View Full Version : Frou Frou

07-14-2002, 02:34 AM
Wow - what a darling. And a cat with a mission to bring joy to your loving owner.

Having lost some of my beloved cats in the past, I can say that there is truly nothing like a darling little kitten to ease the pain.

My Angel Baby came into my life to do the same after the loss of my precious brown burmese YumYum.

Frou Frou - you have the best day with lots of treats and cuddles.

Congrats on being such a sweet COTD.

Big purrs from Monte, Mimi and Angel Baby.

:D :D :rolleyes: :) :)

07-14-2002, 07:26 AM
:cool: I'm so happy for you,having lost several cats,due to illness or a mean neighbor,someone shot 2 of my cats.... i know how much joy one can bring to you. I have a kitten who i call SUNSHINE his coloring got him his name. Annette ;) ;)

07-14-2002, 08:48 AM
Dear, precious Frou Frou...Thank you so much for working your magic, helping your human to heal her heart after such a devastating loss. There is nothing like the love and companionship of a furry one to ease one's sorrows and lift one's spirits. I know that it's hard for ME not to smile when I gaze upon your sweet, lovely face and mesmerizing blue eyes! You are a warm and wonderful ray of sunshine and a joy to behold!! Congratulations to you Frou Frou, a true feline heroine and our most lovely, loving and deserving Cat of the Day! I hope YOUR special day of honor is as bright and sunny as you have made mine!:)

07-14-2002, 09:36 AM
Sweet baby girl, you are absolutely scrumptious!!!! The epitome of femininity, you are just purrrfectly lovely! And just the right kitten makes for just the right healing bond for your human Mom! We really smiled today when we saw your lovely face...bless you! Congratulations on finding just the right home and for being today's Royal Queen Cat of the Day!

Warm noserubs, snuggles and purrs...Bari and the Pride

07-14-2002, 11:11 AM
Frou, Frou your guardian is right, you are a ray of sunshine. What a beauty you are. I'm so sorry about your loss of Squeaky, you have my deepest sympathy. Frou, Frou is a real pretty girl and what a beautiful photo of her. Congratulations dear, sweet Frou Frou, Our Very Best Cat of the Day.
Jackie, Miss Daisy and Perry

07-14-2002, 01:42 PM
Oh, little Frou-Frou, I was so touched by your story. When people who know how much I love my Grasshopper ask her age, I get amazed reactions to the fact she's 16. I know she's not immortal, but I have a hard time accepting she's getting old in kitty time. Sometimes when I think about "when I get another cat" I turn to her and the thought dissappears. I can't imagine replacing her, never mind losing her! I am so grateful to your Mommy and to our Mayor and Founder for submitting and displaying you as our Cat of the Day! Your healing help for your Mommy after losing Squeaky is a wonderful testamonial to the Circle of Life!!!!! You will always be in my thoughts for sharing your story, and helping me see a way to adjust to what the future must inevitably bring. Much, much love to you and your mom on this wonderful, special day! And loving thoughts of Squeaky waiting at Rainbow Bridge. You are a very beautiful kitty, Frou-Frou!!!!

07-14-2002, 01:58 PM
Frou Frou
What a adorable bundle of cuteness you are. Sounds like you and your guardian saved each other. Congratulations on being our sweet Cat of the Day today.:D

07-14-2002, 03:53 PM
Precious, Frou Frou, what a ray of sunshine you are!!! I understand exactly what your mom means by that too!!! Losing a beloved pet is so painful, but knowing another one can come along and help to brighten our day, as you have for your mom, is a reassuring feeling.

You are lovely, and fortunate to have found just the right person to share your life with! Congratulations on being the Cat of the Day!! :D

07-15-2002, 02:10 AM
oooh-la-la, what a beauty you are! And how happy you have made your human. :)

Congratulations to you Frou Frou, our special COTD!

07-15-2002, 12:25 PM
Congrats on being yesterday's COTD - I just had to comment on your beauty and your precious purrsonality. So happy you were in the right place at the right time to bring sunshine back into your human's life. You certainly brought a smile to my face when I took a look at you.;)

07-16-2002, 12:31 PM
Hello little one, you are too cute for words. I think that you are precious. Congratulations on your big day!