View Full Version : for those of you that watched ER lastnight

05-18-2007, 12:38 PM
HEY! I don't want you guys to think I'm an ER freak :) but I lvoe the show and I missed it (well the first 45 min. of it!! I thought I hit record on the vcr, but I guess not :mad: anyway...for those of you who watched it can you fill me in on what happened??

What happened with Gates and the little girl?? (that's where I started watching it, when she had to leave and she was crying...

What did Neela and Ray say to each other??

I guess that's all I want to know... thanks guys! talk to you later..


05-18-2007, 12:48 PM
Neela and Ray didn't say much, it was kind of just left hanging, his mom took him back to Baton Rouge. Was like I'm so sorry, you'll get through this, I wated for you. No professions of love, mostly silence since the other chick was in the room most of the time. The little girl was given to the grandparents by the court and had to leave with them. That's about it. Was kind of a let down season finale.

05-18-2007, 01:28 PM
aw man! talk about spoliers...... (although I love them) but now I just canīt wait to catch up...... Iīve been missing the whole 12 season and now the 13 and who knows what else......

I want to know more!!! ;)

05-18-2007, 01:54 PM
They didn't say anything. She had written her vows on her hand but scrubbed in and washed them off. That's when she realized she couldn't marry him. She went to his apartment in her wedding dress and found all his items that mean anything to him gone. She went into anxiety mode and ripped off her necklace and dress (she couldn't get out of the dress fast enough so her Maid of Honor cut the zipper). Once she got out of the dress, she breathed a sigh of relief and broke down sobbing in her Maid of Honor's arms.

Um I'm sorry, but what are you talking about? =) Last night's episode was about Neela finding Ray after his truck accident, Luca going to Croatia to help his ill father and he and Abby didn't go on their honeymoon because of it, a new ER chief of staff who grilled all the docs, and Gates losing custody of his "daughter" to her grandparents.

So now I'm confused? hehehe

05-18-2007, 02:20 PM
LOL - when I read moosmom's post - yup that was Greys, but it seems like every show finale that had a wedding coming up - the marriage didn't happen - Bones, Ugly Betty, Grey's Anatomy and now I'm wondering what's going to happen on Sunday with Desperate Housewives and Brothers & Sisters.

Did all the producers get together and plan this? I mean weddings on ALL the shows coming up to the finales and then the weddings not happening at the finale? Something's fishy :p

P.S. and now I see on ER someone didn't go on a honeymoon

PPS If you miss any part of any episodes on TV now, you can always view them from the network's website. I think they're ALL doing free episodes now.

05-18-2007, 03:13 PM
Ooops, sorry! I always get the two confused. I deleted my post so as not to spoil it for anyone.

05-18-2007, 05:15 PM
thanks guys, thanks Vela! It was a really sad ER, huh? I hope Neela is ok; it looked like all those people were running all over her! :(