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View Full Version : Pill That Stops Monthly Period

05-22-2007, 04:59 PM
This sounded like a wonderful idea at first, but I am skeptical of the
effect later on to women who choose this. What do you think, would be
be safe or not? The FDA hasn't been getting good reviews lately.

critter crazy
05-22-2007, 05:06 PM
As much as I would Love something like that, I can't Believe that it is good for your Body. Menstruation is natural, and stopping it, just seems like it would cause some medical issues.

Besides, everyone will want it, will buy it, take it. then it would be taken off of the shelves cause it causes Cancer within a year anyways, so what is the point! seems the way things have been going lately!:rolleyes:

05-22-2007, 05:32 PM
You can already do this with a regular birth control pill. Just don't take the week off or the sugar pills. I've done it a couple times when I just didn't want my period to interfer with something big--like my wedding or a major vacation. My doc says it's safe to do occasionally like that. Not so sure it would be safe to do on a long term basis though.

05-22-2007, 05:40 PM
And there are some pills out there now that you take for 3 months - thus having just 3 - 4 periods/year.

Or you can do what I did - have it all removed!! I did for a medical condition, and about 3 months later realized there were no more periods. Pure bliss!!

05-22-2007, 06:48 PM
i would have done it, premenopause, in a heartbeat. :D

05-22-2007, 09:03 PM
There is already a shot out called depo Provera that does this. You get the shot every three months. Of course.... it does not always work the way they say it does.

I was on it and I had my period for a year straight.

05-22-2007, 09:16 PM
I lose so much hemoglobin every month (due to fibroids that my HMO doesn't consider medically significant) that I'm always borderline anemic, despite doubling up on iron supplements and always eating healthy. I haven't been able to donate blood since the 1980s, and the slightest exercise gets me red in the face, gasping, and sweating like a pig. I'd go for this if my mother hadn't had breast cancer. But the HMO is hoping I've either fallen off the grid or landed on somebody else's rolls by the time my heart gives out, so it hasn't been recommended to me anyway.

05-22-2007, 10:33 PM
I can see this as not being healthy. That patch they brought out "Evra" made women steral!

I'll suffer through my periods, as I'd rather feel like I'm peeing all day, then feeling sick all the time from those nasty meds!

05-22-2007, 11:18 PM
I've heard that if your body doesn't release the egg for that "period" they just get absorbed back into your system. But then again women are born with only X amount of eggs and you don't produce any more. So I'm not sure. We've had numerous discussions about this before on another forum. I agree it doesn't seem to be too healthy, but I'm no doctor so I can't say one way or another. However you CAN already do this with the monthly pill, just skip the placebo and keep taking the pill through the next month. Of course someone already brought that up though lol.

05-23-2007, 12:17 AM
I agree it would be nice. But there's a reason why you get your period and to stop it sounds stupid.

05-23-2007, 01:24 AM
I'd go for it in a heartbeat! I love my IUD, but it makes my monthly visitor...um...worse than usual.

05-23-2007, 03:47 AM
I'd go for it in a heartbeat! I love my IUD, but it makes my monthly visitor...um...worse than usual.

Darn, darn, darn. :( Not what I was *hoping* to hear. lol :p Does it do anything for the pain?

I could deal with mine if I had some sort of pain relief (aspirin, aleve, etc. absolutely does not work for me unfortunately) for my stomach, legs, and back. Nausea relief would be great, too! :D :p

05-23-2007, 07:38 AM
There is also an IUD that works the same way. It's called Mirena (sp?). It's recommended for women who already have children and don't want the permanent route or need something for BC between kids. It's suppose to last for 5 years and is suppose to bring your cycle down to either 2-3 days of light flow or non at all. I had considered this but I decided not to. Menopause happens early on my mother's side of the family and I just don't feel comfortable not knowing if and when it's happening. Besides you can only fool your body for so long before something changes be it good or bad.

05-23-2007, 09:53 AM
I have a ten year iud and don't even know when my monthly visitor is around as far as pain. That may just be me though, after having kids the pain just stopped at that time.

05-23-2007, 12:02 PM
I don't fully believe in the FDA's opinion on the suitability of medications. I think they are a bit tied up in the money aspect of the situation to give a level guide.

I did read somewhere, recently, that there wasn't any medical support for NOT suppressing one's period. I am all for it.

05-23-2007, 12:11 PM
You can do that with normal birth control, although they do recommend having three "periods" a year.

I put period in quotes because the period you have when on the pill is a fake one anyway.

I haven't taken the pill for about 7 years because I didn't like the idea of putting hormones into my system, but I am starting on the nuvaring next month. Fingers crossed all goes well.

05-24-2007, 05:28 PM
Notice this.

Men will take hormones to hit or throw a ball farther, run, cycle, swim faster.

Go figure. :rolleyes:

05-24-2007, 06:01 PM
You can already do this with a regular birth control pill. Just don't take the week off or the sugar pills. I've done it a couple times when I just didn't want my period to interfer with something big--like my wedding or a major vacation. My doc says it's safe to do occasionally like that. Not so sure it would be safe to do on a long term basis though.
Same here. It's the only way I can effectively treat my endometiosis.

I go 4 months without a period. I have a lot less pain typically once I do have a period.

