View Full Version : My Puddy is sick again. *UPDATE*

05-23-2007, 09:32 PM
She has a urinary tract infection and of course, it just showed up now. She showed no signs of illness until I tucked everyone in for the night and she began to cry. She squatted in the corner so I knew. I gave her some clindamycin and a subQ treatment hoping that it might help to relieve some of the pain. I hate the emergency clinics. They rob ya blind and they don't know what they're talking about half the time. I put a call in to Dr. Lee but he's on vacation so I left a message that I'll be coming in early tomorrow morning and take my chances on seeing someone. It's gonna be a long night for my Puddy. Please pray for her. I've got so many sick cats that I'm punchy right now.

5/24: I just got off the phone w/Dr. Feeman. Puddy won't cooperate enough to give them urine or blood specimens so they're going to have to sedate her and keep her overnight. He said they could treat her symptomatically but if her other kidney is failing, they won't know and treatment will be delayed. So, poor little girl is going to have to spend the night there. He said he'd call me w/the results of the urinalysis tonight, so hopefully, he'll have some good news. Why does Dr. Lee have to be gone?

Prairie Purrs
05-23-2007, 10:17 PM
Poor Puddy, and poor you! I hope everybody feels better very soon and stays off the sick list for a good long while.

05-23-2007, 10:20 PM
Oh, I'll be ok, I just want my Puddy to feel better. I can't stand to hear her cry. It breaks my heart. And w/Yodie and her ear infection, she's still crying a lot but at least things have calmed down somewhat w/the other cats. What a month this has been. I was home from work all day today except for about an hour. Why couldn't she have shown symptoms then? No, she had to wait until bed time. I just don't want her to be in pain. I can't stand it.

05-24-2007, 08:00 AM
I"m so sorry for all your issues; my kitty has a bump on his shoulder that has me worried, too. So I can sympathize with your worries. I hope all your guys end up just fine.

05-24-2007, 11:50 AM
I had to leave her. Dr. Feeman said that he hopes it's a UTI, given her age, but she had blood and blood clots in her urine and she vomited 3 times, so he fears it's her remaining kidney. She was VERY uncooperative when they tried to get a urine specimen, so they're going to have to sedate her for that. I'm to call later this aft. to see if it's UTI or if I have to leave her. The clindamycin that I gave her last night stopped the frantic squatting everywhere, so I'm praying that it's a UTI and not the remaining kidney going bad. Poor little girl has been through so much. I feel like I'm going to vomit myself.

05-24-2007, 11:55 AM
My prayers are with you.

Prairie Purrs
05-24-2007, 12:00 PM
Healing thoughts coming Puddy's way. I'm hoping it's only a minor setback for your tough little girl.

05-24-2007, 12:03 PM
Glad to read the clindamycin did it's job last night in stopping the squatting.
That sounds like a good sign that you caught the UTI early.
Will keep good thoughts on our end here for Puddy.

05-24-2007, 02:15 PM
Prayers for Puddy....

05-24-2007, 02:53 PM
5/24: I just got off the phone w/Dr. Feeman. Puddy won't cooperate enough to give them urine or blood specimens so they're going to have to sedate her and keep her overnight. He said they could treat her symptomatically but if her other kidney is failing, they won't know and treatment will be delayed. So, poor little girl is going to have to spend the night there. He said he'd call me w/the results of the urinalysis tonight, so hopefully, he'll have some good news. Why does Dr. Lee have to be gone?

05-24-2007, 03:13 PM
It sounds like Dr. Feeman has a handle on the situation. Will continue to keep good thoughts for Puddy.

05-24-2007, 04:02 PM
Dr. Feeman just called and he said that the urinalysis does show an infection, so he's going to treat her w/clindamycin for now. She bounced back from the anesthesia and is actually walking around, so he said to come and get her, that it's better for her given her disposition. Her blood work will be back tomorrow and we'll know more. I'm just relieved that I can bring her home.

05-24-2007, 04:23 PM
Great news, glad you can bring Puddy home tonight. :)

05-24-2007, 06:16 PM
I just brought her home. She's on clindamycin for the UTI, an antihistamine for the URI, a pain med and a nausea med. I'm going to have to make a chart to be sure I don't over or under medicate her. She's not the least bit drowsy from the anesthesia, though, and when they brought her out, the vet tech said "I hope you have a carrier for her cuz she is NOT happy!" I looked at her and said "Puddy, you mad at me?" and she hissed at me. Of course, everyone laughed and that's the best sign I could've gotten. When she had no spunk at all is when I was really worried. So, keep fingers and paws crossed that all goes well over this long holiday weekend. As it is, Yodie goes in to see Dr. Lee on Tues. Ever since she's had this URI, all she's done is cry. He said he couldn't see a polyp but I swear this is the way she acted when I first rescued her and the polyp was in her ear. She was whiney and needy. After the polyp came out, she was so independent it actually hurt my feelings. So my household is not out of the woods yet, that's for sure. But at least things are looking brighter. My Puddy's home and that's a start.

Prairie Purrs
05-24-2007, 06:29 PM
Great to hear that Puddy's bringing the catitude!

