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View Full Version : I got to go somewhere new...by Tehya...

05-19-2007, 06:24 PM
Woooo Woooo PT

This afternoon, I got to go for a big hike with Mom and my friends, Pacer and Chum. We went somewhere I had never gone before.
We started out on our usual trail. I was happy just to be out and running around. Daisy came too, but she was nicer to me this time. Mom told her if she is mean to me, she won't be allowed to come with us anymore! That would be sad for Daisy cuz her owner doesn't take her for walkies, only Mom does. So I guess Daisy is listening to Mom and being nicer to me. We ain't buddies, but we can get along!

When we got to the trail to the lake place, Mom turned the other way! Hmmm, where are we going?
We took off down the trail! This is us coming back to Mom cuz she called us with her "I MEAN IT" voice!
Daisy is a water dog and she will lay in any kind of water, even giant puddles. Silly dog!
We walked on the new trail for awhile and then we took another turn and we were walking on these railroad tracks! That was cool! No trains go on it anymore so it's safe for us to walk on!
We ended up at this raging river! Mom says it's actually called Wolf Creek. The big dogs went swimming, but I wouldn't go in. I just got a drink at the edge. That water was very deep and it was going really fast. I might have got swept away!
Pacer didn't swim very much. He doesn't like to get wet. Doesn't he have the funniest ears? Mom says he has devil horns for ears!
Chum went swimming lots and then he was all crazy when he got out. Well, he's always a little bit crazy! Just look at his eyes, he's nuts I tell you, NUTS! :p I like him alot!
We found some snow on the way home too. Chum had to have a snow bath.

That was my fun for today.

05-19-2007, 07:01 PM
Wooooooos, Tehya!
Your mom takes you on the coolest walks! That's a really great picture of you, Chum, and Pacer running back up the trail - Pacer looks like he's flying! And we're glad to hear that Daisy is being nicer to you, she sure would hate to be left behind, we think she thinks she's also one of your mom's dogs! It's fun to hear about your adventures and see the beautiful place you live - thanks, Tehya!

woos, Star & Sherms

critter crazy
05-19-2007, 07:04 PM
What great pics!! I just love the pic of Pacer, he has the cutest ears! :D

Toby's my baby
05-19-2007, 07:35 PM
Aww, very cute pictures! Looks like you all had a blast! That friend of yours DOES look nuts! ;)

05-19-2007, 07:44 PM
You are quite the adventurer Tehya. It looks like all of you pups had a nice hike. :)

05-19-2007, 07:59 PM
That looks like fun! I love Chum's pink paw pads ;). I'd so love to walk along with you and the pack Tehya!

Daisy and Delilah
05-19-2007, 08:33 PM
With you Tehya, it's one big adventure after another. You're such a fun loving girl. We think it looks like you guys had a blast out there. Mom is a real fun lady isn't she? :) She takes really cool pics too!! :) :D :)

I can't believe there's still snow on the ground. It's summertime here every day, but it doesn't seem to be as hot as it normally is this time of year.

05-19-2007, 08:44 PM
Woooo Woooo PT
That was my fun for today.

This is a wonderful "action" shot! And anybody can see that you and all of your friends had a wonderful time, Tehya. Someone should tell Chum that rolling in that snow after getting wet is not such a "cool" idea, he he.

05-19-2007, 09:33 PM
Woooooooooo Tehya!

WOW - what a lovely day you had! My Mum laughed when you mentioned Mum calling you with her "I mean it" voice! My Mum does that too - and boy, do we know about it if we don't actually listen!!!

As for water, it is really nice, and don't worry, I am sure crazy Chum would rescue you if you got abit scared. He is such a lovely boy, and would take care of you.

Pacers' ears are abit funny, aren't they!!! Hee Hee - My Mum said I should NOT make fun of others, but I am sure Pacer understands.

Lovely to read your adventures.

Ruby (the spotted Princess!)

05-19-2007, 09:56 PM
snow & (dry) dust ...:eek: how does that works??

the ears and snowbath are too cute. :D

05-20-2007, 01:31 AM
Lovely photos Tamara :D. The 'kids' look like they were having a blast running out in the big wide world. Your photos have inspired me to get off my butt and take my dogs for a run LOL.

Thanks for sharing with us.

Ginger's Mom
05-20-2007, 08:23 AM
Really great pictures! I love the one that was reposted. I just think it would be neat to be able to call and have three dogs running to me with such enthusiasm. :)
Tehya, sweetie, you sure are having a good time up there, and I am really enjoying watching you grow and learn. Please continue to share your fun adventures with us.
And we think Pacer looks very very handsome, devil ears and all, teehee.

05-20-2007, 09:53 AM
Hi Tehya!

Isn't it fun to explore new places?? I love doing that too although sometimes I get a little lost :D You and your buddies look like you had the greatest time. Keep those stories coming baby girl - it's always fun to hear about your adventures :D

Pawsitive Thinking
05-21-2007, 06:34 AM
Wow Tehya! don't you and your friends has the best life ever??

05-21-2007, 07:02 AM
Tehya I love reading about all your adventures! You always look like your having such a good time:D

I'm glad that you and Daisy have worked out a compromise so she can tag along with you!

I gotta say I just LOVE Pacer's ears!

05-21-2007, 12:52 PM
Woooooo Tehya!

I love this picture of you! You are getting to be big!

Pacer's eye looks better than it did in the photos from your previous adventure! Yea! I'm glad Daisy gets along better with you. I like Chum's pink paw pads too, just like k9soul wrote already. Mostly I like to see beautiful you - and your beautiful dog-siblings, and the gorgeous places where you go for your adventures.


05-21-2007, 07:55 PM
Pacer's ears, hahaha! Absolutely breathtaking pictures. Remind me to buy a vacation house in Alaska :p

05-30-2007, 04:14 PM
Wooooo, Tehya ... what'cha been up to lately with your dog-family?

05-30-2007, 05:59 PM
Wooooo, Tehya ... what'cha been up to lately with your dog-family?


Pretty much nothing! I've just been hanging out with Pacer and Chum while Mom is at work. She even had to work on Saturday this week! I was not happy about that! Tonight she says she's taking Raven for a big walk cuz Raven needs some extra attention. Raven lives with Deuce and he's a little nutty, I hear. I guess that's why she gets extra attention--for putting up with Deuce! :p I haven't met Raven except through the fence. Sometimes she doesn't get along so good with other girl dogs.

Friday night, I might get to do some fun stuff. Mom's friend is having her birthday and she invited Mom and some other ladies for a girl's only night at her cabin. That lady has a bunch of rescued doggers and Mom said maybe I could go to the party too and play with those dogs. We are gunna go hiking on the weekend too. Mom said something about her bike too. I ain't never been for a bike ride, but Bandit tells me it's lots of fun(course Bandit is not allowed to run loose, like I am, so maybe biking is more fun for him!).

Next week Mom has a four day weekend and our daddy might be home for a few days. It would be nice to see him. We'll probably do some fun stuff then, even if Dad doesn't make it home.

I did almost give Mom a heart attack last night. I'm pretty good at that. When she gets home after work, she lets me out into the big yard and I run around and play for a few hours. Last night, I tried to get Heyoka to play with me. He is on his trolley fingy when I'm loose cuz he tried to eat me that time! I stayed just out of his range and made all sorts of weird sounds. Mom yelled at me "TEHYA GET YOUR LITTLE BUTT AWAY FROM HIM!!!" It's funny when she gets all worked up like that! ;)

I'll tell the lazy hoomin to get the pictures of me off her camera and into the puter so you can see my cute self again soon!

Tehya the bored!