View Full Version : Wow a new low

05-23-2007, 09:44 AM
I was in a fab mood this morning, but now I feel like poo. I just asked to borrow 20.00 from my sister for gas, casue Chad used my car last week & wont replace the gas. Knew I couldn't trust him, but gave him 1 last chance.

Theres a lot of issues between Chad & I now.. I've been keeping them very low key, as I just want to have a life.

I had enough gas for this week & enough $ to go to the club last sat. But I wasn't planning on having to fill up an extra 1/4 + 1/8 tank that Chad used... *sigh*

I know my sister will give me the $ cause I was there when she needed help, but I hate asking her cause I'm the older one.


I just hope I can get a hold of her before the end of work. I need to see my Bankruptcy trustee tomorrow & go to work to thats a crazy amount of driving (prob 100km worth & thats a 1/2 tank...)...

With the gas prices so darn high, its costing me an extra 20.00 to fill my car... my car is 60.00 to fill!!! & thats not a huge tank either!!!

Blah... I'm just glad I have my sister for help

05-23-2007, 09:55 AM
So sorry things are not going well for you now. Perhaps you can take on another job close to home. Maybe babysit for a neighbor you wouldn't have to drive and the extra money is great. How about pet sitting for someone as well? Mowing someones lawn, doing some house cleaning for someone. Lots of ways to make money under the table and not have to drive. Good luck to you.

Pawsitive Thinking
05-23-2007, 10:00 AM
At least you know not to let Chad borrow your car next time. I am sure sis will come to the rescue

05-23-2007, 10:02 AM
So sorry things are not going well for you now. Perhaps you can take on another job close to home. Maybe babysit for a neighbor you wouldn't have to drive and the extra money is great. How about pet sitting for someone as well? Mowing someones lawn, doing some house cleaning for someone. Lots of ways to make money under the table and not have to drive. Good luck to you.

I'll be ok once this month is over. I'm filing bankruptcy & soon everything will be sorted out & I can have a life... Now that no one else touches my car & its for going to work & back & out ONCE during the weekend. I can save a lot of $ on gas... I already made large portions of food, so I'm good for 6 days :D

I get paid on fri. then I'll be tight but fine..

My car loan is taking 170.00 on fri so that leaves me with 200.00, but I need to give 130.00 to INS.. so I really only have less then 100.00... but thats more then enough for gas!! I just need 60.00/2 weeks

05-23-2007, 10:14 AM
At least you know not to let Chad borrow your car next time. I am sure sis will come to the rescue

Hes not touching my car not only for screwing me for the last time, but cause he also has a suspended licence!!!! It was suspended last fri, due to NON payment of a stupid speeding ticket!! He got his licence back yesterday & hes up for suspensions again for NON payment of a parking ticket!!!

Hes digging himself a lovely hole, that I'm not helping him out of this time. I've helped him enough & got burned BAD. So I'm just gonna sit back & enjoy my life with my new friends & finding a date lol I met 2 people last night.. 1 I knew from 5 months back, he asked me out I said yes, then he got all weird & creepy :rolleyes: But this other guy is like my twin... we talked for hours haveing a HOOT! I didn't stop laughing all last night.. I was coughing & crying from laughing so hard :D So that is positive ;)

I know my sister will rescue me, I just feel low for having to ask. I've always been the big sister, her looking up to me, me helping her out.. now I'm the one in a rut... having the tables turned sucks... I'm just lucky shes helping me like I did to her. She still remembers when I offered to pick up her 7yr old cat & car for her, as she was about to become homeless... that ment the world to her, as her cat is like her child... Luckly she found a new place before her time ran out.

Pawsitive Thinking
05-23-2007, 10:21 AM
So I'm just gonna sit back & enjoy my life with my new friends

That's the spirit!!! and I am sure your sister is just glad she can return all the kindness you showed her

05-23-2007, 10:52 AM
That's the spirit!!! and I am sure your sister is just glad she can return all the kindness you showed her

She always seems happy, shes never sighed or anything... Shes tried to give me money just because, but I refused it. I only take when i really need it. I hate feeling like a mooch.

We use to NEVER get a long, but now that we are both out on our own, we are really good friends now... it suprised both of us when we managed to get a long for a whole week last xmas... we usually get snappy & wanna kill each other (we've been in BAD fights, bloody, loose, teeth, black eyes, ya not good stuff)... we went out every evening, went out drinking & pretty much made dad cry with joy. Hes never seen us get a long like that. He knows we've always been there for each other when the other is in need. He said he remembers when I beat the snot out of this boy who attacked her when she was little. The boy was bigger then me & he had to go to the hospital.. ok thats not a good thing, but he attacked a little kid & deserved what he got!

