View Full Version : How long does it take....

05-18-2007, 07:12 AM
for you to wake up?

I was thinking this morning about how miserable I am to get out of bed.

7:00 Alarm screams at me. I punch it ;) Spend the next 20 minutes in a half-conscious state.
7:20 Start thinking I need to wake up and get outta bed
7:30 I finally crawl out of bed, then refuse to talk to anyone, even the monsters. I actually bump into walls!
7:45 Stumble to the car to drive the girls to school. We all realize I'm a lousy driver when I'm fully alert. The ride to school in the morning is downright scary :o
8:00 Return home and start getting ready for work with my first cup of caffeine. Do this on auto-pilot.
9:00 Finally totally awake and comprehensive.
Sooo.... it takes me a full two hours to become a fully functioning human in the mornings! :eek: How about you?!

PS: Here's hubby:
5:30 alarm sings (his is set for radio, mine is buzzer)
5:40 out of shower singing goofy made-up songs.
6:00 fully dressed, completely awake without the aid of caffeine, and on his way out the door to work
How on earth can he do it?!?! I hate him! ;)

Silly thread but I thought we need some fun.

05-18-2007, 07:16 AM
Kim I am laughing at your description of yourself. :) I am actually a morning person and wake up on the weekends at the same time as during the week. If I should sleep a little past 6:00 Trevor will come in and remind me that he hasn't eaten yet. :rolleyes: My hubby is more like you, while I am more like your hubby. Of course I fade early in the evening though. :o

05-18-2007, 07:17 AM
It totally depends on the day, and I haven't been able to figure out what makes the difference. Even on my earliest days at work (have to be there @ 4 am) some days I pop right out of bed and I'm alert the whole day. Other days I don't know how I even make the 20 minute drive.

Dh is like yours. He's up and doing stuff within 15 minutes of waking. He'd love for his days to end around 4 o'clock, though.

05-18-2007, 07:39 AM
I am very groggy in the morning but find that turning on every light in the house as soon as my eyes open helps chase away the cobwebs. Hubby laughs at me but I just tell him that it is my "light therapy" :)

05-18-2007, 07:54 AM
I always set my alarm about an hour before I actually want to wake up. The snooze is set for 5 minutes and I know that I can hit it 6 times and still have enough time to dress and get ready for class. The ten minute walk usually wakes me up quite a bit...especially if there's snow or rain involved. So on a regular schoolday it takes me about an hour to become coherent.

05-18-2007, 08:33 AM
ugh I am so not a morning person. The alarm goes off at 6:00, at which time Roscoe jumps up and runs around the room to be let outside. Every once in a while, if I pretend I'm still asleep, hubby will let him out. But usually he just nudges me and tells me to get up. So I let him out, feed the cats, then go back to bed. Around 6:30 hubby gets up to shower, and I continue hitting the snooze until he's done, about 7:00. Then I lay there with the covers over my head and say '5 more minutes!' until I look at the clock and realize if I don't get up that second I am going to be very late to work. I'd say I fully wake up around 5:00pm, when I get to go home :D

Pawsitive Thinking
05-18-2007, 08:35 AM
Alarm goes off at 6.45am
2.30pm - still asleep :D

05-18-2007, 11:16 AM

LOL.... now don't get me wrong. I LOVE to sleep in more than anything in the whole world but when my alarm clock goes off I am up and out of bed and ready in 15 minutes lol.

05-18-2007, 11:32 AM
Well, my work situation is a little different than most since I just have to walk down the hall to the dining room where breakfast is waiting for me then a long stroll to my office.

When I'm at work, the alarm goes off at 5:00. Normally my "bladder alarm" has already awoken me so I'm already up. Pee. Wash face. Brush teeth. Brush hair. Get dressed. Slap one some makeup. Leave my room. Look down and double-check that I didn't leave the room naked (because my brain is still technically asleep). Get breakfast -- more importantly -- get coffee!. Walk to my office. Boot up the computer. Eat breakfast while I read e-mail. Look at the clock -- it's 5 o'Dark thirty. Check my mirror to make sure I don't have any breakfast in my teeth then I'm off to my first meeting of the day (6:30).

My brain finally awakens around 9:00 after a few more cups of coffee. Until then I basically run on autopilot. My boss has actually come in my office, looked deep into my eyes and said, "You're still asleep. We'll talk about this later." :o Thank goodness I don't have to drive any heavy machinery!

