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View Full Version : I saw Circus of the Damned. It was ummm... Pass-out-tastic!

05-22-2007, 09:43 AM
I don't think I'll go back to my club if the Circus of the Damned are going to be there again. I'm not into watching people having metal things jabbed into their bodies & seeing blood.

I nearly passed out cause of the guy scene. He had 6 hooks jabbed through his back. Then he was hooked up to this device & he started swinging & spinning all over the place OFF THE GROUND! :eek:

I found Eva & told her I was really light headed & we took of to the ladies room... I felt better after that & had a bottle of water...

It was just all wrong!! Ok peircings & tattoos are neat & all, but THAT! *THUD*

I attached 4 thumbnails. 2 are of the girl having metal jabbed into her & removed... & the other 2 are of that crazy hook guy!!

THE PHOTOS ARE GRAPHIC, GRAINY BUT GRAPHIC.. THERE IS BLOOD & OMG WHY WOULD HE DO THAT... If your into this kind of thing, enjoy, otherwise join me in trying not to pass out & saying WHY!

Pawsitive Thinking
05-22-2007, 10:08 AM
Bleurgh!!!! (and I didn't even look at the pictures). I don't know **shakes head**, what passes for entertainment these days.....**sigh**

05-22-2007, 10:21 AM
Bleurgh!!!! (and I didn't even look at the pictures)

Didn't think too many people were going to be into this, but I know there are a few people on here into peircing & tats, so I figured they might enjoy it. The rest of the night was great, however our group didn't dance this time. That was the only thing I was bumbed by, but then Joe & I had a painful workout from frisbee, & I know Joe was hurting pretty bad, with all the flopping on the ground he did trying to catch the frisbee. I just caught a fast frisbee & had a vein in my finger explode :rolleyes: Atleast I wasn't bleeding on the outside :p

05-22-2007, 04:08 PM
That would be what is called, in the body modification community, "suspension". It dates back to *very* early tribal days as religious rituals, coming of age things, etc.

I am pretty surprised that there are public performances. Usually they just have private little groups doing it for themselves. Some do it for religious reasons, some do it for the way it looks (not everyone has the same idea of what is beauty), some like the way it feels, etc. You might even be surprised who is involved with these things! :D

To each their own. :)

05-22-2007, 04:18 PM
That would be what is called, in the body modification community, "suspension". It dates back to *very* early tribal days as religious rituals, coming of age things, etc.

I am pretty surprised that there are public performances. Usually they just have private little groups doing it for themselves. Some do it for religious reasons, some do it for the way it looks (not everyone has the same idea of what is beauty), some like the way it feels, etc. You might even be surprised who is involved with these things! :D

To each their own. :)

This wasn't overly public so too speak. The club is strict as you have to be in dress code to enter.. Either Goth, BDSM, or whatever the theme is. You gotta pay to get in. You gotta be 19+ as its an adult club.

I like piercings & tats, but that was a little to much for me.

05-22-2007, 04:29 PM
Looks like it's straight out of a freak show at the State Fair. :eek:
Yuck. I wouldn't go if they paid me. :rolleyes:

05-22-2007, 06:43 PM
Looks like it's straight out of a freak show at the State Fair. :eek:
Yuck. I wouldn't go if they paid me. :rolleyes:

I had no idea who they were & neither did any of my friends... its a club I go to & they were the extra entertainment as it was the 10yr anny for the place... there was no entertainment last month & there is none next month... which is FINE BY ME!! I like the enviroment (ok there are a few nut bags there, like that old dude in a skirt, Corset & had a 10" beard LOL), many of the people & the music...

05-22-2007, 11:32 PM
I've watched shows like that on tv before. I find it oddly fascinating so I'd probably go once just out of curiosity. I've like horror movies all my life so I don't think the blood would bother me.

05-22-2007, 11:39 PM
I've watched shows like that on tv before. I find it oddly fascinating so I'd probably go once just out of curiosity. I've like horror movies all my life so I don't think the blood would bother me.

I've seen it on tv & had no issues with it.. but in real life its a totally different thing!

05-22-2007, 11:47 PM
I really don't think it would bother me. I also like watching that new show on MTV, Scarred. Some of those videos make you cringe but it's entertaining to see how stupid people can be, too.

05-23-2007, 12:07 AM
I really don't think it would bother me. I also like watching that new show on MTV, Scarred. Some of those videos make you cringe but it's entertaining to see how stupid people can be, too.

I've always liked things like real tv, where people fall & rip their limbs in 1/2, or break their face... I like watching people do really stupid things... but I just couldn't handle this in real life... it was a totally different sensation... I'm not scared of blood, cause I have done a lot of first aid on people, animals & myself, so I don't totally understand why it bothered me so much.

05-23-2007, 03:39 AM
*shrug* To each their own.

It really is a different sensation to see things in person versus television and whatnot, king. I liken it to seeing lions up close, majestic, awe inspiring, and frightening at the same time. :eek:

05-23-2007, 05:44 AM
It does look kind of odd, but as said "to each his own". I doubt I'd want to see that because it just is odd to me, but I know I wouldn't get sick. I've seen that on Fear Factor before, and I usually only get sick when I see them eating bugs, worms, fish eyes, etc. I find that revolting..I wouldn't really mind seeing that as long as I'm not the one with the hooks IN ME!! ;)

05-23-2007, 08:11 AM
I'm with the "whatever blows your hair back" crowd, but, for me, that's just sick. Why people do that is beyond me, but, it's not my body, so.... I'm also not into tats or piercings...Mike has tats, and his ear double pierced, but that's it. Me...I'm too big of a weenie to get a tat and my philosophy is: I have enough holes in my head...don't need anymore! lol

05-23-2007, 09:51 AM
I do have to say that I was very impressed on how clean they were. They wore gloves, everything came from a sterile package, they had those special yellow & red bins to put sharp bloody things into. & they cleaned the wounds after wards & taped them up to keep them clean.

05-26-2007, 04:13 AM
I'm with the "whatever blows your hair back" crowd, but, for me, that's just sick. Why people do that is beyond me, but, it's not my body, so.... I'm also not into tats or piercings...Mike has tats, and his ear double pierced, but that's it. Me...I'm too big of a weenie to get a tat and my philosophy is: I have enough holes in my head...don't need anymore! lol

Each person involved in suspension does it for a different reason(s) being spiritual, aesthetic, etc. It's an old practice so the reasons are plentiful. :D

05-26-2007, 04:23 AM
Its just stupd to jab somthing big like a bar into your body then pull it out. :confused: