View Full Version : One more over the cuckoo's nest

05-21-2007, 12:04 PM

Now, I don't really think we need all those naked pictures of our children, no. But I think with a little deductive reasoning you can figure out which people are doing child porn and which people are innocent. Good law for safety, but I think they spend more time and money on innocent people than criminals.

05-22-2007, 11:47 PM
I perceive more than a bit of slant to that article.

Seriously, I doubt the FBI has one-tenth of the time, personnel and money to apprehend even the worst pedophiles out there. I highly doubt they are going to be posting an agent at every photo developing counter in the country.

And yes, I agree, common sense prevails. If you have several rolls of "normal" photographs ... the dog, aunt Martha at the BBQ, etc. ... and one of your four year old naked in the bathtub, I highly doubt it is ever going to be a problem. I think the age is important, too. Pictures of your naked three year old ... cute! Pictures of your naked twelve year old ... hmmmmm.

But if someone gets roll after roll of film developed with nothing but photos of naked children ... hello.