When I'm off work, try as I might, I usually can't sleep past 7:30. :rolleyes:

05-18-2007, 11:51 AM
When I'm not sick:

7:30 Alarm goes off
7:32 fully dressed & rushing to the bathroom & feedign Bear
7:35 I put the leash on Bear & take her potty
7:44 I drive away

When I'm sick:

7:00 Cell Alarm # 1 goes off
7:15 Cell Alarm # 2 goes off
7:30 Normal Alarm goes off & my normal routine begins

When Bear sleeps with me (she has for a few nights now).. I have to push her off my bed, then push her out of my room lol shes lazy & hates being woken up... until food hits her dish, then the inhailing begins lol

Miss Z
05-18-2007, 11:52 AM
Well, I've always sad that I'm never truly awake until about 9pm, then I'm never truly tired until 9am. I guess I'm a little mixed up, perhaps I was destined to be born a hedgehog. :p

05-18-2007, 02:39 PM
Alarm goes off at 5:45 (the radio). I rarely hear it. Some time between 6:00 and 6:15 I actually get out of bed.



Pet talk.

Cat duties.


I am probably 90 % awake begining after the bathroom.

05-18-2007, 04:03 PM
5:55am Alarm goes off.
Buddy starts barking at the door to go outside.
Sierra and the hubby are still sounds asleep. :rolleyes:
At about 6:05 Hubby pushes me out of bed to let Bud outside because he's STILL barking at the door.
While 90% still asleep, stumble towards door, turn coffee pot on as I walk through kitchen to back door to let dogs out.
Buddy ZOOMS out the door while Sierra is still asleep with the hubby.
I have to call Sierra 3 or 4 times to get her to wake up and get out of bed (or hubby pushes her off bed).
Then I sit down and watch news until I hear coffee pot stop brewing.
Get up, pack hubby's lunch, get coffee and drink coffee while watching news.
Hubby leaves house at 6:40 for work then I get in shower.
Try to leave house by 7:30 to make it to work on time at 8:00.

05-18-2007, 04:20 PM
I wake up in about 2minutes but it takes me almost two hours to be completely out of 'morning-mode' and ready for school.

Some time between 6 and 6:30- Parents leave for work, which is my cue to wake up.

Some time between 6:02-6:32- Pee and get breakfast.

6:30- Go on computer and surf the internet

7:00- Actually start getting ready for school. Put on contacts, wash face, brush teeth, brush hair, change clothes, make bed and take dogs out to go potty.

7:30- Double check I don't have any eye gunk, clean ears and make myself 'pretty'

7:35- wake up brother and wait while HE wakes up

7:40- start getting belongings together

7:45- Out of door and on the way to school.

05-18-2007, 04:39 PM
6:35am- alarm goes off
6:36am- I go back to sleep by acciedent
6:50am- My mum comes in and drags me out of bed then I get dressed and go to the loo
7:00am- Go downstairs and eat breakfast
7:30am- do teeth, wash face and brush hair plus sort out my school bag
7:45am- unlock door put shoes on etc
7:55am- Walk to school (about a 35 minute walk)

05-18-2007, 05:00 PM
... Look at the clock -- it's 5 o'Dark thirty...

OMG! LOL I thought my family was the only one that used this phrase! O'dark thirty *giggle*

Funny thread. I'm not a morning person, never have been - but work has sort of made me into one. I still don't just pop out of bed in the morning, but I'm getting up a lot later than I used to. On normal days (those with no early morning meetings), I set my alarm for 7:20. I try to squeeze as much sleep time in as possible. Lately though, I've been waking to nature's call around 6:45, but then I get back into bed and sometimes doze back off until my alarm sounds at 7:20. That gives me just enough time to get ready and run out the door. I pee, wash hands and face, brush teeth, apply makeup, do hair then put on clothes and leave. I'm usually out the door by 8:00 and at work by 8:15!

05-18-2007, 06:08 PM
I'm currently in college, so what my routine switches day by day. If I get up super early, I'm more likely going to be moving slowly.

However, I'm in May Term right now, which is one class for 4 weeks, 2 hours a day. It doesn't start until noon.

I set my phone alarm for 9 just so I can get up and look over stuff, have time to laze around, etc etc. Most mornings, though, I wake up way before then. Sometimes, I wake up right before it goes off. If I wake up naturally, then I can pop out of bed within seconds and be ready.

