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View Full Version : Blew a knee...

Queen of Poop
05-26-2007, 08:32 PM
Actually, both knees, but the right one is ALOT worse than the left. Was doing my usual 6 km run. All of a sudden my knees started to hurt, then they really hurt. Was about 2/3rds of the way thru my run and I had to hobble home. Have had one physio visit and learned that I have tendonitis in my knees due to having weaker muscles in my hips, particularly on the right side. The pain in my knees is unbelievable. Advil helps hugely. I can't run for 10 days, but I see it as longer than that. I have exercises to do to strengthen my hip muscles and my next physio appt is Wednesday. Message to any and all runners, if your knees start to hurt - stop running. Don't carry on thinking that it will get better and I have to get home somehow. Ouchie, major ouchie.

05-26-2007, 10:45 PM
yikes and ouch. that sucks I know. sorry, but how long is 6km? in miles. :D

I never am a runner but ironically, I love to sprint. sprint from lab to car, car to shops with friends or up/down the stairs with crayola lol. only in right knee, I've sprained, twisted, popped and dislocated thirteen times in my life. extremely weak or rather no cushion now, built to left. I cannot jog more than 10 minutes, run more than one mile or jump-and-spin more than 5 times. :( it'll just needle a needle inside middle of the knee or sometimes going-to-dislocate and cringes me. without physico or orthopedist yet, I know I need a surgery. ;) and I'm sooo looking forward to it!

do you put a lot of ice (frozen peas) on it too?

05-26-2007, 10:49 PM
Owww, you have my sympathy. Paul's knee still isn't back to 100% from tearing the cartilage in February. I think many of us take knees for granted!

Queen of Poop
05-26-2007, 11:45 PM
yikes and ouch. that sucks I know. sorry, but how long is 6km? in miles. :D

I never am a runner but ironically, I love to sprint. sprint from lab to car, car to shops with friends or up/down the stairs with crayola lol. only in right knee, I've sprained, twisted, popped and dislocated thirteen times in my life. extremely weak or rather no cushion now, built to left. I cannot jog more than 10 minutes, run more than one mile or jump-and-spin more than 5 times. :( it'll just needle a needle inside middle of the knee or sometimes going-to-dislocate and cringes me. without physico or orthopedist yet, I know I need a surgery. ;) and I'm sooo looking forward to it!

do you put a lot of ice (frozen peas) on it too?

It is about 3.7 miles.

Funny, I tried using peas until the bag broke and I had peas EVERYWHERE!! Now I'm using ice in a ziplock and refreezing it as needed.

05-26-2007, 11:50 PM
I hope you have a fast recovery, just keep icing every hour that will help with the imflammation.

05-27-2007, 05:56 AM
Ouch! I hope your knees are better soon.

05-27-2007, 07:20 AM
my mom knows how you feel. She was having problems with her knee. She went to a doctor who CHIPPED THE BONE IN HER KNEE! Now she has to go and get a knee replacement. Dammed doctors! Just take the comfort that you are not alone in this matter.

05-27-2007, 09:18 AM
I know how you feel! MAJOR OUCH!!!!I HAD A TORN MINISCOUS. KNEE CAP. :( I HAD ORTHOSCOPIC SURGERY. FIXED IT . ALL BETTER A FEW MONTHS LATER. :) But you have to take it easy on your knees forever. Take care of yourself!

05-27-2007, 10:27 AM

Knee injuries suck. it seems like they run in my family. My brother has had both operated on and he will eventually have to get a knee replacement but they won't do it until he is at least 50.

my sister had her knee operated on a couple years ago...

and I have arthritis in one and a tear in my ACL my cartilige (sp?) and the miniscus.... supposed to have surgery.... opted out of that lol.

But running is VERY hard on your knees. You don't realize until after it's too late just how much the impact tears them up.... that's not to say all runners end up with terrible knees.... but if your knees are bad it's likely running will aggravate them more.

Do you do strengthening exercises for your hips?

Hope you get better soon.

05-27-2007, 10:32 AM
Oh dear! I am sorry! :(

Queen of Poop
05-27-2007, 11:54 AM
Do you do strengthening exercises for your hips?

I am now. The physiotherapist gave me 5 exercises to strengthen my hip muscles. Doing them every day faithfully. This is too painful to ignore.

