View Full Version : Bull Terriers

05-20-2007, 09:09 PM
Hey everyone, I know it's been awhile, my life has been... well, pretty hectic to say the least over the past 9 months to year. Hopefully I'll have time to start coming back here more often... I've missed everyone and hopefully some of you remember me (or at least the puppers lol).

I do have a question though, for those who may have experience in dealing with or owning Bull Terrier or Bull Terrier mixes. When my hubby and I get a house, we were thinking of adopting or rescuing a Bull Terrier pup (we've already talked, and yes, we will be rescuing or adopting, not going to a breeder, this is what he wants hehe and myself as well!!). I was just wondering, those of you that have experience with dealing with them, their temperament, trainability, how well they are to getting along with other pets, etc. I know I can go online to websites and read about the breed, but not a lot give me first-hand experiences and advice, etc. That's where you guys come in :)

It probably won't be for another year or so before we would get one, if we do, but I wanted to make sure I haven't overlooked anything before we make a commitment and want to make sure it is right for us.

Thanks everyone :)

05-20-2007, 09:30 PM
Hi there! :) Welcome back! :D I love bull terriers! well all bully breeds really especially pit bull terriers. :D

here is some info on the breed

were you thinking of a pit bull terrier or just a bull terrier? :) I did a search on petfinder for you but a lot of pit bulls came up. :D

05-20-2007, 10:28 PM
I don't have a lot of experience with day-to-day life with a bull terrier, but I can tell you that what they are seen for most often at my clinic is "dietary indiscretion": Eating things they shouldn't. The last was a lovely four year old girl who devoured an elbow length leather gardening glove. :)

05-21-2007, 12:51 AM
Oh, wow, welcome back Jessika!

I know a lady at the dog park who has a standard Bull Terrier. There wasn't too much that was very distinctive about him like an overly gregarious or aggressive attitude. He just trotted around the park in his macho-way :p You *gotta* love their movement. However, they are terriers and I hear dog aggression is something you have to curb through heavy socialization. I'm sure you've got a lot of experience in that area, though. I know that wasn't much help, but I hope you stick around and post some pictures of your pups!

05-21-2007, 02:49 AM
Yup Bull Terrier, not Pit Bull :D Though I'd love to have a Pitty some day as well...

Yeah the whole aggression thing was something I was kind of aware of, but I'm sure if I get one young enough and introduce him properly to my pups and the kitty it should be fine. I've never ever had a serious issue with introducing new animals into the household, my biggest problem has been introducing a cat to a dog, or vice-versa, but with proper supervision they either learn to get along together.... or learn to leave each other alone I've learned haha.

Thanks so far guys :)

And yeah, I got a new camera for V-day, the Canon Rebel XTi, so I do have lots of pics to show everyone when/if I get around to it... especially of the bad ice storm we had here back in January, and also wedding pics (but the pups weren't able to be in it, unfortunately, last minute confusion. I was pretty upset, but at that point there really was not a thing that could have been done lol).

05-21-2007, 11:31 AM
I'd be wary about mixing terriers and cats, no matter how young your dog would be. Terriers have a very strong chase instinct, like sighthounds, and no animal except other dogs are safe. Plus, all terriers, and especially Bullies, are quite dog aggressive. You'd definitely want your Bully separate from your other dogs when you can't supervise.

05-21-2007, 11:38 AM
Some terriers are good with cats. the only thing you'd have to worry about usually if the dog is good with your cats is them chasing them when they move. they don't try to hurt them, they just pester them.

Buster my hound is GREAT with my cats and he only chases them but he doesn't hurt them. good luck on your search! :)

05-21-2007, 12:18 PM
Well I do already have two Aussies... and trust me... they LOVE picking on poor Double-Oh... but that little man can hold his own. He is one tough kitty that doesn't take crap from any dog. :) I'd be more worried for the dog, to be honest... hehe.

But when I leave the house, the dogs are crated, and he would be the same. For their safety and my peace of mind!!

05-21-2007, 03:25 PM
I have no advice first hand, but I just thought of you as I´m looking at some BT puppy pics as of right now........ (I wish hubby breaks in)

I so want to add another pupper too!!...... I was looking after a pom or a yorkie lately.......something small this time haha.......thought it might be easier to convince that way......(well I like to dream)

but BT´s are a dog in my top 5 ALWAYS!! and now there is this chance......OMG........but we´ll see as I´m in no way letting down my Huskies for nothing!!.......

I´ve seen some very nice dogs and heard very nice things about them just that as they are TERRIERS they tend to have this prey drive for small creatures, but well trained I see no problem......

05-23-2007, 07:36 PM
Plus, all terriers, and especially Bullies, are quite dog aggressive.

That is a gross over-generalization. Of course, terriers, as a general rule, are more dog aggressive than some other breeds. But to say all terriers are quite dog aggressive is simply not true.

Don't tell that to my terrier pack, currently sleeping all over each other on the couch.

If that were the case, myself and the thousands of other people who do breed rescue for terriers across the country would be completely unable to do our jobs, wouldn't we? Obviously, we take precautions such as crating and temperment testing. But in the vast majority of cases, the dogs are just fine with each other. I have had up to fourteen rescue terriers in my house at once.

That having been said, bull terriers are not the dog for everyone. They are strong-willed and can be stubborn, and as a rule, do have a tendency to be more dog aggresive than other breeds. I have a customer with three bull terriers, and they all get along fabulously. I have another customer with one bull terrier, and she says she could never get another dog.

If you can find a rescue, breeder or breed club near you, I would spend some time around them before deciding. Of course, that should be the case with any breed one considers.

05-23-2007, 08:48 PM
The fact of the matter is that a vast majority of dog breeds have tendencies towards several types of aggression. Some breeds tend to be wary of strangers and fiercely loyal to their owners. Without socialization, this wariness can often turn into stranger aggression. Example: Anatolian Shepherd. Some breeds are born with the innate susceptibility towards dog aggression. One obvious example is the Pittie. Then, there's also Akitas and Tosa Inus. Then, there are dogs who have are incredibly headstrong and have natural tendencies toward resource guarding. Without training, that turns into resource aggression. Example: Shibas.

It pretty much goes without saying that the common denominator in aggression prevention is training and socialization. With a heavy emphasis on these two aspects of dog-life, you can curb most aggressive tendencies in your dog. To say that all terriers are quite aggressive is a broad brushstroke that does not take into consideration the massive role the owner plays in a dog's behavior.

Jess, I know you are very experienced with dogs and their training. I'm sure that you will do fine. The problems only start to arise when people ignore problems and refuse to train/socialize their dogs. You'll be fine with a Bullie :)

05-23-2007, 11:25 PM
Jess, I know you are very experienced with dogs and their training. I'm sure that you will do fine. The problems only start to arise when people ignore problems and refuse to train/socialize their dogs. You'll be fine with a Bullie :)
OK, phew, that's what I thought. My two current pups are more well-trained than most children nowdays. They certainly have better manners than most, anyway.

Thank you all for your WONDERFUL advice and information :)