometimes have to keep him on the enclosed porch.
Good Luck with your clowder.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v621/catmandu/th_cats088.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v621/catmandu/?action=view&current=1180363506.pbw)

Laura's Babies
05-28-2007, 08:48 PM
phesina, I had a whole 28 days to think about what to do about the situation. I have tried the Feliway plug ins, the spray bottle, scolding and putting her back in the room and nothing had worked. I felt so guilty shutting her up all day in a room alone, realizng, that would not accomplish anything so this is what I thought might work and if it don't..... :confused: .

My thinking is that they would eventually get use to having one another around....sooner or later..... ONE day? I have yet to put Boo in here for a time out but the few times I have (to see how she would react), she has absolutely hated it so this may work!

Keep fingers, toes and paws crossed that this works.

05-28-2007, 09:03 PM
Hi, hi Laura. Welcome back. :) (I sorry I missed your welcome back thread.)

I don't think it's cruel at all putting Boo in a cage for a time out. Even though she hates being put in there, she will get the jest of it and maybe finally settle down. But if it is working the other way also, great!!!

It was great seeing all your crew, as they are all so adorable. :)

05-29-2007, 02:42 PM
Laura, I think the cage is a great idea. We are all wishing you and Boo and the rest of the gang the best of luck.

Please keep us posted on developments!

Pat, Peony, Sydney, Poppy, Elmer (who says hi to Amy!), and Priscilla Angel who is fluttering her wings to attempt to smooth down hostilities there