View Full Version : Can Somebody Adopt this Collie?

05-21-2007, 11:34 AM
This poor dog.


05-21-2007, 11:39 AM
OMG How sad!!!! :( :(
I wonder if they tried rescues??
Oh the poor thing!
I pray she's found a great home!
Grrr.. oh some people make me SO flipping mad!! :mad: :mad:

05-21-2007, 03:35 PM
How horrid!!! They make themseleves so sincere in that add...I hate it when I read about people giving away/selling their dog because they have a baby on the way :rolleyes: .. I would NEVER dream of getting rid of any of my dogs because I am pregnant, and if I thought the house I was moving into was too small for the dog, I WOULDNT MOVE THERE!! Some people make me sick. :mad:

Scooter's Mom
05-21-2007, 03:37 PM
How horrid!!! They make themseleves so sincere in that add...I hate it when I read about people giving away/selling their dog because they have a baby on the way :rolleyes: .. I would NEVER dream of getting rid of any of my dogs because I am pregnant, and if I thought the house I was moving into was too small for the dog, I WOULDNT MOVE THERE!! Some people make me sick. :mad:

Sometimes finances don't give you any choice but to downsize. :(

I hope they find this dog a great home.

05-21-2007, 03:42 PM
Sometimes finances don't give you any choice but to downsize. :(

I hope they find this dog a great home.

Wich is fine, but is no excuse to get rid of a dog!!!.. I lived in a fairly large three bedroom house, with a HUGE backyard for about three months.. And I just moved back in with my parents in their TINY one bedroom basement suit.. And guess what, I kept all three dogs, and I have a baby on the way...

05-21-2007, 04:08 PM
Some collies love to run, and Jazmine sounds like one. Manchester is a congested city, if they are in a small apartment they may well have no yard. It is very sad, but a "working" breed like a collie, if it doesn't get enough exercise and stimulation, could end up very sad and stir-crazy in a confined space.

I hope she finds a good home.

05-21-2007, 04:23 PM
and if I thought the house I was moving into was too small for the dog, I WOULDNT MOVE THERE!! Some people make me sick. :mad:

That's what I thought too. My pets are family & don't go anywhere
without me. :)

The Collie is gorgeous & it's a shame she has to go through all that.

05-22-2007, 08:48 AM
Wich is fine, but is no excuse to get rid of a dog!!!.. I lived in a fairly large three bedroom house, with a HUGE backyard for about three months.. And I just moved back in with my parents in their TINY one bedroom basement suit.. And guess what, I kept all three dogs, and I have a baby on the way...

That's excellent. It sounds like you're managing well!

But I'm tired of people looking down on and trashing others when they see someone giving away a loved one for their better needs, especially in this case when it sounds like she IS loved.

05-22-2007, 09:18 AM
:confused: The header on the post says 6 year old but the body says 7.

Anyway, I hope this beautiful dog finds a good home. :)

Lori Jordan
05-22-2007, 09:24 AM
I wish i could!
What a beautiful Collie!

I would,But with Anna coming home i have 5 dogs now.And that takes all my time.

05-22-2007, 02:47 PM
But I'm tired of people looking down on and trashing others when they see someone giving away a loved one for their better needs, especially in this case when it sounds like she IS loved.

I'm just tired of people using lame excuses to pretty much "give away" their so beloved animal.. I could not just give away a dog, inless there was EXTREME cercumstances. And moving just isn't one IMO. I just believe that a dog should be considered part of the family, and I dont know anyone who would give away a child if they didn't have the room for it. I know collies can be extremely energetic, but that dog is an older one, so it should be a bit more mellow... And it shouldn't matter anyways, they should just take it to more dog parks, or for a walk everyday.

05-22-2007, 04:49 PM
Who the heck would move into a smaller house with a child on the way and three dogs? That just dosent make any sence... :confused: :confused: :confused:

Scooter's Mom
05-22-2007, 05:25 PM
Who the heck would move into a smaller house with a child on the way and three dogs? That just dosent make any sence... :confused: :confused: :confused:

Someone who is financially down on their luck?

Shoot - with the 20k+ in hospital bills I just got hit with I may be next. :( It happens. I'm just scared to death that we're going to lose our house, or our car... or won't be able to pay for the vet bills. We've spent $900 in the last 2 months alone on vet care, for 2 of our 4 pets.

I didn't ask to get sick. I didn't ask to have to go on sick leave. Luckily I am on FMLA so they have to hold my job for 12 weeks, but a large portion of the time I will be out is going to be unpaid. And when you live paycheck to paycheck, as most people do these days, having 1 week or 2 weeks or more unpaid can really put you in a bind.

Oh well, just thought I'd put my 2 cents in.

05-22-2007, 07:42 PM
I am with you Scooters Mom, I did lose my house, my car and a whole lot of others things were sold so we could afford to move to a rental townhome. My dogs were used to having a fenced in yard, large home with plenty of room (80lb Golden and 55lb Collie mix). I was very difficult for them at first having to be on leash all the time, that was 3yrs ago we now having a doggy park they built this year. I did not want to lose my dogs, but if I would not have had a choice you do what you have to do. Most rental places do not accept large dogs, things happen!

05-22-2007, 09:42 PM
Most rental places do not accept large dogs, things happen!

This is the reason why we had to downsize for a while.. Because it is really rare to find a house for rent that allows dog, let alone large breeds... We couldnt find ONE place that allows pitbulls.. So if we ever plan on moving out, we have to lie about Daisy's breed.

05-22-2007, 09:57 PM
I hope she gets a good home, too. I read this thread before reading thead, and frankly after reading the ad, I don't quite understand all the anger over it. :confused: I thought it must be people trying to give away a dog for free or something, but that's not the case. These people sound like they are trying to do what is in their dog's best interest. They're looking for an appropriate home. They are asking an adoption fee, and I'll bet they check out any potential owners who apply. Why they are in the situation they are in is really no one elses business. I do respect that they are making an effort to find a good home for her. At least they didn't drop her off at a shelter somewhere to be someone elses problem.