My roommate laughs at me because my morning routine is a short one, even if I have to take a shower. My showers are speedy quick. She hasn't even had time to brush her teeth by the time I'm out of the shower. Hahaha.

I can be ready within minutes of getting up, and I'm never really tired when I get up. It's usually a few hours later that I'm feeling tired. That's what I come back from class and lab and take a nap! :)

05-18-2007, 06:27 PM
Depends on the situation..

In the summer and on the weekends, when I am actually going somewhere fun, I wake up early and am fully awake about 20-30 minutes later.

To wake up on a school morning, well that's the opposite..hehe. My sister gets me up at 6:00 and I stay in bed for about 10 more minutes. At 6:10 I get up and get ready. I'd say I'm fully awake at around 11:50 AM when I go to lunch, then I'm fine. Too bad after lunch I only have 2 more periods left of school. :D :rolleyes: :p

05-18-2007, 09:14 PM
My alarm is set for 5:15, but it rarely ever goes off (it's set on radio). Taz usually wakes me up, or I just automatically wake up about 5 minutes before the alarm goes off. (not to mention I usually get up at least once during the night to potty, or let Zoee potty)
I can't snooze. I'm always afraid of falling back to sleep and being late for work. I'm NEVER late...I'm always at least 30 minutes early (mainly just to beat traffic).

But Bruce is just like you and I'm just like your hubby. LOL :D

05-18-2007, 09:31 PM
Alarm set for 6:30 am (most days :p )

Oscar has arrived to occupy most of pillow some time during the wee hours. I lie on my back so he can gauge the best angle to FLOMP down and slam his furry head and bod into my skull and left ear!

Starts purring solid. Throws front leg over my mouth (mrf,mfff) and gives my nose a really serious grooming, followed by a token go-through of my forehead!

Goes back to purring, and puts his paw on my chest, and I put one finger under his toesies and we doze 'holding hands'.

Get out of bed??? How is that POSSIBLE? :)

But Cole mews for food, and I crawl up by 7 am (most days :rolleyes: ), and feed them, surf the net, clean up, have brekkie, and always leave 10 minutes late for work - by quarter to 8 or so.


Great thread Catnapper!

Lady's Human
05-18-2007, 09:35 PM
I wake up about 1/2 hours after the first cup of coffee. No sooner. :p

05-19-2007, 03:51 AM
1) 7Am is just too darned early to be awake
2) You may want to talk to your doctor about sleep apnea.

It takes me about 10 minutes after 10AM about 20 minutes if it's before 9AM.

Oh, you said fully functioning... NOT until about 10 minutes after I've had my oatmeal. Sugar balancing takes a few minutes.

Sara luvs her Tinky
05-19-2007, 05:56 AM
Some of these are really making me laugh....

0400 - alarm goes off - hit snooze
0410 - hit snooze
0420 - hit snooze
0430 - get out of bed and make Alden a bottle.. put him in his playpen with bottle and take shower
0450 - feet two hungry kitties and get Alden and myself dressed
0515 - *hopefully* leaving the house
0535 - dropping Alden off at babysitter
0600 - arrive to work and *first things first* drink first cup of coffee
0620 - *wake up*

05-19-2007, 02:02 PM
I'm usually up at about 4am to let Pacer out and reassure Anvik that I am still alive. Back in bed 10 Minutes later.

Alarm goes off at 6:21; I actually get out of bed 9 minutes later when it goes off again!

6;30-6:45...Shower and put contacts in. Since I rarely wear my glasses unless I"m sick, contacts are part of feeling awake! Pop allergy meds

6:45-7:00....Feed cats, scoop litterboxes, clean up any critter related messes that happened overnight.

7:00-7:30....get ready for work, move the dogs to their daytime spots, haul water for the dogs, hand out canine medications as needed, head count to make sure everyone is accounted for. Once a week or so Stuart will call early in the morning.

To be on time for work, I have to be out of the yard by 7:40 at the very latest.

At work by 8am, drink copious amounts of coffee....I don't do anything really complicated until at least 9:30. My office door is usually closed til then and my assistant and my boss have both learned to not ask me much until I reopen the door!

Stuart is a morning person, goes from dead sleep to wide awake in a millisecond and functions quite nicely on less than 5 hours sleep. Last week, he worked 40 hours straight without sleep and didn't miss a beat.

On the weekends routine is the same, critters like routine! Except I usually go back to bed after I've moved all the dogs to their safe spots! Today I didn't actually get up and stay up til 11am.