View Full Version : Any Wysong users please read

05-20-2007, 02:23 PM
I'm looking for help on what would be best to feed our mini-Schnauzer- just a little over 4 months old. I'd like to stick with the Wysong brand.

He's currently being served rice with burger or ground chicken, since he had the runs so bad on his previous food. We're slowly adding the Wysong Growth to it..so will see how it goes.

I noticed they also have a "Nurture"..could that be added later on with the Growth?

Then looking ahead...I'd like to use a variety of their products- dry as well as canned. Even a "burger" here and there. Is it best to stick with just one of their dry products..and add(rotate the following maybe?)some canned and/or even their Archetype/Archetype Buffet to it?

Obviously I'm a little new to this. I'm used to just feeding one product- with a human food treat and dog treats here and there.

BTW..I got interested in Wysong after seeing the Dream Treats in a store- it was the only product of Wysong the place carried. I was very impressed with the ingredients..and Little Bear loves them. He just gets a sliver of one every morning

I just hope he's not allergic or whatever to something in their food..like the corn. I have no problem with the corn being in there btw. I've learned one dog can do bad on one food...the same food everyone is raving about. Then the one somebody says "I'll never use that brand again" about..because their dog had the runs or whatever on it...turns out to be great for another.

So I'm basically going with Wysong because of the ingredients and how they process the meat(I don't get why they don't emphasize that on their packaging btw). Hopefully Little Bear's tummy will agree.

Also..I do plan on reading up on their products..maybe read their book etc..and even ask them some questions(I finally got a catalog from them after calling and leaving my name/addy...doesn't seem like they respond to emails too well). I'd just like some other input, if possible..especially from those who use their products.


05-20-2007, 03:56 PM
I don't use that one, but I have always heard good things about it, and it is always one of the best brands when brands are rated (good - better - best).

I just took a look at their web site. WOW, they have a ton of info on there.

05-20-2007, 11:56 PM
I really don't know much about different breeds needs. They have a lot of question and answer stuff on their page. Also, if you call they are usually pretty helpful.

Unlike other companies they don't try to get your money by lying to you and telling you switching is bad. Wysong actually encourages it. I mean, it makes sense. In the wild wolves and dogs don't eat just one thing. Sure, use a variety of their products, but don't forget to also give fresh meat and veggies (finely chopped,) also. (They even say this on the bags of food. Again, they aren't going to try getting your money by lying to you.)

Yeah, i wasn't happy with the corn either, but knowing the quality of ingredients they use i was willing for the trade off. I know that corn wasn't sitting around getting moldy or swept up cow feed.

They won't mention a LOT of stuff about their food. They're not frills and thrills like other brands. They want customers who have done their research and know what they are buying.

One of the things that you won't see on their bags or advertising is that most of their ingredients are organic. They explained to me that they use organic as often as possible, but it's not always available.

I feed Wysong to dogs that i watch while the owners are away on vacation (with their permission.) I have not known a dog yet that's gotten sick from it. ...and they LOVE it... Sometimes the owners had a hard time getting their dogs to eat what they bought for them. (Kibbles and Bits, Eukanuba, Ol Roy, etc.) So i suggested they buy Wysong since their dog loved it so much *evil grin*

I've only known two cats to get sick from the treats and they lived in the same house and both had FIV and were fed REALLY low quality kibble. My only guess is that they weren't used to such high protein and their PH was so totally on the opposite end of the scale.

I wish i had more answers to your questions.

Yeah, i know what you mean about certain dogs not doing well on different foods. There are so many discussions about that very topic. *blush* I actually had to put Koli on Pro Plan (Sensitive skin- Since it's made with Salmon) because the Wysong just was not fatty enough and i don't have the money to buy the extra supplements (oils and such.) I feel sooooo bad about it. I really want to feed it to her. Nothing wrong with supplementing some i suppose... but the store hours make it hard to get out there(the factory) while they're open. And i will NOT shop at the only pet store around here that still carries it. (constant animal neglect)

And yes, i love Wysong too since they either don't use heat or minimally heat treat the stuff that does need it.

Their human supplements are great too! And i LOVE their honey.

In reply to the marketplace question, this would have been better in the Dog / Health section.

05-21-2007, 07:40 AM
Thanks for the responses.

One question I have for them(or maybe you know)..is why don't the Nurture as well as their Archetype line(wouldn't the regular Archetype be fatty enough btw? I didn't say cheaper ;) ) contain probiotics?

Ok..an edit before I even post. I looked online here and those DO have the probiotics. They're not mentioned in the catalog. I'm happy to see it though :D

Do they give tours of the factory? I'm in Wisconsin but if I'm ever out that way I'd love to stop in. I plan on trying some of their people products as well.

05-21-2007, 05:27 PM
I don't have answers to your questions but I just wanted to say that I've used their dog food and some of their dog supplements and I think they're a great company.

05-24-2007, 12:22 AM
:( No, they don't. Supposedly for sanitary reasons. I've asked a couple times and always got the same response.

All that I've been able to see is from walking in to the store. The front it beautiful with a waterfall and foliage (inside the building.) and tons of office space and cubicles. Apparently it's separate for the rest of everything else (which makes sense.)

Hmmm... They have their research facility in WI. I wonder if they give tours of that?

Do they give tours of the factory? I'm in Wisconsin but if I'm ever out that way I'd love to stop in. I plan on trying some of their people products as well.

05-26-2007, 12:03 PM
Thanks again for the responses.

I was mistaken on the catalog not mentioning the probiotics for all the foods. They have **'s at the end of the ingredients list for some and if you go to the bottom of the page it'll say "go to page 19"(or whatever page) to see ingredients all the foods contain.

If the probiotics remain "active"...I'm really going to like their products(human as well). I've noticed other supplements and even brands of treats and food that contain them, so I'm assuming they are "active".

I'll have to look into the Wisconsin plant. The picture makes it look like it's just a corn etc processing place. Or maybe it's the cheese :D