Both of us are still getting use to this whole getting along thing, as its scaring us both lol

05-23-2007, 12:16 PM
Why are you going out clubbing if you are so broke?

05-23-2007, 12:35 PM
Why are you going out clubbing if you are so broke?

Cause its once a month, only 15.00. & I had enough $, until Chad burned 1/4 + 1/8 of gas... That wasn't in my budget... he was suppose to replace it that night & he didn't... Hes being banned from touching my car for this stunt.

When I was out all weekend with my friends, partying, went to the club, & over all had a blast... There was NO booze or drugs involved... I only spent 15.00. I saved up 20.00 for the club, as thats incase the transit fairs go up & I didn't know... Please don't think I'm a party animal or something. I do things very cheaply & I go out once a month!

I'm even getting my bike out of storage so I can bike to my friends place 15km away, so I don't have to drive... Cause once I'm at their place I don't need my car, I bus & walk everywhere with them... I cannot bus there cause I'm in Toronto & hes in Mississauga, so it diff bus' & the cost would be greater then the cost of gas!!

I live pay to pay & eneded up getting screwed cause of a so called friend.

05-23-2007, 05:35 PM
She only had 15.00 in her account.. I told her I couldn't take her last 15.00. She said its only till Fri & I have 5.00 in my pocket...

I'm waiting for the email.

I can almost cry

05-24-2007, 08:30 AM
uh oh, I hate getting into those financial funks. Can Chad or Andrew give you some money, at least until you get paid?

Pawsitive Thinking
05-24-2007, 08:58 AM
She only had 15.00 in her account.. I told her I couldn't take her last 15.00. She said its only till Fri & I have 5.00 in my pocket...

I'm waiting for the email.

I can almost cry

Isn't that always the way??? Its known as Sod's Law I believe

05-24-2007, 10:35 AM
Chad & Andrew are the cause to this mess. Chad said he'd email me 20.00 that he owed for using my gas... I've been told this several times already. I still don't have it. I knew I could depend on my sister for aid & she helped the second she got home.

The thing thats been upsetting me a lot, is that they are going through bankruptcy aswell.. BUT they are blowing all their money on crap!! Then they get stressed & take it all out on me. I've been threatened to be kicked out of this place twice already! You don't want to know the names I've been called.

They've been removed from my friends book, & moved into the roomies I need to live with book.

I now eat my own food, & clean up after just myself. Its not easy when they haven't touched the dishes since last fri!! I'm running out :( Its all Andrew, casue Chad's not even in town. Its so stressful. Poor Bear suffers the most. They ignore her & never put her out. I have to do it all.

BUT Bear isn't stupid & is such a trooper! She sleeps with me every night so we can keep bonding. Chad came into my room (my door is always open when Bear is in there) & called Bear. She IGNORED HIM! She wouldn't even lift her head for him.. He said outside to pee. Not a budge.. he had friends over that she loves & she still would NOT get up :D

Bear is pretty much my dog now :D Coming home from work is killer.. She goes nuts (I love it!!), she'll do her howl & then will start doing 1 legged hugs & switch legs, nearly knocking me over :D I always bend down & grab her extra face skin & do the deep nose to nose rub & baby talk :D Her whole body does that rottie wiggle & then she runs to her Kong & brings it to me, wanting to put some food & yummy sticky stuff in it :D

Is Honey safe for dogs? I put a squirt into her kong with dog food & capped with peanut butter. it keeps her busy for HOURS as its hard to get the honey out. Its pure canadian honey if that makes a difference.

Brody's Mum,
Never heard that before. Do you know what sod stands for? :confused:

I kinda feel bad right now. My meeting was just moved to June 8th. Its a MUCH better time for me, BUT I already put the $ into my tank as I thought I was going & I did need it to get to work today, I was empty. I'm not telling Chad that my sister lent me 15.00, cause I can still use his 20.00 for gas, as I'm gonna send my sister 20.00 as payment. I know she'll appreciate the extra 5.00 bucks & can always use the extra 5.00 bucks.

Pawsitive Thinking
05-24-2007, 10:41 AM
Never heard that before. Do you know what sod stands for?

