View Full Version : Noah got a haircut!

07-14-2002, 09:44 PM
Poor little thing....look at him....

07-14-2002, 09:47 PM
Here he is BEFORE his haircut....at least he is MUCH cooler now!

07-14-2002, 09:56 PM
Was keeping him cool the only reason, or is he sick or something? I think he still looks cute!! I hope he doens't mind! :D

07-14-2002, 10:24 PM
Noah had so much hair before his haircut....yes...this was to keep him cool and to help with furballs...he likes to eat his hair when grooming... :rolleyes:

I can stop picking him up...he's just so cute!! :) (My hubby thinks he looks pitiful...what does he know??)

07-14-2002, 10:45 PM
Here's another pic....poor thing...as if it's bad enough getting his fur shaved off...mommy has to chase him with a camera!! ;)

At least he's having a good time with the bags! :D

07-14-2002, 11:56 PM
Awww. He still looks so cute. I hope that this helps keep him cool and helps with the furballs. :) Pepper and Storm are also very furry but I don't have the heart to shave them.

07-15-2002, 03:15 AM
Noah looks like a little lamb in the first pic :rolleyes:
He still has that same sweet face though! :)

07-15-2002, 05:06 AM
I like Noah with and without! He must be cooler. I plan to keep shaving Gabe in the spring time each year.


07-15-2002, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by yorkster
Noah looks like a little lamb in the first pic

That's what I've been calling him!! My little lamb. :)

I am so glad we got him shaved! He is so much more playful!! I bet he is so much cooler now...poor thing!!

07-15-2002, 11:24 AM
Awww....He looks so sweet!

07-16-2002, 08:46 AM
He does look like a little lamb. :D

You are brave. If I ever went near my cats with clippers, I'd wind up with dead rodents in my bed... or lots of suprise yuckies to step on. :eek: :rolleyes: ;)

07-16-2002, 08:54 AM
Originally posted by yorkster
Noah looks like a little lamb in the first pic :rolleyes:
He still has that same sweet face though! :)
He is SO cute! I bet it helps him keep cooler. It's really hot here also and Fister is laying under the wardrobe close to an open window most of the time. He'd probably love a haircut - but would have to be sedated though! :D

Heather Wallace
07-16-2002, 10:55 AM
Noah, you still look cute, dispite your hair cut.

07-16-2002, 11:50 AM
Noah is so cute :)

I've never heard of shaving your cats to keep them cool until now! This is big news to me LOL

07-16-2002, 11:59 AM
I know it isn't too common, but Noah eats his hair when he grooms himself (WHEN he actually does it) and gets yucky furballs...in August we are switching to a hair ball food by Nutro.

Yes, he is MUCH cooler. You should see him, bouncing around, chasing poor Noel! :rolleyes:

We actually didn't do it, we took them both to the groomer. We also had thier nails trimmed...the poor things don't know the still have nails! :( Is that bad?

Former User
07-16-2002, 12:03 PM
Awwww, Noah, you look so cute! (and a bit funny too, sorry sweetie), just like a little lamb :D
Casper and Kitty act funny when we cut their nails, they don't seem to have grip at all for few days, but it will get better!

07-16-2002, 01:43 PM
Noah is still cute as can be, now he can beat that summer heat.

07-16-2002, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
also had thier nails trimmed...the poor things don't know the still have nails! :( Is that bad?

No, I think that is good! Better than de-clawing (or tearing up the furniture, which is what mine do often)

NoahsMommy, I don't know your name, so I just left it Mary. As in 'Mary had a little lamb, little lamb.........' :) ha-ha

07-16-2002, 11:46 PM
If he starts to bleat instead of purr, I want to know!! :D He really does look cute, furcut and all!! I love his expression of feline contemptous tolerance (aka: disgust!) in his first posted picture!! It HAS been hot here in California; what part of CA does Noah live in? I'm actually going to take your actions under advisement and mention them to Dadcat - Maybe a professional groom and trim might help the Hop with her summertime furball hocking. Just stepped in one when I got home today! Yuck!
Major LOL at the pics of him & the plastic bags - I can relate! Right now she's looking for (and finding!) paper bags to crunch on - her way of saying - "now that I've hocked up dinner along with the fur, FEED ME!"
Purrs to soft, sweet Noah!!

