View Full Version : Something is wrong with Simba... (Not anymore! :D)

05-21-2007, 06:43 PM
Hey guys, Simba is like...sick or something. He is acting all weird. He has been doing all day! I am really worried even though he is doing much better than he was this morning. Simba is just really freaked out and...stuff. =P :p I mean he is walking really really gingerly, a bit shaky, breathing really quickly and just really freaked out and skittish. But he is finally acting a bit better. This morning he was so freaked out I felt like crying I was so worried. And it was just in this one area, and he wouldn't go to another area without me or my mom walking next to him. But before, he wouldn't even let us touch him!
I think it is either he is really sick, or he is sensing something that we aren't. He wouldn't stop sniffing the ground.
Pleas help and pray for poor Simba.
Oh, and yesterday was his birthday! He turned 2! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIMBA!

05-21-2007, 06:47 PM
Soiunds like a trip to the vet is in order.

05-21-2007, 07:12 PM
Yeah. My mom will probably take him to the vet if he gets worse. Now its like....off and on. One minute he's playful, the next he is skitterish and freaked out.

05-21-2007, 07:43 PM
It sounds like something might have scared Simba. I pray that this is all that might be wrong with him.
I had this happen with my Nugget and it turned out to be the ironing board that I had set up in the kitchen, apparently terrified him. He wouldn't go into the kitchen at all for a few days and was so skittish and walking very gingerly also.

05-21-2007, 07:51 PM
Hope all is well with your baby! :D

05-21-2007, 08:55 PM
Please don't put off calling your vet! If poor Simba is sick, calling the vet sooner is much better than later. Prayers for Simba are being prayed. Please let us know how he's doing?

05-22-2007, 12:37 AM
I hope that he'll be okay. It does sound like something really scared him though. Hopefully he'll be back to his normal self in a few days. Happy belated 2nd birthday Simba!!!:)

A co-worker of mine has a cat that was acting strange like this too and it turned out that he was terrified of her hair dryer. It took him a long time to finally get over it but he did eventually.

05-22-2007, 07:01 PM
We Are Sending Prayers For Big Simba And Pray That Hes All Right.
I Remember Yeras Ago Getting A Big Teddy Bear From The Apartment Garage And Taking It To Be Mended And Given In A Toy Drive.
Mr Scrappy Was Terrified And Wouldnt Go In Te Living Room.
I Had To Hide The Bear In A Closet.

05-24-2007, 01:09 PM
I figured out was wrong guys! And no, he was not sick, he was sensing a baby kitten! Yeah, I woke up hearing a baby kitten meow/squawk. We found it underneath our house! :( :eek: It is so cute and tiny! But I haven't seen it since this morning. I had to attend my last day of school (YAY!) and when I came home my mother hadn't seen hime/her. We don't know the gender just yet. But it was so skinny. It looked to be about 4-5 weeks old. Completely black. My parent's are thinking (Or atleast my mom) of keeping it, but as an outside cat. Like my old cat that died. (D:-cries-) But when I get to see the kitty again, and once it gets to be not as scared, I will try to take pics.
You guys are gunna love him/her! ;) :D

05-24-2007, 01:43 PM
I'm very relieved to read that you found the (cute) reason for Simba's behavior! When you described his acting, I was really worried, but I'm glad that you found out what has scared him. Hope the little kitten will be alright!


05-24-2007, 02:39 PM
Thanks, I just saw the kitten a few minutes ago and he/she came out from under the house. Not as skittish as before but still very skittish. He/she has eaten some since this morning. That's good. I'll be giving updates as much as possible. :D I am soooo happy though.

05-24-2007, 04:54 PM
So glad your baby Simba is okay!

05-24-2007, 05:44 PM
We are glad that Simbas all right.
And if you go to iams i promise you can get some FREE Kitten Food for the Kitten to give her extra protein.
Also try your local Pet Food Stores and see if they have Kitten Samples for this Little Gem.
The Pet Angels are playing with the Kitten now.

05-24-2007, 06:21 PM
What a relief that Simba is fine! :D The baby sounds adorable too. Have you seen mommycat around anywhere? The best way to bring the baby to trust you is food and patience. Several summers ago we found a baby kitten stuck in the well to our basement window and his mommy was nowhere to be seen. Soncat started feeding the baby each day and before long the kitten would go to Soncat but nobody else. We named the baby Sebastian. By summer's end I decided Sebastian would be ours. Soncat had to go back to Rhode Island for college but I decided to get Sebastian to the vet's when I got back. We went up on Saturday and when I got back Sunday afternoon, Sebastian was gone & I never saw him again :( I have to believe someone got him and gave him a good home.
Good luck with the baby and please let us know what happens?

05-24-2007, 06:51 PM
Hey guys, the baby is doing fine from what I know. We are giving him/her some of Simba's food, only because it is really small bits. I think my mom is going to go get kitten food tomorrow. But the kitty is staying out of sight since it is about to rain outside. I don't think I will be on tomorrow, I wilbe visiting my grandmother and get to see her kitty, (Simba's sissy) and I will hopefully come back with pics!