Sod's Law is a name for the axiom "Anything that can go wrong, will".[1] "Toast will always land butter side down" is often given as an example of Sod's Law in action. The phrase is seemingly derived, at least in part, from the colloquialism an "unlucky sod"; a term used to describe someone who has had some bad unlucky experience, and is usually used as a sympathetic reference to the person.

nb Sod's Law is proved by attempting to demonstrate Sod's Law - the toast will always land butter side up.

The term is still commonly used in Britain, though in North America the newer eponymous "Murphy's law" has become more popular.[2]

Sod's Law is similar to, but broader than, Murphy's law ("Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong"). For example, concepts such as "bad fortune will be tailored to the individual" and "good fortune will occur in spite of the individual's actions" are sometimes given as examples of Sod's Law in action. This would broaden Sod's Law to a general sense of being "mocked by fate". In these aspects it is similar to some definitions of irony, particularly the irony of fate. Murphy's technological origin on John Stapp's Project MX981 is more upbeat — it was a reminder to the engineers and team members to be cautious and make sure everything was accounted for, to let no stone be unturned — not an acceptance of an uncaring uninfluencable fate.

05-24-2007, 10:45 AM
Sod's Law is a name for the axiom "Anything that can go wrong, will".[1] "Toast will always land butter side down" is often given as an example of Sod's Law in action. The phrase is seemingly derived, at least in part, from the colloquialism an "unlucky sod"; a term used to describe someone who has had some bad unlucky experience, and is usually used as a sympathetic reference to the person.

nb Sod's Law is proved by attempting to demonstrate Sod's Law - the toast will always land butter side up.

The term is still commonly used in Britain, though in North America the newer eponymous "Murphy's law" has become more popular.[2]

Sod's Law is similar to, but broader than, Murphy's law ("Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong"). For example, concepts such as "bad fortune will be tailored to the individual" and "good fortune will occur in spite of the individual's actions" are sometimes given as examples of Sod's Law in action. This would broaden Sod's Law to a general sense of being "mocked by fate". In these aspects it is similar to some definitions of irony, particularly the irony of fate. Murphy's technological origin on John Stapp's Project MX981 is more upbeat — it was a reminder to the engineers and team members to be cautious and make sure everything was accounted for, to let no stone be unturned — not an acceptance of an uncaring uninfluencable fate.

Yep we call that Murphy's law here

05-24-2007, 10:30 PM
Last time i knew it is. I've never read anything against it. As matter of fact it's a natural antibacterial.

I was thinking of making up some honey and carob cookies for the guy who is taking care of Koli for me. That way he has something tasty AND he can share with his Mal.

Is Honey safe for dogs? I put a squirt into her kong with dog food & capped with peanut butter. it keeps her busy for HOURS as its hard to get the honey out. Its pure canadian honey if that makes a difference.

As for the rest of the stuff. *hugs* Hang in there.

2nd Edit:

www.islamset.com/sc/honey/shawki.html (http://www.islamset.com/sc/honey/shawki.html)


www.manukahoneyusa.com/BurnsWoundsUlcersSores.htm (http://www.manukahoneyusa.com/BurnsWoundsUlcersSores.htm)

http://www.wysong.net/health/hl_953.shtml - Fourth section in newsletter.

05-25-2007, 12:15 AM
Sod's Law is a name for the axiom "Anything that can go wrong, will".[1] "Toast will always land butter side down" is often given as an example of Sod's Law in action. The phrase is seemingly derived, at least in part, from the colloquialism an "unlucky sod"; a term used to describe someone who has had some bad unlucky experience, and is usually used as a sympathetic reference to the person.

nb Sod's Law is proved by attempting to demonstrate Sod's Law - the toast will always land butter side up.

The term is still commonly used in Britain, though in North America the newer eponymous "Murphy's law" has become more popular.[2]

Sod's Law is similar to, but broader than, Murphy's law ("Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong"). For example, concepts such as "bad fortune will be tailored to the individual" and "good fortune will occur in spite of the individual's actions" are sometimes given as examples of Sod's Law in action. This would broaden Sod's Law to a general sense of being "mocked by fate". In these aspects it is similar to some definitions of irony, particularly the irony of fate. Murphy's technological origin on John Stapp's Project MX981 is more upbeat — it was a reminder to the engineers and team members to be cautious and make sure everything was accounted for, to let no stone be unturned — not an acceptance of an uncaring uninfluencable fate.

As I was reading that I was thinking, hmm that sounds just like Murphy's law... then you said its almost the samething lol

Now it all makes sence to me :P