07-17-2002, 07:32 AM
Juni is very hot too, she stays all day long with her tummy up. In the evening when we plug in the fan, she lays in front of it to take all the cool air she can. She's very funny, but the cold weather will come much sooner than in California, so she won't have a haircut.

07-17-2002, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by yorkster
NoahsMommy, I don't know your name, so I just left it Mary. As in 'Mary had a little lamb, little lamb.........' :) ha-ha

hee hee!! My name is Kelly...but Mary is totally cute!! :) :) :)

Originally posted by kohala
If he starts to bleat instead of purr, I want to know!!

Too funny!!! He WAS eating the grass out of my pots on the balcony last night!!! Uh oh.... :D Oh, we live in Newbury Park, which is in Ventura County. Do you know the area? What part of SD do you live in? My sister & brother-in-law live in University Heights.

I feel validated for shaving him (poor thing, what a MEAN mommy)...I took him for his first vet appointment outside Banfield and the vet said he shaves all his kitties in the summer. Noah didn't believe him, I'm sure! ;) The vet ALSO said that they are not vacinating indoor cats for anything unnecessary (like Rabies) anymore becuase of the tumors that develop at the needle insertion point!! Scary huh? Has anyone else heard this??

Oh....Noah is almost at the point where they put "MEAN KITTY" on his chart...he sure was hissing and growling yesterday!! I guess we're joining the club!! :rolleyes:

Edwina's Secretary
07-17-2002, 05:40 PM
My mother's cat developed a sarcoma from injections. She was an indoor/outdoor cat and lived into her mid-teens. She developed the sarcoma her last year or so.

My vet still gives the vaccines but moves them around -- not always in the "shoulder." I would be afraid of the one time Edwina got out and something happened without the vaccinations!

07-17-2002, 07:10 PM
Hey, when it's hot we all get a little crabby - why shouldn't kitties? I live in North Park, Kelly - and Dadcat wouldn't go for the shave, but I think we will get her groomed. She has the loosest fur in the world, and it keeps on growing, and shedding, and growing, and shedding, and growing... It's all over the place, which is why I love the quote, "In this house, fur is a condiment"!!!:( :( :p Last night was stir fry furry chicken, tonight is spaghetti with fur parmesan, and BLT's here are BLFT's - sigh. Believe it or not, I keep her out of the kitchen, and she doesn't get on counters, tables, or anything! (Yeah, right! I guess I'll have to get up at night more often.)

07-17-2002, 07:22 PM
LOL LOL Bless his little heart! At least this will help keep him cool during the hot months! It DOES look like a lamb! LOL How cute!

Scooter is a 'mean cat' at the vets office for sure! Honestly, he's not like that at home! LOL Most of the time the vet visit is pure torture because nobody can get near him. He has to be 'netted', then injected with a relaxant before the vet can do anything... including a simple checkup! :rolleyes:

07-17-2002, 07:38 PM
I have heard of some vaccines causing problems later on, so probably a god idea to move them around or not get some of them. But what I was wondering was about when you have to board your kitty. I have always been asked about their shots, etc, being up to date (even my indoor-only kitties).
Just wondering...............

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-18-2002, 10:12 AM
Awww, Noah is such a little cutie with his haircut. He was a cutie before too, but I don't think he looks bad like this at all. :)

Kohala, Tubby is the same way in the summertime - and his hair is short compared to Peanuts! I was getting ready for work this morning and I had to change 3 times. The first two blouses I put on were just covered in black cat hair. Thankfully the third one I pulled out was clean because after that one my options were pretty slim. ;)

Yorkster, it has been years since Tubby and Peanut have had their shots. I guess I was a bad mommy and put it off because I had just moved to Chicago and didn't want to take them someplace I didn't know, and none of my friends down here at pets so no recommendations...and a lot of other lame excuses over the years...but last year when I took them both in for a check up I mentioned this to the vet and he didn't say anything (like, bad mommy!) and he didn't suggest that they get boosters or anything either, which I found kind of surprising. I did tell him that they are inside kitties so maybe that's why he didn't say anything about it. But I did notice a sign on the wall that said no cats can be kept overnight or boarded for any reason unless they were up-to-date on their shots. I haven't had an opportunity to test the sign (thank goodness) but I would think it would be a requirement at any boarder when so many cats are in such close contact with each other.