05-25-2007, 02:31 AM
I would kill for that right now. I've been plagued with cramps and greasy nausea all day.

05-25-2007, 07:42 AM
As much as I would Love something like that, I can't Believe that it is good for your Body. Menstruation is natural, and stopping it, just seems like it would cause some medical issues.

My feelings as well.

05-25-2007, 12:35 PM
Messing with my body that way just scares me. The human body was made to have a regular monthly cycle, and to stop it completely can't be good in the long run. Of course, I don't like putting a lot of chemicals and weird things into my system in general, so I guess I'm strange that way. :o
I wouldn't feel comfortable doing something like that personally, but I can see how people with medical conditions could benefit, especially if they are anemic.

Edwina's Secretary
05-25-2007, 12:42 PM
I would have taken it in a heartbeat.

05-25-2007, 04:00 PM
I personally avoid taking pills, period. Any type of pill. If I NEED medicine for something, I will take it. If its vitamin pills, I'll take it. Any unneccessary pill? No thanks. Especially one that will mess around with my hormones...

I have an odd fear of messing around with my system, and because I WANT kids in the future, I'd rather not mess with my system at all. Having periods is a part of being a woman, and if we were created as women, we're better off dealing with it, than trying to get rid of it. ;) Its natural, and God made things that way for a reason.

05-25-2007, 04:32 PM
popcornbird, that line of logic also would discourage use of antibiotics post childbirth, cardiac meds and osteoporosis meds.

05-25-2007, 10:52 PM
popcornbird, that line of logic also would discourage use of antibiotics post childbirth, cardiac meds and osteoporosis meds.

Nope, not at all. Those are very neccessary medications. I don't see any reason to 'get rid of' the periods, unless it is for a medical reason. I think it would be unhealthy, but that's just how I feel.

05-25-2007, 11:55 PM
What's "natural" (think cave people) is for a girl to get pregnant at 14 or so and keep popping out babies until she no longer can (and that usually wasn't because she got old enough to become infertile). Women weren't built to have fertile years x 12 periods per lifetime. Women were built to constantly have babies. In the strictest sense, even saying "no" is unnatural.

Love, Columbine (wearing clothes, of all things, in 80-degree weather, but only until she indulges in some of that creepy newfangled bathing)

05-26-2007, 12:00 AM
Columbine, are you referring to that creepy "NEW" fangled bathing thing like my hero Ben Franklin did, i.e. "Air Bathing" in the nude? Welcome to my world :D :o

05-26-2007, 12:02 AM
I'm irritated because I KNOW I've seen a study that indicates that suppressing the menstrual cycle results in a dramatic decrease in incidence of breast cancer, but I can't find it. I'll keep hunting, but I saw it in a paper journal and the internet is a very large place. :)

05-26-2007, 01:29 AM
I am so glad not everyone thinks the way some do here. I can't believe there's still that backwards thinking that we all have to breed and breed. No wonder women's rights are so restricted. Thank God for my hysterectomy!! That's the best thing that happened to me and if I could have gotten it in my 20's I would have. Even then, the doctors all say, "Oh, you'll want children someday" :mad: How do they know how I or any woman feels? Especially when it's a male doctor. That really takes the cake. So, should we all be like Quiverfull?? (http://www.quiverfull.com/)
In this video, notice who is more calm and collected:

05-26-2007, 02:55 AM
Nope, not at all. Those are very neccessary medications. I don't see any reason to 'get rid of' the periods, unless it is for a medical reason. I think it would be unhealthy, but that's just how I feel.
I feel that way too. Even though im not a women...

05-26-2007, 07:02 AM
Hmmm... I haven't had to worry about that in years. I can't remember my last cycle. Even after I had my surgery, when I was supposed to experience bleeding, I didn't.

I desperately need everytthing yanked out, but cant afford it right now

05-26-2007, 08:01 AM
Thank God for my hysterectomy!! That's the best thing that happened to me and if I could have gotten it in my 20's I would have. Even then, the doctors all say, "Oh, you'll want children someday" :mad:I got my tubes tied when I was 25, but I did have to chase down a doctor with a reputation for being woman-friendly, and she had to refer me to somebody who wasn't hopelessly lawyer-phobic (in case I changed my mind!) Huzzah for living in Academicsville USA. (This was also before the invention of HMOs, so I didn't have to fight like a wildcat for every Band-Aid.)

lbaker - Ben Franklin rocks! ;)

Love, Columbine

05-26-2007, 12:06 PM
I'm irritated because I KNOW I've seen a study that indicates that suppressing the menstrual cycle results in a dramatic decrease in incidence of breast cancer, but I can't find it. I'll keep hunting, but I saw it in a paper journal and the internet is a very large place. :)

I've also seen a study that breastfeeding ALSO results in a dramatically decreased incidence of breast cancer..... and ovarian cancer.

05-26-2007, 05:59 PM
I'm irritated because I KNOW I've seen a study that indicates that suppressing the menstrual cycle results in a dramatic decrease in incidence of breast cancer, but I can't find it. I'll keep hunting, but I saw it in a paper journal and the internet is a very large place. :)

That was my thinking about the effects of this pill, but it would take years
of study groups before you could measure results. I've never seen any studies
done on this idea, but be sure to let me know if you find a link to what you
have read about it.