View Full Version : Our trip to the white coats... by Sierra

05-22-2007, 02:50 PM
Don't worry, no one's sick or anything like dat. Buddy and I had to go for the normal stuff heartworm check and stuff like that.
Mom seyz her and I are going to the Ohio PT meeting in Findlay this weekend and the people dare sayz I got's to have updated shotz to go to the park. :( So... I sucked it up and got my shot so I can go to the park and play with all the PT pups! (mom decided that we wuz only gonna get shotz every 3 years cuz of all da stuff she read on this here puter about animals getting too many shots.)
They stole some of our Blood Too!! :eek: To check for Heartworms, ick... I don't like worms good ting dey didn't find any!
The Dr. is very happy with how much I weight, I used to be really, really skinny and people used to think I was sick, but Mom just couldn't seem to put weight on me, but now that I'm older (I'll be 6 next month) I'm finally able to gain weight! I weight 78 pounds now and both mom and the Dr says that good and no more! Bud tipped the scale at 93 pounds, he's ALL muscle!!
When we wuz leaving mom saw a 4 month old German Shepherd named Brutus, ma said he was cute and all, but not a cute as us! They're not great pictures.... he was quite wiggley! ;)
Here's Brutus:


And a Bassett hound was dare too!

And here's me on the way home

I like to watch over her shoulder when she drives.
Bud was in the back laying down if he moves around a lot when we go for car rides he barfs.
Anywho.. dats it! Just wanted to share my day wiff you!
I can't wait to go to da park dis weekend and play with my PT doggie pals!

05-22-2007, 03:04 PM
Aww! What a pretty girl you are! :D Glad to hear all turned out well. :D

You're right. That puppy is cute but not as cute as either of you! :D

Ginger's Mom
05-22-2007, 03:34 PM
Sierra, I loved hearing about your day. :) Your Mom should let you on the computer more. ;) I am glad to hear about that you are now at a good weight, and that you got the all clear to go to the park to play with the other PT pups this weekend. Yes, Brutus is a cutie, but not nearly as cute as Buddy and you.

And it made me laugh when you gave away Buddy's secret about car rides, *giggle*.

05-22-2007, 03:37 PM
Dear Sierra,

We's happy that you gots a good report from the white coats but sorry that you had to leave some of your blood wiff them. My mom told us that we just got our postcard in the mail today and our white coats want some of our blood too. :eek:

We hopes you have a wonderful day at the park with all of the PT doggies. Make sure your mommy takes lotsa pictures. We feel sorry for Buddy wiff his tummy trubbles cuz we have been carsick at times too. It's no fun at all. Now we travel with layers of towels underneath us just in case. :o

My mom said to tell you she loves your mom's signature about suffering from multiple shepherd syndrome. :D

Your pals, Bella and Ripley

05-22-2007, 03:43 PM
My mom told us that we just got our postcard in the mail today and our white coats want some of our blood too. :eek:

Geez!! Whatz wiff doez vet's offices?? Are dare VAMPIRES dat work dare?!? :eek: They ALL want our blood!!

Mom said she'll make sure to take all kinds of picture dis weekend!

Shhhh... don't let Buddy know I told you all bout him barffin'! ;)

Tanks guys... I'm glad you tink my brudder and I is cuter than that puppy!

05-22-2007, 04:19 PM
Thanks for the update Sierra. It sounds like you and Buddy are doing well! :D
Layla here...don't feel bad Buddy, I lay down in the truck and only sit up at stoplights. :o

05-22-2007, 09:33 PM
HI SIERRA! I heard you was comin to Findlay, woooooooooo! Mom says she'll brush me so I don't look so much like a dandelion gone to seed. I would hate it if you didn't recognize me!
They took my blood a while back too. And mom MADE me go in there & they chopped off my nails last week!!!!! I tried real hard to be good, and it only took 3 people to hold me down this time. I HATE having my nails clipped. But now I'm glad cause I'll be looking good for my favorite shepherd-girl!

05-22-2007, 10:56 PM
I'm glad you gotz a gud chekup Sierra!
I'll be there to playz too but I gotz a big bald
spot on my BUTT :( :o Mommie hasta 'member sunscreen for it!!!

05-22-2007, 11:26 PM
Jack here -


Sierra, imma so happie that you gots yer shots...i cant wait to meet yooou!

05-23-2007, 04:37 AM
Bud was in the back laying down if he moves around a lot when we go for car rides he barfs.
*little tearies* LOL

Have fun on the weekend everyone, having the vampires taking some of your blood to test will be well worth it.