07-18-2002, 04:17 PM
That' what I thought. We used to be able to leave for 2-3 days and have the kitties stay home (left out exttra food & water).
We can't do that now because my cat Kedi has a bad heart and needs meds 3 times a day, so even just a day away means being boarded at the vet. It gets pricey...............,
OH-well, what can you do? :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-18-2002, 05:01 PM
yorkster, yes, I know what you mean about leaving for a couple days and leaving the critters alone. If we go overnight, I will leave them alone, but even two nights now and I'll have the pet sitter come. Neither Tubby nor Peanut will die if they don't have their medicine for a day or two, but I know it makes them feel better and I believe after all these years they at least deserve that if they have to put up with me being away. :) But at least I have the luxury of a pet sitter and don't have to worry about boarding them.

07-18-2002, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by wolflady
LOL LOL Bless his little heart! At least this will help keep him cool during the hot months! It DOES look like a lamb! LOL How cute!

Scooter is a 'mean cat' at the vets office for sure! Honestly, he's not like that at home! LOL Most of the time the vet visit is pure torture because nobody can get near him. He has to be 'netted', then injected with a relaxant before the vet can do anything... including a simple checkup! :rolleyes:

Hmmmm...yet another tux kitty with "veteritis jekylus hydus" syndrome...Ritz has had to be sedated for an exam, too..when I picked her up from her spay surgery, I could swear I heard someone sigh that she was finally "going away" and they brought the carrier out to me "at arms length"....and warned me how mean she was and not to try to touch her.

I called her name, "Ritzy..it's mommy" and she IMMEDIATELY started purring, let me touch her and pet her. The vet tech was absolutely amazed..she thought she would tak emy arm off. What do they know? I'm just thankful she's been a healthy cat and only needs to go "once ayear"...that's as much stress as the mommycat (me) can handle! :rolleyes:

07-23-2002, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by tuxluvr
Hmmmm...yet another tux kitty with "veteritis jekylus hydus" syndrome...Ritz has had to be sedated for an exam, too..when I picked her up from her spay surgery, I could swear I heard someone sigh that she was finally "going away" and they brought the carrier out to me "at arms length"....and warned me how mean she was and not to try to touch her.

ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! That is so funny!!! (Thank you for the laugh!)
I'm so glad I'm not alone....I swear Noah is the sweetest cat at home!! :) I'm waiting for the next time we take Noah back in for his shots in September (the one's he needs)...maybe he'll have a sleepy shot awaiting him...:(

GOOD point about not being able to board them if they didn't have all thier shots...that's a very good point. I'll bring that up...we are moving up north in a few months and wont have anyone to kitty-sit. Thanks!!! :)

Noah's hair has grown out a little and I LOVE how he looks....almost like Fister, but with a puffy "Noah" head!! I'll post a picture tonight when I get home! :)

07-23-2002, 10:22 PM
Oh yes, post those 'partially grown-out' pics! :D

07-23-2002, 11:17 PM
Yes please post a pic of your cute Noah. :)

07-24-2002, 06:15 PM
I'll do that as soon as I get home...last night was "taking pictures" night! :)

07-24-2002, 11:00 PM
OK....here's my little one....


07-24-2002, 11:07 PM
Awwww Noah is such a sweetheart. http://pages.prodigy.net/rogerlori1/emoticons/catlove.gif I just love orange cats. :)

07-24-2002, 11:10 PM
Noah looks a lot like Sunny now that he has his hair cut! :)

I love orangies too!! :D

07-25-2002, 01:06 AM
Noah looks so soft! He does not look little though :D ......................

07-25-2002, 01:13 AM
I finally get ready to log off and what do I see but Noah, on his back, looking at me! And I had to come back one more time to mention: I'm so glad he didn't get his tail shaved!!!!:D Good Night!

07-25-2002, 01:16 AM
He-he-he, right, it's good that he didn't have his tail shaved. He would look like a rat:D
He really looks very sweet and funny now.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-25-2002, 09:37 AM
Aww, goofy Noah. Are you still airing out your tummy even with your new short hair? What a cutie. :)

07-26-2002, 08:34 PM
I know...I know...he's not little anymore....but he's still my "little boy". :D

Yes, I wouldn't let her touch his face or tail...don't want take ALL of his dignity... :)