05-25-2007, 04:04 PM
Puddy had a restless night. I don't think she was in pain because she cries when that's the case. But she paced a lot. Dr. Feeman called w/her bloodwork results and said it came back great; the remaining kidney is not shutting down. She just has a really bad bladder infection. But I think either the pain meds or the antihistamine for the URI are too much for her because she has that tic again. So he said to stop the pain meds unless she cries and to cut the antihistamine down to 1/4 tablet. We both need a good night' sleep. I'm getting over the flu, too. But at least her kidney is doing fine. Thanx for the prayers, friends. I knew I could count on all of my PT'ers. :)

05-25-2007, 04:26 PM
Great news that the blood work came back ok. :D
Take care of yourself and Puddy. Hopefully both of you will get a good nights sleep. :)

05-25-2007, 10:32 PM
Oh my goodness. I missed this thread yesterday. Thank goodness Puddy is ok. What a scare! :eek:
You and all the kitties will be in my thoughts to get (and stay) healthy. :D

05-26-2007, 01:03 AM
I also missed seeing this thread.:o I'm so sorry to hear that Puddy is so sick.:( I hope that the meds will help her get well quickly and that she'll feel better soon.

My Storm also has a possible UTI which I caught yesterday morning. I'm still waiting to hear about his bloodwork and urinalysis results. He's on 2 kinds of meds. He sympathizes with Puddy.

05-26-2007, 08:11 AM
Puddy had a so-so night; still a little restless and she didn't sleep w/me because my bed is so high and she can't jump up. When I lift her up, she gets mad cuz I think she wants to do it herself. So she slept in the guest room which has officially become Puddy's room; she has food, water and a litter box in there. She's doing ok this morning but she's still not herself. I only gave her the antibiotic last night, no pain meds and no antihistamine. I wanted the tic to stop long enough for her to be able to put her head down. Poor little girl couldn't even do that because of the tic. So, hopefully, she got some rest. I did give her the antihistamine this morning, though, because she's sneezing. This house sounds like a hospital emergency ward. Everyone has been sneezing and crying. :p The worst, though, was when Puddy passed blood in her urine and even a blood clot! That freaked me out! But none of that now, so the clindamycin is definitely working. I'll be glad to get May over with. It's been quite a hectic and sickly month for all of us.

05-27-2007, 06:08 AM
I awoke to Puddy crying again. She's been going in and out of the litterbox but she's peeing and pooping and no blood either, so I'm not sure what the problem is. Maybe one of the meds isn't agreeing w/her but I have to keep her on the clindamycin for the UTI. I suppose I could try stopping the antihistamine, although it would help w/the sneezing. But if it's causing her problems, maybe I should stop it. I just don't know. Of course, here it is Sunday and a holiday weekend yet. Ideas, anyone, please????

05-27-2007, 07:11 AM
I am sorry - I have been away and didn't see this thread.
While I am happy to hear it is not Puddy's remaining kindey I don't have an idea what's going on. The antibiotics should have improved her symptoms by now....
Just keeping paws crossed for Puddy.

05-27-2007, 07:29 AM
I'd stop the antihistime for the day.
Try feeding her before the antibotic doseage (help her tummy).

05-27-2007, 07:49 AM
I'm so sorry to hear of your Puddy's illness and all your household health woes. I hope all of you will be on the road to recovery ASAP and my thoughts and prayers are with you all.

The TopCats

05-27-2007, 12:02 PM
I didn't give her the antihistamine this morning and she ate some canned Fancy Feast gourmet chicken, a lot of it. The antihistamine has an appetite stimulant in it, though. But she kept it down, no more crying, so I felt ok w/leaving her to go to the office for a couple of hours. When I got home, she was eating again and wanted to be downstairs w/the rest of the fur posse. Right now she's in the enclosed patio room and seems to be doing well. So hopefully she's going to get better and this weekend won't stress her out too much.

05-27-2007, 12:30 PM
Fancy Feast Gourmet is popular at our house these days!

05-29-2007, 08:50 PM
Fancy Feast Gourmet is popular at our house these days! In my house too! Mary, how is Puddy today?

05-29-2007, 09:04 PM
Puddy's hangin' in there, the tough little squirt. She has that nasty URI that my other furkids got so she's listless right now. But the UTI is under control, no more bloody urine or blood clots; she's still on clindamycin. I stopped the antihistamine because it was giving her such a bad tic that she couldn't even put her head down. She doesn't have a whole lot of strenth; she still can't hop up in bed w/me, so I lift her (when I feel like taking my life into my hands). But she's a strong girl and she didn't get the URI as badly as everyone else did, esp. Yodie, who goes in for her checkup tomorrow to make sure the ear polyp hasn't grown back. So please keep the prayers comin'. We're all doing much better here but we can still use those prayers.

05-31-2007, 10:53 PM
Belated prayers here! How are the patients doing? (this includes YOU, Mary :) )


05-31-2007, 11:31 PM
Just saw this thread. I hope Puddy is doing much better now and feeling like her normal self again.

06-01-2007, 06:55 AM
We're all doing ok. Puddy is still on the antibiotic for the UTI and she still sneezes a little from the URI but she can hop up in bed w/me now. I have a slight cough from the flu that I had but I helped a friend move house yesterday and did fine. And the entire fur posse is finally better. Cgirl is on my lap right now buggin' me, so everything is back to "normal". Thanx for asking.