View Full Version : Kohala, I'm in love with your avatar

07-14-2002, 07:16 AM

This is a BEAUTIFUL tuxedo cat! Where can I see more pictures?

07-14-2002, 03:27 PM
That really made my day, fellow tuxluvr!! Grasshopper got a spot on Bari_d's page "Cat Happy" in her Tuxedo Cat Showroom where she posted the only 3 I thought worth submitting (so far). You should send in yours and Ritzy's story and pics. I'm pretty new at this and find I need to learn a lot about posting (like how to get a link inserted!), get some more pics scanned, and new ones taken (now that I have a better idea of what looks good printwise). I have a great collection of old, out-of-focus pictures!! LOL I just took a few close-ups to send to the "Close-ups Please" link, after they're developed. I don't have a lot of digital stuff - yet!! Thank you from the bottom of her furry little heart, it feels sooooooo cool to feel connected!
Headbonks and purrs to Ritzy, and more pics, please :cool:

07-14-2002, 08:59 PM
I'll see if I can find Bari'd site. I have always had an affection for tuxedo kitties - they always seem to have very unique personalities. Ritz has added so much to our lives.

Enjoy this community! I find it one of the friendliest ones on the web.

Mom of Ritz

Here are pictures of Ritz on webshots

ritzy (http://community.webshots.com/user/riztysmom )

07-15-2002, 12:01 AM
I just looked at Ritzy's photos. She's a great poser. I love the one with the mouse on her head. How did you do that? LOL.:D

07-15-2002, 12:19 AM
After enjoying your pictures, I peeked at your profile. AHA! Another devoted servant to one and only one Tuxedo Queen! And lucky you to live where it snows!!!
You have inspired me to let Dadcat know that Grasshopper will be the subject of more rolls of film! I loved Ritzy's pics!! So many of them looked like Grasshopper I was amazed! And delighted! The avator you mentioned was my mom's idea, we took her to a portrait studio on a freebie, and ended up buying the whole package! I wish now that I had taken something hot pink to pose her on, she looks good in hot pink. (Good Grief!)
You and I know that even if they look a great deal alike, Tuxedos are unique, each and every one! I will email you her story sometime - She came from Campland on the Bay where the Granddaddy of all Tuxedos ruled the docks and organized the mousing. This guy was huge - probably 25 lbs, solid muscle. I love those Tuxedo kitties, Jellicle beauties evey one!
Ritzy is a number 1 beauty, you have every right to be so proud and in love with her!!!!!
All our best from Grasshopper's faithful students of life! And many belly rubs to Ritzy!