05-27-2007, 12:42 PM

But running is VERY hard on your knees. You don't realize until after it's too late just how much the impact tears them up.... that's not to say all runners end up with terrible knees.... but if your knees are bad it's likely running will aggravate them more.

If you are having a problem at your age, now is the time to start treating your knees with great care. Running on a treadmill instead of the hard surface will provide a bit less impact on those knees. I do believe that taking fish oil tablets has been of some benefit to me. When I used to come up my stairs from the basement (an enclosed stairwell) I could hear a gravely sound. I no longer hear that and I attribute the improvement to the fish oil I have been taking.

Be aware of the possibility that some medications you may be taking may make your joints more vulverable. I know this is antedotal evidence but when I try to take statins for my cholesterol, I get very painful joints. I actually thought I had injured my knee while exercising and had pain for 6 months. It was only when *the other knee* started having the same kind of pain (and I hadn't been able to exercise) that I explored the possible connection with the pain and my medication.

05-27-2007, 02:29 PM
If you are having a problem at your age, now is the time to start treating your knees with great care. Running on a treadmill instead of the hard surface will provide a bit less impact on those knees. I do believe that taking fish oil tablets has been of some benefit to me. When I used to come up my stairs from the basement (an enclosed stairwell) I could hear a gravely sound. I no longer hear that and I attribute the improvement to the fish oil I have been taking.

Be aware of the possibility that some medications you may be taking may make your joints more vulverable. I know this is antedotal evidence but when I try to take statins for my cholesterol, I get very painful joints. I actually thought I had injured my knee while exercising and had pain for 6 months. It was only when *the other knee* started having the same kind of pain (and I hadn't been able to exercise) that I explored the possible connection with the pain and my medication.

PFFT.... I don't run :D hehe. I never have and likely never will lol. I am not built for running if you know what I mean hehe. Although I have heard too that bike riding can be hard on the joints because of the repetitive motion. My knee injuries are from other things. the Arthritis is from a bad break when I was a kid and the tears are from an old wrestling injury lol. But the surgery is not nessecary and I can get around just fine and pain free for the most part.... weather actually is my biggest problem lol.

I never would have thought about medication causing joint pain but it makes sense.

But Queen of Poop I think you will notice a great deal of difference with the strengthening exercises. You will be surprised at what can cause knee problems and what knee problems can cause. A simple misalignment in your spine can cause you to walk slightly unevenly causing stress on your knees..... and vice versa. So building up the muscles in your hips can REALLY help. sometimes the issue is not where the pain is. Good luck and keep up with your exercises.

05-27-2007, 04:10 PM
I tried using peas until the bag broke and I had peas EVERYWHERE!! Now I'm using ice in a ziplock and refreezing it as needed.

Oh boy you REALLY had quite a time! :D Sorry, but I did enjoy the image of peas everywhere.

I have osteoarthritis in both knees, so I have a little idea of what you are feeling. If the over the counter stuff doesn't help the pain, talk to your doctor for a prescription. Even if it is just till the initial hurting and swelling eases up.

05-29-2007, 11:37 AM
I popped my knee running this morning but no pain. :mad: and thought of you .. how's your (one and another) knee?

I've been wondering how they knew it was because of hips?

Queen of Poop
05-29-2007, 12:04 PM
I popped my knee running this morning but no pain. :mad: and thought of you .. how's your (one and another) knee?

I've been wondering how they knew it was because of hips?

The phyiotherapist did a bunch of "tests" to determine where the problem came from. I couldn't hold my leg in place when she pushed on it, either leg for that matter. So with more "tests" she determined that my hips muscles are not strong enough. Apparently it is a common thing here with runners. Both knees still hurt but I am noticing an improvement - be it ever so slow.

05-29-2007, 12:07 PM
I pulled a tendon in my left knee about a month ago and I thought it would never heal. I can't imagine injuring both. Ouch!!! I hope they heal up soon.

Queen of Poop
05-29-2007, 01:23 PM
I pulled a tendon in my left knee about a month ago and I thought it would never heal. I can't imagine injuring both. Ouch!!! I hope they heal up soon.

Thanks. Ouch is right. Nice to have someone who can sympathize with just how much this stinks! I hope they heal up soon too. It is so darn frustrating not being able to walk, let alone run. Every step is a new experience in pain. This truly is not a fun thing. I am so tired of limping everywhere.