View Full Version : new with dogs need help

05-19-2007, 09:11 AM
Hi i just got a dog its a lab pit mix its 6 weeks old i wanted to get his ear cut and wanted to know whats a good age for this? Thanks. :)

05-19-2007, 10:01 AM
Lab ears aren't meant to stand so it's probably not the best idea to cut it's ears anyway, since it's a lab mix. The leather likely will not hold a cut so I'd not do it, it can look really odd when they don't stand.

05-19-2007, 11:07 AM

05-19-2007, 11:10 AM
Why would you want to get the dogs ears cropped? It's not really good for the dog and is cruel in my opinion.

People get it done to make the dog look more vicious but then when it is vicious, the dog is destroyed or has a control order put on it. A total waste of time having a dog cut up for cosmetic reasons. People wouldn't do that to a human child.

05-19-2007, 11:11 AM
Troll or not......

The proper term is cropping, and since your pup is only 6 weeks old and a main concern of yours is when will it be old enough to chop it's ears off and disfigure it....I'm going to jump to a conclusion and guess that all you want is your dog to look mean right??
If that's the case, don't do it.

The Pitt breed has a bad enough rap as it is being a "mean" breed without owners trying to make them look mean.

There are people here that feel both ways about cropping a dogs ears.
(I'm sure you'll hear a lot from both sides)
Some like it and others are totally against it.
There is no medical reason for cropping; it's only for cosmetic reasons.

I feel it is a procedure that puts dogs through unnecessary pain and I am VERY against it.
Cropping ears and docking tail have been banned in other countries and I pray it's banned here in the states as well too on day.

Do you have any other dogs?
What is your puppies name?

05-19-2007, 11:27 AM
please do NOT crop your dog's ears!! I would love to see pics of your pup.. btw 6 weeks is way too young for a pup to be away from the mother. :(

and well said, Angie!

05-19-2007, 01:47 PM


05-19-2007, 06:01 PM
PLEASE DO NOT cut/crop your dogs ears! It looks really bad, and it is dangerous, and really hurts the dog. Where did you get your dog?? Hopefully from a shelter, and not a BYB, of pet store.... and by the way, 6 weeks is way to young for a puppy to be taken from it's mother. :mad: